Wizard King

Chapter 121: Sword of Gryffindor

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Coming down to the Great Hall the next morning, all eyes were on him as he entered the Hall. Without skipping a step or halting, Harry made his way over to the Hogwarts table and took his seat. 

He wouldn't let the opinions of others dictate him, they could think whatever they want; good or bad. He will still be himself. 

However, he did look in the direction of Seamus Finnigan, and Dean Thomas who flinched back in fear under his gaze. He knew it and they knew it that they were on thin ice with him, one more slip up and they would be joining their so called friend out the door. 

It wasn't long before his friends joined him, and he was glad he made acquaintances like them. They at least knew how to be supportive of him and have his back when he needed it the most. 

"So if you didn't enter your name into the goblet then who did?" Hermione wondered out loud, he could see that question had her up all night as she must have been mulling over it. 

"Isn't it obvious," Harry pointed out, "Moody or should I say Barty Jr. who had been pretending to be Alastor Moody."

"That does make sense," Susan nodded her head. 

"But why? Why would he put your name in? Did he somehow think you would die for him in the tournament?" Daphne asked. "It just doesn't make sense, he could have done it himself. That would have been so much easier."

"Well there have been a lot of people that died in the tournament, so it is a toss of the dice really," Angelina pointed out as she along with Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet who were all part of the Gryffindor Quidditch team took their seats.

"Beats me," Harry lied as he shrugged his shoulders. He really didn't want them to start knowing that Voldermort sent Barty Jr here and he must have been the one who told him to put his name into the goblet. 

It was clear Voldermort had something planned, someway in which he planned to collect his blood. Harry did not know if that plan was still in motion since he did uncover his secret operative in the school and ferreted him out of his hiding hole. 

However he needed to be prepared, already he had started doing some research in this resurrection method Voldermort had cooked up. He was already looking for ways to counteract it and somehow mess up this ritual. 

There was no way he wanted to see Voldermort come back to his full strength, he already saw that the psycho was too much to handle in his weakened state. What would happen if he was back to the height of his power.... nothing good really. 

Just then Harry noticed Professor McGonagall making her way to him and from the anger in her eyes he could see that she must have found out about what happened yesterday. 

"Mr. Potter," she called out as she came to stand before him, "by Merlin's beard, boy, what did you do?" 

"What do you mean, Professor McGonagall?" Harry asked innocently, he knew he would have to face the music sooner or later about what he did last night. However, he still stood by his decision.

Ron did not belong in Gryffindor nor has he ever shown the qualities that are found in the house. He has always been a jealous git without two brain cells to even rub together. He did not know why he did not see it, but it was most likely because he was a vulnerable child who grew up in an abusive home and latched on to the first sign of friendship. 

Nevertheless, now his eyes were open and you could say he was getting all the love and much more than ever before and he could clearly see a person's character now without that desperation from before. 

"Don't play innocent with me," Professor McGonagall snapped at him as she scowled. "Why... no how did you even do it?" she asked, getting to the question that must have bugged her.

"Oh, you mean how did I effectively remove him from Gryffindor's house?" Harry smiled as he held out his Lordship ring to her and it flashed to the Gryffindor's coat of arms. "Well, I am heir to the founder of Gryffindor so it is one of my powers." 

"You... you..." she tried to say, but the older woman kept on looking down at his ring with disbelief written all over her face. Finally, she uttered clearly, "I did hear from the other students what went down... but I just couldn't believe it," she whispered. 

Then shaking her head to get rid of her stupefaction she turned to look at him with stern eyes, if there was one thing he could give Professor McGonagall then it was she did not give a shit who you were. She treated everyone equally and that was what he liked about her. 

Still he did wish she showed him some of that favoritism she had been giving him all year to, somehow in her mind, make up for all the failing she thought she held for his childhood. 

"You young man," she waved her hand at him, "are in deep trouble. I do not care if you have the power to kick and bring in whoever you wish into Gryffindor. Nor do I care if you are the bloody heir to Godric Gryffindor!" she shouted at the top of her lungs causing everyone to stare in her direction as she gave him a tongue lashing. 

