Wizard King

Chapter 37: Other Properties Pt.2

"We are here," Sirius said as they appeared right outside a luxury apartment complex in the heart of London.

Harry was both dreading this and wanting it at the same time. He never knew you could have such contradicting feelings bubbling up to the surface at the same time

Anyways, he finally got to lay eyes on his parents' old home before they had to go into hiding thanks to Voldeywonks being on their tale.

The place was massive as it took up a whole city block by itself. It had a large ground floor with trees set around, an open patio out back, a parking lot that lead underground that latest and expansive cars were going through, a few attendants helping everyone that they could, and other nice amenities.

The building itself was 10 stores tall with a white pristine exterior, clear glass windows, terraces on each floor for all the apartments, and a rooftop deck up above. All in all the place was so much more modern then all the other properties he has been to.

Following after Sirius who walked up to the complex, a bellhop held the door for them as they entered. He gave them a strange look as if he was trying to recall who their were but was coming up short. Still he said nothing as they entered.

Immediately they were greeted to a stylish, contemporary lobby of the flat. There was smart snazzy art fixed to the walls with dashing black, white, and grey decorations.  There was a receptionist out front with a pleasant smile on her face, with a lounging set off to the side beside a crackling, warm fireplace, an anteroom that lead off to the side, pls there were two double-decked elevators that lead up.

Walking up to the female clerk, Sirius greeted her politely and inquired from her, "Could we get the keys to the Potter suite?"

"Potter's suite?" the woman repeated as she narrowed her eyes on them.

"Yes," the older wizard replied then bringing him to the forefront, he stated, "this is their son and I am his guardian. We are here to check up on the place and maybe pick up some valuables."

"Oww," she said as her expression softened, "I am so sorry for your loss. I know it has been a long time, but your parents were very fine folk indeed."

"Thank You," Harry said with a simple nod as he swallowed down on the lump building in his throat.

"Now for ID Verification," she said as she confirmed their identities. Before long she handed them the keys to his parents' penthouse and waved them well wishes as they headed for the elevator.

Soon they were at top floor of the apartment complex and right at the door that lead to his parents' old home. Taking a deep breath, Harry glanced up at his godfather who have him a probing look and he nodded his back showing that he was ready.

Then the animagus wizard put the keys in and swung the door. Then without further ado, Harry entered, the first thing he was greeted to was a large sweeping area. There were well-furbushed leather couches and armchair, high hanging chandeliers, expensive looking art on the walls, a sliding door that lead to the terrace, large windows that offered a wonderful view from up above, a kitchen off to the side, a small dining table, stairwell that lead upstairs, a piano right dab in the middle, and doors that lead off into the house.

The place really fit along the lines of the apartments as it was very modern and something he did not expect wizards and witches to even understand. But then he remembered that his mother was a muggle-born, so it must be her touch in all this.

Taking it all in, already Harry could imagine his parents living here as there were hangs of quidditch team flags, brooms, gears and other items. Shelves of books lined the wall that must have belonged to his mother covering all kinds of subjects. Deciding to explore the place, Harry left his godfather who was gazing at a picture of his parents.

Strolling down the hallways, Harry made sure to check out every nook and cranny this place had.

Finally, he reached his parents' room upstairs, running his hands over the sheets he could still smell the light musk of two different people. From off to the side he spotted a door that lead off to another room.

Sliding the door open, he was met to the sight of a small baby crib. From a slightly ajar closet he could see new infant clothing hanging off the rack. Walking in there he turned some of them over and saw boy's clothing with Harry Potter on them and some girl's clothing with Ros Potter.

He did not know whether to cry or laugh, putting them back he walked out of the room and passed his parent's old one and closed the door behind himself. For a few long moments he stood with his back against the door then picked himself up.

Walking away Harry pulled himself together and made his way back to his godfather. Even after all this time old wounds still hurt, but he had to carry on.

Coming back to the living room area, Harry saw Sirius highly tapping the piano. Glancing up when he heard him coming down, he started off with a far off look. "Did you know that your father use to play the piano?"

"No," he answered back with a shake of his head.

"Ahh, well he did. You used to tell me how much he hated it as a child, but his parents-your grandparents forced him to learn it. Then as he grew up he stopped practicing until one day in the Three Broomsticks Inn he played it just for fun. Your mother was so enamored, he could see how much she was blown away.

