Wizard King

Chapter 36: Other Properties Pt.1

"Ahh, I feel so refreshed," Harry announced as he and his godfather made their way out of the mansion.

"Good," Sirius announced as she looked around for a well secluded area to apparate out of here. Just like all his family other properties, the mansion had wards that protected against apparate from miles around.

This was obviously done so that his families enemies and opponent did appear whenever they wanted right before the front porch. This had the inverse effect of blocking them off from apparate out of here since the floor network was still not up and running. Clearly it was one of the many tasks Tobry had him lead out for him when he came back to the castle.

Hence this is why they had to look for a secluded area, miles of from the property to apparate out of here.

"We are already running late thanks to you sleeping late!"

Settling on not fixing his wrong assumption Harry did not say a word, but just followed behind the older wizard. If he knew what he was up to all last night and this morning, Harry did not know if he would be giving him a high five or a good scolding.

Turning to give the mansion one final look, Harry saw both Ram and Rem right outside the gates waving at him goodbye, okay correction it was only Rem, but still, he was happy to see that they took the time to see him off.

He knew that he would be seeing them at the castle as that was the first thing he ordered them to do. There was no way he was going to let them waste away at a home that he would rarely visit unless he was throwing a party or something along that line- those great Lords like him should.

If he is going to be piled with a whole bunch of work, he will need some way to relieve some stress, and who better than his two delightful little maids.

"So where to first?" Harry asked, wondering were they would be heading today.

"Well to be honest most of the remaining properties are not that time intensive to visit," Sirius answered. "We can finish checking them out by early this afternoon to be honest."

"That's good to hear," Harry nodded. To be honest, he was sort of getting tired checking up on each and every land that his family has. It was fun getting to learn more about what his house did, and his view on the wizarding world has been widened, but he needed a break to rest his legs and take it easy.

Finally they reached a tucked away spot, checking both ways to see that there were no muggles in sight, they disappeared from sight in an inaudible pop. 

Suddenly they in a wide-open plain filled with lively trees and other green, the sun was beating down creating a nice pleasant glow. From a distance, he could make up a single structure.

"Alright, the Villa is right over there," Sirius called out, "let's hurry it along."

Nodding his head, Harry followed him as they trekked through the open land, suddenly he felt the soft vibration of the earth. Looking around at what was causing it, he heard it- the wild beating of countless hooves.

Then from off the direction of the sun, once Harry squinted his eyes the best he could, he could make out dozens upon dozens of creatures loping ahead.

Once they came nearer Harry could finally see that they were horses. They were not of simple bred, even if he was no expert one the creatures he could see how proud and muscular they were. They were all of a range of different heights, coloring, ages, and gender, but they all were very tall with the shortest being 5 feet tall and the tallest 7 feet.

Watching as they went by, Harry turned to look at his godfather and was about to ask until he mused out loud. "Ahh aren't they wonderful."

"Yea, I guess," Harry answered with a shrug, "but isn't my family's theme sort of Griffins?"

"Ha, how do you think most people learn to ride a Griffin?" the older man returned his question with a question of his own.

"Mhm, I see," Harry said as he nodded his head, "you got practice with horses."

"Yes," the older wizard nodded, "Griffins are so much more prouder and difficult to deal with. So horses act like nice training wheels if you would. Anyways, it is a fun past time. You should try it, there are plenty of open land to run about here."

"Maybe some other time," Harry answered with a shrug, he just wanted to get this done and finished with. "Let us go see this Villa first."

"Okay," the older man nodded his head in acknowledgment, then they both carried on with the remaining distance towards the Villa. As they trudged through, Sirius described the many sights and locations that the land had to offer.

"There is a nice lake nearby where you could go swimming, boating, fishing, or whatever else you wish. Plus it has some very lovely mermaids that call it home. There is an Imp habitat nearby we could check out, they are a load of funs. There is a watering hole with a Hippocampus, hippy is a big old softy and you can easily get along with him if you bring him the right snacks. Plus there is a beautiful herd of white stags that come by here sometimes and they are a sight for sore eyes."

Before long they came up the place, looking around, Harry had to say it was a very nice place indeed.

Unlike the Mansion which was all about splendor and wealth or the Castle which was built like it was right out of a fairy tale to denoted everything about his family heritage. This Villa was a lot more homely, it was two stores tall with a Mediterranean style composed of light red bricks, and a slender feel.

From here he could see a large stable out back with an open pen attached to it. The grass was clear cut with round oak trees about.

All in all it was a nice place to come to, to relax on the weekend and get away from it all.

Walking into the home, Sirius and Harry checked up on the situation, there were house-elves that they sent forward cleaning the place up since it hasn't been in use for years. They also checked up on the horses, other than being a bit on the wild side from not being in human connect for quite some times, they were good.

The caretakers who were house-elves left by his grandparents seemed competent enough and knew what they were doing. Thus he assumed that the majestic and proud looking creatures would be left in good hands. 

