Wizard King

Chapter 122: Wand Weighing


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"O, it was the Sword of Gryffindor that told me," Harry shrugged his shoulder. "Can't only the heirs to Gryffindor wield it?" he asked naively.

"Mmm," the old man muttered, "you are correct. Why didn't I... O, well," he sighed as he waved off whatever he must have been thinking.

"About that, could I have it back," Harry suddenly asked out of the blue. Looking at the Sorting Hat which rested on the shelf behind the old man's desk, it looked like it was asleep, he did try to converse with it when he was alone here, but it didn't respond at all for some reason even though he was now the Hogwarts Heir now.

If Harry had to guess the old man must have done something to the Sorting Hat, he wouldn't put past the old man anything. 

There was so much inconsistency with the Sorting hat, people going to houses that they don't belong in. It was like it wasn't doing its one job properly which was sorting each new student into their proper house.

There were many people he could think that went to houses that they didn't belong in. Those that came to the top of his mind where; Herminioe who clearly belonged to Ravenclaw, yes, she was brave there was no denying that, however where she belonged was obviously the raven nest. 

And the list just goes on; Neville who fit perfectly in Hufflepuff, yes, he was slowly finding that bravery he had in him but his Hufflepuff traits of kindness, compassion, and loyalty outshined everything else. 

Then of course there were Ron and Draco who just didn't belong in their houses, a proper reason couldn't be just because their family always went into those houses. He was sure Ron belonged in Slytherin and he only showed the bad traits of that house with no cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness in him at all. All he really had was ambition that he did not know how to focus. 

And Draco he would have put him into Hufflepuff just to mess with him. However to be honest that pompous ass didn't have the qualities found in that house. Really he fit in none and Harry believed that was the issue with the four house system, everyone who didn't fit in the other three houses always got thrown into Hufflepuff. 

Turned back to look at the old man with a smile on his face, he was daring him to deny him his right. 

"About that..." the old man hesitated, clearly not expecting his demand with the way he looked unsure how to really respond. 

Putting pressure on him, Harry didn't want him to slip out of this like he always does. "That sword belongs to my house, Headmaster, it was only left in the company of the school until the next heir comes."

"Yes, I understand my boy," the old goat smiled kindly to him. "However this weapon is a very powerful artifact. I hate to say it, but I am not sure you can carry this burden."

Snoring out loud as he couldn't hold himself back from laughing right in the old bastard's face, Dumbledore stared at him as if he just lost his mind as he bent over in a belly laugh. 

Wiping the tear on the corner of his eye, Harry held out a hand, "I am sorry, Headmaster, but that was just the funniest thing you have ever said."

"How so?" the powerful wizard asked as he furrowed his busy eyebrows in confusion, really not understanding where he was coming from. "I am not kidding, my boy, this is something that comes with so much complications and problems that I do not believe you are able to handle yet."

"But weren't you the one who gave me my family's invisibility cloak in my first year?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow. "We both know how that sort of thing could get to a child's head, but you still believed that I was able to handle it. So please tell me how is this any different?" 

"I... I.." the old man faltered, with really nothing to say. 

"Exactly," Harry said seeing the old man tongue tied, "and I would argue that I am now more mature. So I can handle it, Headmaster, you don't have to worry yourself about it."

Seeing that he always had the old bastard as he looked at the hat for a long moment, Harry knew he had to put one more pressure on him. It was a risky move, but if he wanted to get the sword, he guessed it was the only option left for him. 

"I do believe you are already in enough trouble with the Wizengamot, Headmaster for you know... Do you think it would be wise to add the withhold of a child's inheritance?" 

That seem to freeze the old wizard in place as he slowly then turned to take him in. Returning tick for thought, Harry didn't shy away and then finally at long last the old man got up and brought the sorting hat over.

"Hat, please awaken!" the old man called out as slowly the hat began to stir. With his Magic Sight, Harry saw that there seem to be a trap holding the hat inactive and the old bastard words must have been the activation words to awaken it. 

Watching closely, it wasn't long before the hat was awake and it spoke up grumpily, "What do you want you old coot?" it asked. 

"We require the sword," Dumbledore answered simply.

"Ha," the hat laughed, "you will never get that you bastard. Only the heir of Godric can wield it, better wish in the next life you are born as the long last heir of House Gryffindor."

From its tone, Harry could clearly see that there was no love lost between the two of them at all.

"If you want you could try," the hat added slyly, "but I believe you learned your lesson once. Or maybe you forgot about it thanks to your old age."