"If you have a problem you come to me. Now Ron Weasley lays in the hospital ward under Poppy's care because you sent him through a fricking wall. What were you thinking young man?" she asked him. 

Flinching back in ghost pain, Harry sort of felt bad for that, in his anger he really didn't think through that. He had no plan in harming Ron as he didn't see himself as a bully and despised them with all his being since he had after all suffered at their hands. All he wanted to do was teach Ron a valuable lesson, Never fuck with him or what is his!

"Now you will be seeing the Headmaster this evening who will decide your punishment! Am I understood!"

"Yes, Ma'am," Harry nodded his head as he did not want to anger the witch any more than where she was at right now. 

"Good," she said and then added in a low tone that only he could hear, "I am disappointed in you, Harry. I thought you would act better than this." 

Looking down at his plate and feeling a bit of shame, Harry steeled himself and turned to look at her. "I stand by my decision, Professor McGonagall, and don't regret it. If I had a chance to do it all over again, I would do it."

Sighing, Professor McGonagall stood up and parted with, "So be it!"


If Harry had thought that matters would improve once everyone got used to the idea of him being champion, the following day showed him how mistaken he was.

He could not avoid the rest of the school and it was clear that he would have to face the music. There were some who of course thought he had entered himself for the tournament fools as they might be there were quite a few of them. Others who had some doubts looked at him with unsure expressions, and Harry was very glad to see he had a lot of people on his side to even things out.

They each had a variety of emotions from pity to support, but they all were on his side of the camp.

The Ravenclaws were their usual indifferent selves who really couldn't care less with all that was going on except for the book up their faces. It clearly had nothing to do with them as they had no skin in the game since the champions weren't from their house, so they were their usual selves.

The Gryffindors were of course all a jubilant bunch, Harry had shown during the Hogwarts Dueling tournament that he was the most powerful student in the school. So they knew they had a chance in winning this thing. Plus he had the odd feeling that he was now being treated like royalty. 

Colin and a bunch of other Gryffindors would follow around him all day using if he needed anything or wanted something down. It really started to make him regret showing that he was the heir to Godric Gryffindor.

The Hufflepuffs, on the other hand, were a whole nother matter, they were usually on excellent terms with the Gryffindors as they were always close allies. Now however they had turned remarkably cold toward the whole lot of them. One Herbology lesson was enough to demonstrate this.

It was plain that the Hufflepuffs felt that Harry had stolen their champion’s glory; a feeling exacerbated, perhaps, by the fact that Hufflepuff House very rarely got any glory, and that Cedric was one of the few who had ever given them any. Ernie Macmillan and Justin Finch Fletchley, with whom Harry normally got on very well, did not talk to him even though they were working together at the same table — though they did laugh rather unpleasantly when one of the plants a Bouncing Bulbs wriggled free from Harry’s grip and smacked him hard in the face.

Harry was a bit glad to see Professor Sprout on his side as she gave a stern warning to her house. She knew the weight of the magical vow he took and didn't doubt it validity.

He would have been looking forward to seeing Hagrid under normal circumstances, but Care of Magical Creatures meant seeing the Slytherins too — the first time he would come face-to-face with them since becoming champion.

Predictably, Malfoy arrived at Hagrid’s cabin with his familiar sneer firmly in place. “Ah, look, boys, it’s the champion,” he said to Crabbe and Goyle the moment he got within earshot of Harry.

“Got your autograph books? Better get a signature now, because I doubt he’s going to be around much longer after all the Triwizard champions have died in the games. How long do you reckon you’re going to last, Potter? Ten minutes into the first task’s my bet.”

Crabbe and Goyle guffawed sycophantically out loud at Malfoy's joke, Harry thought about doing the same thing he did to Ron towards Draco. But it wasn't worth it, and he really couldn't be revealing too much of his hand as of yet. 

"I am surprised to see you, Draco," Harry smiled at pompous ass. 

"How so?" the boy asked as he narrowed his eyes at him, clearly not liking the cheerful expression on his face.

"I thought daddy dearest would ship you off to some corner of the word to hide the family shame, you know with you being a bastard and all, after your mother got kicked out of her family."

"Why you little..." the little ass begin to scream as his face turned beat red and he clenched his fist, but before he could react properly Hagrid walked in and class was on its way. 