When everything was said and done they barely even spent an hour there as everything seem to be in an orderly fashion and running smoothly.

With that, they were in and out just like that and were apparating to the next location. 

This time Sirius apparated them in a forested area, large trees covered the land with dense foliage. The only thing that stuck out to him was a dirt path that lead off into the distance. 

"Come on," Sirius said as he took the only road that existed here- out in the middle of nowhere. Following behind him Harry tried to pick up anything along the short journey, but all he saw was more trees and shrubs. 

From time to time he would see burnt thicket or felled trees, but he did not think much of it.

Finally, they reached a clearing with stone brick walls surrounding the place, and the dirt road lead to a gate which was partially open. 

Walking through it they passed by overgrown bushes and vines, plus pools with leaves and dirt in them. He had this say, this Estate was really left out of hand, and before he knew it he got his answer why. 

Reaching the spot where the family's estate should be all Harry saw where rubble letting everywhere. There were burn marks on the ruined stones with shattered glass and even long decayed blood on the ground. 

When Barnott told him that the estate was severely damaged during the war when it was attacked by Death Eaters. He assumed that there was a destroyed floor or something, but he did not expect this at all. 

The place was like hell on earth with nothing standing but ruin and destruction. As far as the eye could see was place razed to the ground and stomped on for good measure. 

He wondered what it must have been like to be here as the minions of a raving mad man attacked here. Right now there were no bodies here but in his mind's eye, he could see the countless souls laid spewn about on the ground dead. 

Abruptly he heard the sounds of hammers falling down and the busy voices of countless works. All of a sudden the world came back to view and he was back in the here and now. 

With his head back in the game, Harry could now see the many busy workers that where rebuilding the estate. Taking a closer look he saw that they weren't that human. 

Everything about them was similar to that of a regular man, but he noticed the extreme big beards, the sturdy frames and broad shoulders, the slightly pointed ears, and the very short heights. 

Especially the short height, it made them look like little ten years old jacked to the max on steroid with beards that could any grown man to shame. 

Then that was when it clicked, these were Dwarves!

Immediately he felt like running towards them like a little girl screaming at the top of her lungs. There were so few magical beings that he has run into in his tenure as a wizard, but whenever he did, it really hit home that he was part of a much larger world. 

Be that as it may he knew had to keep his cool, now not only did he represent himself but his house as well. Clearing his throat Harry was about to walk up to the workers until someone else did that before him. 

Strolling up to them was a dwarf that stood at nearly 5 feet with a long red peppered beard with braids on the end. In his hand was a hammer which he seem to knew how to use very well and he was coming up to them in a very threatening manner. 

Beside him where three other dwarves with the same long red peppered beard but of a bit shorter height. They too had weapons on hand and where giving them menacing looks. 

"Do yer know dat yer be on some private property, wizards?" the little man in the lead asked in a growl. Though he wasn't so little when he thumped the hammer head against his open palm like he was about to do that to their skulls.

"Did Barnott send you?" Sirius replied with his own question like he wasn't fazed in the smallest bit. 

"Aye," the red beard dwarf replied as he narrowed his eyes on them both. "What dat be to yer?"

Just before they had to answer a very familiar plump figure ran up to them with his hands waved in the air like a mad man. "Stop, stop, stop," he shouted as he finally reached them breathless. 

Bending over to catch his breath, Barnott looked up to face them. The goblin was still the same as when he last saw him, plump as an apple with a genial attitude, however, now it was creased with a worried look. 

"What are you doing Snarrorlum?" the goblin asked, "this is the proprietor of the estate you are waving you hammer at."

Giving the three of them looks, the dwarf uttered, "Then why didn't yer say?"

Sighing, the goblin just shook his head, "just get back to work Snarr, you on contract."

Shrugging his shoulders, the lead dwarf waved to his other boys and headed back to the ruin sight. 

Once they were gone, the goblin bowed his head to Harry and stated. "My deepest apologies for that Master Potter. Dwarves can be a rowdy bunch, but a very honorable and truthful people."

Nodding his head, he looked off into the direction of the dwarves, he indicated his head to the leader of them and asked, "Who is that?"

"That is the clan chief," Sirius answered for him, "their braids denote their ranks."

"Yes, Master Black is correct, that is Snarrorlum Redbasher, head of the Redbasher clan."

"A clan leader working as a construction worker?" Harry wondered out loud, that was a first for him. 

"Well we all must do what we can to get by," the goblin answered as he had a fleeting look.

Saying nothing more on the matter, Harry decided to change it up, "So, I see you are that you are already busy fixing this place up." 

"Yes, Master Potter," the goblin answered, "the dwarves will have everything back to new in a matter of a few days. All you would need to do is pick up the wardstone in your family vaults to get the protection on here. If you want we at Gringotts could sell you a few golems for extra protection."

"Sounds good to me," Harry nodded his head. 