"I do not wish the sword for myself," the old man sighed, then turning the hat around to face him. Dumbledore spoke up, "Meet the new of House Gryffindor, Harry Potter."

"Harry is that you, really?" the hat asked as it squinted at him. 

"Yes, it has been quite a while since we meet," he smiled at the old batty artifact which was thousands of years old that it was able to form the spark needed for consciousness.

"I came to claim my birthright," he nodded respectfully to the hat. 

Narrowing its eyes it looked at him and back at Dumbledore, "are you really sure it isn't this old bastard influencing you?"

"I only required it to fight against Voldermort," the old wizard sighed. 

"Ha, as if I would believe it," the hat uttered, "more like you wanted to keep it for yourself."

"Now that is not true..." the old man sternly spoke up. 

"That is not the case, Hat," Harry cut in, "I know how this works. The sword belongs to me unless I give it freely to another."

"Good," it said as it hopped in place, "now I believe you know how to draw it out already since you have done so in the past."

"Yes," Harry nodded his head as he got up and put his hand inside the gaping black hole, he wondered what other items were inside of it. The hat was here since the formation of the school and he was pretty sure it had a massive spatial storage ability. 

Quickly his finger touched on a very familiar red ruby jewel, and Harry grabbed the handle and pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor.

It was still as beautiful as the day he pulled it out in the chamber of secrets to battle the basilisk. 

Fashioned from pure silver, it is inset with rubies, the stone that represents Gryffindor in the hour-glasses that count the house points at Hogwarts. Godric Gryffindor's name is engraved just beneath the hilt.

"Magnificent," Harry heard Dumbledore whisper.

Breaking his eye from it, Harry quickly stored the weapon in his lordship ring, and smiled at the old man, "Thank you, Headmaster. You too hat."

"No problem," the old man said. "Now on to you kicking out Ronald Weasley from Gryffindor."

"Oh, that, what about it," Harry shrugged his shoulders.

From the side, he could see the hat laughing and wheezing as it asked, "You really did that, hahaha! He deserves that, never did belong there."

"You can't do that..." the old man began however Harry quickly cut him off. 

"I think I can, Headmaster and I already did."

"That is not what I mean," the old man said sternly, "It doesn't matter if you have the power or authority it is not something that should in the periphery of a student."

"Actually, Headmaster, as the heir to Godric it is my solemn duty to see that only those who show characteristics of my house can enter. As we both know Ron does not the traits of courage, chivalry, and determination."

"Then I recommend you rethink it, my boy," the old man emphasized. 

"No' Harry shook his head, "I stand by my section and will not be wishy washy. Ron does not BELONG in Gryffindor. It was a mistake putting him there."

"It wasn't my decision," the hat pointed out as he glowered at the old man, "it was all his."

"I... i had to honor traditions," the old man voiced. 

"Well I don't care," Harry said, "I recommend you resort him and this time put him in his correct house." With that, Harry turned around and headed out, from behind him Dumbledore kept on calling his name but Harry didn't turn around from his stride. 


Walking up the next morning, Harry was glad he had Hermione right there besides him to comforting him at the start of his day. 

Resting her hand on his shoulder, she whispered as she gave him a kiss, "It is going to be alright, okay. You got this tournament in the bag."

"Thanks," Harry smiled at her, but he didn't mention to her what his real worry was all about, what Voldermort had cooked up. 

When he and Hermione arrived at downstairs into the Great Hall for breakfast, they found a few Slytherins wearing a large badge on the front of his or her robes.

Taking a second glance at them saw that they all bore the same message, in luminous red letters that burnt brightly: Support Cedric Diggory, the real Hogwarts Champion!

“Like them, Potter?” Draco asked loudly as he approached him along with his two followers.

“And this isn’t all they do — look!” He pressed his badge into his chest, and the message upon it vanished, to be replaced by another one, which glowed green: Potter Stinks!

The Slytherins he most likely bribed to put on those badges howled with laughter.

Each of them pressed their badges too, until the message Potter Stinks was shining brightly all around Harry.

“Oh very funny,” Hermione said sarcastically to them, coming to his defense. 

"Ignore them," Harry shook his head as he helped her take a seat. "Very ingenious of you, Malfoy. Only a three year old could come up with that. What's next; Harry smells of poppy?!" he barked out in laughter to which plenty of Gryffindor joined in. 

"Why you little...." Draco tried to begin as his face turned beat red, Harry really had no idea why even did it if he couldn't handle a few burns. Before he could get anything out, Professor McGonagall walked up to him. 

"Mr. Potter, today you have the Wand Weighing at 2 o'clock sharp for all champions, be there right on...." slowly she cut off as she looked at what Draco and his close allies in Slytherin where wearing. 