At that time he was trying everything he could to woo her and now that he saw something interested her, he jumped at it. He used to practice it like a mad man to get back in skill. Then he would send Lily recording of different pieces, slowly but surely your mother fell for his charm.

Ever since then he had a passion for playing the piano."

"Wow," Harry simply said as he had no words to describe anything but "he was really dedicated."

"Yep, of all the girls that we used to chase after, there was none other than your mother that your father fell hard for. And I do not even know why," he said with a chuckle, "she really hated his guts at first. We really thought he was an m-masochist," he said through fits of laughter.

In spite of himself, Harry couldn't help but smile along, but not for the reasons imagined. It was good that his godfather was remembering the good old times instead of being stuck in the past.

"Should we go now?" Harry asked in a low tone.

Glancing around the place, the older wizard nodded his head and uttered, "Yea, we can always come back here."

"Yea," Harry agreed with a weak smile, though deep down he wondered if he really did. No matter what he did, his chest seemed to hurt when he was here and he felt like he would fall apart at any moment.


Appearing right on the outskirts of a village, Harry could make out a sign off in the distance that read, Welcome to Godric's Hollow.

This was their last stop in their long journey, which would conclude everything.

Godric's Hollow was a village in West Country were many regular wizarding families called their home. Here is the place where the Dark Lord himself was defeated at the hands of a one year old and where his parents died. Where famous wizards and witches were born like Godric Gryffindor. Where each resident was magical in nature. Where the tomb of powerful wizards laid all around in the surrounding. Countless magical beings and beasts habitated the land around.

This was a place teeming with magic all around and mystery abound.

Passing through the sign, Harry saw wild moor all around as the land slowly slopes up and down with green open pasture. From not to far away he could see a village with countless homes squatted down together creating a community.

Proceeding on, Harry past by many single wizard towers and witch cottages. He could see the strange lights going on inside of them and if he wasn't part of this whole life he would have been getting a whole lot of creepy vibes.

However, he knew it was just some person carry out an experiment or doing some research. Now that he said it, it really sounded strange on his tongue. Who knew that he got so used to this world so fast. Just a few days ago he did not even have surface knowledge of this world or some common sense.

Now, look at him being all expertly and wise in the matters of the wizarding world.

Just as those thoughts crossed his mind, he mused as he walked along- is that how regular wizards and witches see muggle-borns. People with no common sense and did not even want to learn about their way of life. Just as muggle-borns thought wizards and witches did not have any common sense when it came to the muggle world.

Now that was food for thought later, just then they came up to the village's mouth. He was amazed to see how unfortified the place was as they just walked in with no one to stop them or ask them questions.

Maybe it was his short time at the Griffin Fort which was unassailable to the max or he was thinking in wartime terms. Nevertheless, they walked down the village paved streets where kids played around, adults took care of business, and people just got about with their life.

He was surprised when he saw the open appearance of magic. There were people that flying around in brooms and carpets, some casting a variety of spells, other using magical items, and even some kids taking part in the action.

Clearly they no one was following the Statute here as they blatantly did whatever they wanted.  Turning to look up at his godfather who much wiser in these matters than him, he asked, "Why is everyone practicing magic out in public? Are they not afraid of being come down upon for breaking the Statute?"

"Ow," Sirius said, "well this is a safe haven for magic. There are no muggles for countless miles around so you can freely do magic here."

"There are places like that?" Harry asked as he glanced around the lively place.

"Of course," the older wizard answer like it was the most obvious thing. "Who would want to live constantly under the watching eye of the Statute unable to flex a muscle. That is no life for anyone so there are places like these where you do not have to keep everything under lock and key."

"Mhm," Harry said, "I guess you learn something new every day."

Patting on the shoulders, a bit of Sirius inclination leaked out, "Ahh, how I wished I could teach you everything this world as to offer in just one sitting." Then sighing, he reflected, "but I guess I could only wish for that since you really have to experience everything that this world has to offer and see it first hand for yourself."

Just as they were getting into their conversation they reached a part of town that seemed very crowded. It wasn't the regular village people that were milling about but tourist who were taking like people who really did not belong.

They had magic cameras as they clicked away with moving pictures, munching on food from vendors, and buying merchandise. Getting a peek at the wares Harry saw that they were strangely themed towards him.