"I will get to it right away. If I may ask, Master Potter what brings you here."

"Oh, I was checking up on all my properties and wanted to see the family's estate," Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"That good," the goblin stated, "it is good to be up to date on all your lands and see what they are producing if you would."

"I agree," Harry nodded, "Now that I have you here Barnott this is as good as any time. I was going t send you an owl, but magic works in mysterious ways."

"Yes," the goblin said as he listened up. 

"Could you send some Galleons to my family's Wizarding Tower and Fortress."

"Of course," the goblin answered with a nod, "how much, Master Potter?"

"A few million," Harry simply answered like the words that just came out of his mouth was nothing. 

"A-a few mi-million," the goblin repeated as he studdered over each word.

"Yes," Harry conceded, "the Griffin Fort more than anything needs the money so send the lion share to it. Plus the Wizarding tower needs money to start hiring and carrying out research on my behalf so make sure you send plenty over there as well." 

"But, but, but...." the goblin tried to argue but he really had no word to say about this madness going on right before his eyes.

"Don't worry," Harry tried to comfort, "there is something coming down the pipeline soon that would make all this look like peanuts, just please bear with me, Barnott." 

Harry knew that all his bets where on this magic phone, if it did not work than his family was financially ruined. There really was only two paths ahead of him- to bet it all or to lose it all. 

Unlike other families that had plenty of time to recover from the war and bring their family back where they used to be, he did not have that luxury. The Potter went on for over a dozen years without a Family Head to lead thing, they were way behind the game and did not have time to do the catching up. 

War was coming, he knew it deep in his bone. Voldermort would rise up somehow and began his reign of tyranny all over again in Magical Great Britain. 

He had to make a gamble here. This magical phone idea could either save him or ruin him. 

There still was the other families he could began with if things failed over here, but he would be losing a valuable piece here. So he had to win. 

That meant getting started building up his family's army, and start relighting the forge of knowledge and getting new innovations out there. 

Sighing as if in defeat, the goblin nodded his head and uttered, "I will get to it right away Master Potter." 

"Good," Harry said with a nod. Then pausing as if he remembered something, he turned around to face the goblin and asked, "Oh, did you start investing in those muggle tech companies?" 

"Yes, I made sure to buy lots of shares," the goblin answered as he looked like he would break into tears at any moment. "However I still did not start to invest in other muggle business sectors and now even if I wanted to I can't Master Potter since you are now directing the money to your family's tower and fort. You would only have Sickles and Knuts in your vaults."

"Hold off on that for now," Harry said. Even if he wished to control a big portion of the muggle business world, he knew he could start on that right now. Still he had a good start of the future, the tech companions.

"Just make sure that the Griffin Fort and the Wizarding Tower get their money." 

Slowly nodding his head, the goblin looked up at Harry hesitantly and seem to want to say something but just thought better of it. 

Harry immediately caught it, and pronounced, "If you have something to say, Barnott, you can always speak your mind. I count on your opinion greatly in these matters." 

"Well Master Potter," the goblin began with, "I think this is a bit hasty, I understand you wanting to build up to where your family used to be, but it is a gradual process not something you can do overnight if you throw gold  at it.

I fear if you continue going down this path, your family will soon have to start selling off properties, shares, patent, and valuable treasures and magical items."

"Don't worry," Sirius said as he spoke up, "the Black family will bail the Potters if it comes to that!"

Gazing up at his godfather, Harry had no words to describe his feelings and emotions at the moment. He might not know anything about politics and what not but he knew that a family did not just do that out of the good of their hearts. 

No one would bail a falling family and even if they did they would expect a great favor in turn or even subordination. But to just freely give it....

Once again Harry had no words at all, his godfather's family is in the exact situation as his. There is so much problem and obstacle that they face it would take years to even fix and recover from.  

All Harry could say was, "Thank you," and he really meant it from the bottom of his heart. 

"No problem, pup," the older wizard smiled down at him as he messed with his hair. 

"Still...." Barnott tried to argue. 

"Barnott," Harry said as he got the goblin's attention. "I know I may look to you as a careless young lord who does not know what he is doing and is frivolous wasting his gold. That I am clearly not ready for leadership and command, but I am here to tell you I am not. What you are thinking is all right!"

"That came out of nowhere," Sirius remarked like he was at a movie with popcorn on hand. 

"I really do not know what a Lord even is entitled, nor do I know the first thing of running a multi-million galleon family. I just wasn't prepared for this. But what I do know is I have an idea which might save everything and I am certain it will be making us 10 if not 100 times what we spend today!

All I ask is that you have faith in me for this. Let me do this and we will be back in the game. So are you with me?" he asked as he held out his hand for the goblin. 

"What else can you say but YES to a speech like that," his godfather remarked. 

Looking hesitant, the goblin seem to come to a decision and stelled his resolve, "I am in," he pronounced as he shook his hand. 

Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian!

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