Throughout the period, he caught Draco staring at him with pure venom in his gaze and all Harry did was return a cheeky smile which seemed to anger him even more. 

After class was over, Harry couldn't help himself as he walked past Draco and whispered to him. "Don't think about doing anything funny, Malfoy. I am after all your better now with you now being a bastard and me your superior as a half-blood."

When the day was mostly over, Harry got his reminder from Professor McGonagall to go see Dumbledore and with a sigh, after dinner, he headed to the old man's office. He really hated meeting with the old man, every time they broke into a conversation it was like they were playing 5-D chess as Harry had to maneuver and turn to avoid being caught off guard.

He was greeted at the door by the two gargoyles who opened the door from him allowing him to enter. Walking inside he saw Dumbledore tending to Fawkes, the fiery bird seem to be on the road to recover. His wing had a coat of some medicinal herbs plastered on it as slowly some sort of green liquid dripped out of its body and on to the ground. 

"Hey, Fawkes, doing alright?" Harry greeted the bird who chirped back to him in answer. 

"He is doing fine," the old man answered as he rubbed the bird's head. "He is on the road to recovery and will soon be able to spread his wings."

"That's good to hear," Harry nodded his head. 

"Please take a seat," the old man said as he pointed to the chair opposite him as he took his own. Doing so, the old man begin, "We still haven't been able to located Voldermort, I fear he has fled beyond this country at this point."

"That is not good," Harry shook his head, he didn't tell the old man that he and Sirius were following their own leads which they were able to make Peter spill. He didn't want the old man to start raising some questions, he will only tell him when they turn something out. As for now, he would be keeping the headmaster in the dark about the fact they have Peter deep within the Black family dungeons.

"Yes, well we do have some good news, the mysterious lady turns out to be called Nagini and just as I feared she was a Maledictus. She is very thankful for being cured and would love nothing more than to meet you, her savior."

"I would love that," Harry nodded his head. "Was she able to give any valuable information on Voldermort?"

"No, Amelia interview her and she got nothing. The poor woman was overtaken by the beast she became. She was effectively just a snake one that Voldermort experimented on heavily. Thankfully you and Fawkes cured her and rid her off all the taint in her."

"We were more in line of ending the thing she was, but I am glad with this outcome," Harry admitted.

"A Dragon and Phoenix working in tandem is indeed very miraculous. They are know to vanquish evil and bring about prosperity," the old man revealed. Then peering at him with sparkling eyes turning sharp, the old man continued, "It comes to me as a great surprise that your animagus form is that of a Dragon, and if I am correct it can be classified in the Great Wyrm category."

Yea it must have given the old bastard a heartattack to find out he could achieve such a powerful form. Smiling and acting humble, Harry admitted, "It was all Sirius really, he was able to help be achieve it, it seems like he and my father found a way to achieve a magical creature animagus form."

Then quickly changing the topic on the old man, he asked innocently, "What is your animagus form, Headmaster. I am sure someone of your abilities was able to do it long time ago." It was a small test really, he admitted his form so it was common to return the favor. 

Pausing, the old man smiled, and admitted, "Mine is that of a Unicorn."

'So gay,' Harry thought, but outwardly he uttered, "A Unicorn that is indeed a.... mightly form!"

"Yes now moving on the reason why we are here," the old man nodded his head, finally stop dancing around the subject. "Why didn't you tell me you were the heir to Godric Gryffindor?"

Not expecting that question, Harry was caught unaware and took a moment to pause and think his response over. The old bastard was really a sly one, but Harry kept his head, "Ahh that," he said as if it were only just a little thing. "I just found out about this summer."

Nodding his head, the old goat admitted, "I did always have my suspicion that the Potter line might be connected in some way or form to the Gryffindor. But I never had it proven until today," he said as he looked at him. 

"O, it was the Sword of Gryffindor that told me," Harry shrugged his shoulder. "Can't only the heirs to Gryffindor wield it?" he asked naively.

"Mmm," the old man muttered, "you are correct. Why... o, well," he sighed. 

"About that, could I have it back," Harry suddenly asked out of the blue. 


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