"What is that?" she asked as her eyes narrowed on them. 

"Nothing," Draco quickly said trying to hide the damning evidence. 

"Don you think I am blind Mr. Malfoy," the woman asked in a sharp tone. "Give it here," she said as he flicked her wand and the badge came floating to her.

Reading it her face slowly turned dark, turning to look at Draco and the Slytherins who were quickly trying to hide their badges she asked, "Is this what Professor Dumbledore meant when he said support your school champion, mhm?"

"Well he isn't any champion of ours, he cheated to get inside," Draco complained as he pointed his finger at him. 

"Do you not even know what a magical vow is you, stupid boy? What have your parents being teaching you."

"I... I..." he tried to say, obviously he knew what a magical vow was but he was just acting like a belligerent asshole. 

"I will have a word with your parents and ask them if they hired the proper tutors for you and I will have a word with your head of house, Professor Sna-... I mean Professor Vector. She will be giving you the proper punishment."

"It's alright, Professor McGonagall," Harry spoke up, "I don't know if you have heard but there was a ruling recently on the use of my name and imagines, anyone who uses it will have to pay the price I ask for. I wouldn't mind collecting from Lucius Malfoy the fees for his son using my name." 

Looking at Draco with a smile, he voiced vindictively, "Make sure you count all the badges you made I wouldn't want to over estimate on you."

If he knew the idiot, then he must have made use of his family's assets to get hundreds if not thousands of them badges made, charging Lucius 10 galleons wouldn't be too unreasonable and could net him a nice bit of profit.

Going ass white in the face as the idiot looked about to faint when he heard what he said, Harry knew he was right. However it would only be much later would he find out how bad Draco fucked up.

"Alright then," Professor McGonagall nodded her head, "and remember Mr Potter be there at 2 o'clock sharp for your wand weighing


Walking into the agreed upon location for the tournament ceremony, Harry saw that some of the champions have arrived with others most likely on their way. Bagman spotted Harry first, got up quickly, and bounded towards him.

“Ah, here he is! Champion number 12! Come in, Harry, come in... there nothing to worry about, it’s just the wand weighing ceremony, the rest of the judges will be here in a moment.”

"Yes, I can hardly wait," Harry smiled.

“Don't worry, the expert’s upstairs now with Dumbledore. And then there’s going to be a little photo shoot. This is Rita Skeeter,” he added, gesturing toward the witch in magenta robes. “She’s doing a small piece on the tournament for the Daily Prophet..”

He was not in the least bit surprised to see Rita here she was like a hound when it came to the best and latest news. 

“Maybe not that small, Ludo,” said Rita Skeeter as her eyes looked anywhere expect on him.

"I wouldn't mind doing a piece," Harry shrugged his shoulder, better to get ahead of the news and put his twist on it then to have people spreading lies about him. 

"Sounds like a excellent idea," Ludo beamed, "this one is a juicy one Rita, the youngest champion, you know... to add a bit of color!” 

"Yes," she said as she gave a smile that really didn't touch her eyes, "I would love to hear the opinion of a such a noble and vaunted young hero."

"Good," Ludo said, "I will leave you two to it," with that he headed off. 

Once the two of them were alone they were able to put down their fasade, "What would you like me to put in tomorrow's news?" Rita broke the silence first, deferring to him as she had been when he got her into his employee. 

"Just put in I am either being tried to be assassinated or that the Goblet went haywire and magically produced my name. None would believe the latter since the Goblet has been working perfectly fine for thousands of years, so it could only be the former.

"And you know add your usual flare, he swore before everyone in the Great Hall a solemn magical vow with genuine fervent. Wow them, pump them up and rile them up like you usually do, I do not need to tell you how to do your job. 

"And add he will face these coming trials with all the people of Magical Britain in heart, that should endear them to me some more."

At that moment Dumbledore came up to them with someone behind him. 

“Dumbledore!” cried Rita Skeeter, with every appearance of delight, “How are you?” she said, holding a hand out to Dumbledore. "I hope you saw my piece about the International Confederation of Wizards’ Conference?”

“Enchantingly nasty,” said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. “I particularly enjoyed your description of me as an obsolete dingbat. A great disgrace to Magical Britain, a big fat sham.”

Rita Skeeter didn’t look remotely abashed at all as she didn't even blink an eye. "Well I think your handling of Mr. Potter could have used some more care," she shrugged her shoulders. "His suffering is on you."

"Well, we can discuss that another time, I would need my student to begin the ceremony."

"Yes, yes, go ahead, I have all I need." 


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