Moving along Harry said nothing but shook his head, if that wasn't proof he was a real rock star then he did not know what was. Regardless this must be what Barnott was talking about the unlicensed use of his name, face, and prominent lightning bolt scar.

Nevertheless, he was really thankful that he really did a 180 growth spurt because he was afraid he might have been swarmed by all the tourists and even residents of the village if they recognized him.

Keeping a low head, he followed behind his godfather until they reached a two stores tall burnt building. Part of the first floor was caved in with lose beams sticking out and glass windows blown apart.

It was obvious that this was a sight of a battle one that his parents lost. His family's cottage!

"We're here," Sirius announced as he gazed at the partially ruined structure. He had a far off look in his eyes as he seem to be remembering some stuff that happened a long time ago.

"Hello," a voice greeted them, breaking them both out of their reverie.

Turning to a woman who looked to be a guide of sorts, she asked, "Are you here for a tour of the National Historic Landmark of the Potter cottage?"

"Ahhhh," Harry said as he really did not expect that at all.

"Sure," his godfather said, answering for him.

"Good," she said with a smile, "You can join the group over there, we will began soon," she said as she pointed to a small cluster of people standing right outside the cottage.

Joining the group, the woman began with the tour as she pointed her wand at her mouth and her voice was amplified for all to her. Walking through the front gates, Harry could now spot the plaque showing that this place was a landmark.

Getting the full tour as the whole house was shown off, the woman pointed out everything there was. Plus complementary assumptions of course.

Sirius laughed along at that and corrected everything for him privately, but for Harry it was so surreal. Walking inside his old childhood home like a sightseer was something he did not expect. 

The tourist on the other hand ate it all up as they took their pictures, pointed their fingers, and gawked and whispered. 

Before long the tour was over and they were led out so that the next group could come in. After all was said and done he really did not know what to make about it. His home was now being shown off like a tourist attraction, but at the same time it was part of history. 

This ruined house would stand the test of time and his children and their children would be able to visit it and see the historic place where the Dark Lord was first defeated. 

Seeing that his godfather wasn't heading towards the direction of the village premise, Harry wondered out loud, "Ahh where are we going." 

"Just follow me," he answered without any further word as he lead him off. 

Walking down the winding road, they moved past the village limit and came up to a graveyard. At that instant, he knew what they came here to do and as much as he wanted to do this all his life, he started to become a bit fidgety.

All his life he was waiting for his moment, but now here he was going weak in the knee. He would have been laughing at the irony of it all, if wasn't all so god damn nervous at the moment.

The place was massive as there seem to be buried hundred upon hundred of people here. They entered  from the front gate and saw dozens of war memorial however what attracted his attention was a piece of two people sitting on a bench.

One was a man with a wand hand in one and his hand wrapped around a woman, in the woman's hand was a small bundle of a child which she seem to be tickling and the man was smiling down at.

Harry knew who they were- his parents and him as a child. 

Standing right next to him, Sirius also gazed up at the statue and knowingly said nothing. For a long while they just shared a common silence until they were interrupted by some one. 

"Ahh came to see the Potter memorial?" 

Nearly jumping off his feet, Harry spun around to see a old man with a grey beard dressed in grey drabs, he had a shovel in hand and a very pale complexion. Immedatly he associated him as the grave keeper here.

"Yes," Harry answered his glanced at him then back at the statue, "Yes we did."

"Mhm, this has always been my favorite piece here. All the other show valiant poses, triphment victories, and great last stands but this here, it paints another picture. That of a parent's loving embrace."

Saying nothing as they once again took in the statue in silence, the man waved them a pleasant evening just before they asked where his parents grave was located.

Strolliing down the many rows of headstones, Harry saw a vaity of dates on them from as far back as 600 B.C to the present day.  He really was amazed at how long this place stood, it was a true testament of time. 

Coming up to two pure white marble headstones Harry saw his parents' name written on them. Without a word, Sirius conjured flowers and placed them on their grave. 

Harry on the other hand bent down and ran his finger along his parents' names. Without even realizing it silent ears ran down his face. 

Finally, at long last, he got to see his parents. 

Many thanks to all my pa / trons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian!

Witch cottage: https://www.1zoom.me/en/wallpaper/423091/z839/

Wizard Tower: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zAzbq2

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