Wizard King

Chapter 45: Night Attack

Suddenly waking up in the middle of the night to sounds of screaming and explosions, Harry groggily looked around. The Veela girls were deep into their sleep as all four of them laid scattered in the bed with limbs and body pressed against each other.

He still couldn't believe he had an orgy with these four lovely women. Any guy would kill to be in the spot he was, but then he was quickly taken out of it as he heard raucous laugher.

Curious about what was going on, he untangled himself from the girls and threw on some pants and shirt and walked out of the tent.

When he walked outside it was like he walked into a war zone, he had to do a double-take as he walked back into his tent which was normal and peaceful, then back outside which had people running around like headless chickens screaming at the top of their longs and smoke rising up to the air from the fires happening all about.

Grabbing the nearest person, he had to shake him to get his attention on him, and stop him from shivering like a cat put outside in the rain.

"What going on man? Tell me, god damn it!"

"D-death... Eater...." he studdering out. Letting go of him, Harry looked up into the skies and spotted what he was looking for a skull with a snake interwinding in it, the dark mark.

"Fuck," he swore under his breath, and just then out of the smoke a group of dark-robed men with skull masks on came into view. They laughed lecherously as they racked their eyes over all the Veela coming out of their tents.

"Would you look at the Josh, we have all these lovely women to ourselves," one man uttered as he chuckled deeply.

Another one, in a fanatic voice, declared, "They are non-wizarding trash, but you are right Finn. We will need to teach them the correct way."

"Couldn't agree with you any more Tom," another of the death eater chuckled in agreement.

"Stop right there," Harry called out as he stood in front of them. Counting them all up, he saw thirteen men in total. It would be a tough fight, but Sirius has been preparing him for this all summer.

He can do, he assured himself as he steeled himself for what was about to come.

"Don't step an inch more or else..." he treated as his wand glowed a deep black light.

Not looking back, he called out to the Veela women, "All of you back inside, I will handle this!"

"Would you look at that," one of the men laughed uproariously, "somebody wants to be the hero."

Taking up his call, all of them broke into a dark, evil chuckles, but one man that stood at the front, who he presumed to be the leader called Josh, that they let slip, looked closely at him.

"You are Harry Potter, aren't you?" the man asked as he could feel his eyes narrowing at him.

"So what if I am," he said with a shrug seeing no point in hiding his identity. "That won't change me taking you all down."

"Ha," one of the men barked out, "you think you can take us all down by yourself."

"I defeat your master at just one year old, what do you think I could do now?" he asked as a wicked grin spread across his face.

That seem to shake the men as he could feel the hesitation coming off of them, but quickly Josh pulled hem together. "Enough," he shouted, "he is only a child, we can take him on altogether. Make sure to bring him in alive or dead, we will present his corpse or tied up in a ribbon before one of the Lords were ample reward will await us all."

"YEAH!!!!" the men shouted as they run at him all at once.

Casting a Grease spell to slow them down, he threw a few fireballs at the bunch of them to distract them for a while. Ducking to cover, already he had his shields up as three layers of Protego surrounding him in a tight envelope.

One of the Death Eaters came at him from around, but Harry quickly spotted him and before he could react, he sent an arc of lightning bolts at him which made his spasm and shake then fall to the ground in a heap.

Not wanting him to bother him later, Harry cast a fissure underneath him which swallowed the man whole then closed up.

One down, eight more to go.

Just then a jet of green ooze struck his shield, destroying one of his protections. Spinning around, he already had a slowing charm on hand which prevented his would be attacker from sending out another spell.

However, he had no time to finish him as another Death Eater came at him as he send out a Bombarda right underneath his feet. Harry was sent int the air as his two remaining shields were destroyed and fell to the ground with earth raining above.

Reacting quick on his feet, he used a Carpe Retractum charm which pulled the Death Eater he slowed down to a crawl towards him in a rope of light. The poor man could do nothing as his own friend's spell struck him from behind.

He fell to the ground as a nasty curse eat away at the whole of his back until there was nothing there but blood and bones.

Looking shell shocked, Harry quickly got up and returned the favor ten fold as he sent out Bombarda Maxima. Thankfully there was nothing to see as the man was ripped to his inner core.

Suddenly he was racked with a bout of such extreme pain, he fell to the ground in a shout of agony. Stepping forward was Josh who had his wand pointed to him as he sent a constant stream of agony up all over his body. All around him were his men who stood in a circle, blocking every exit.

"I must say, you are really good. Taking down three of my men like that now that was ruthless even for me."

Ignoring the pain, he shoved his wand into the ground and sent out a mini-earthquake all around which ripped and tore the earth sending the Death Eaters to the ground. Feeling the man leave him, Harry got up and began to spin his wand all around him.

All at once, the wind started to pick up as it sent cloak billowing about in the air, without further ado he pulled his arms to either sides and the wind sent the men tumbling in the air. Following it up, he conjured a flock of angry birds and sent them out to peck them to death if they could.

Running for cover one of the men tried to reach out for him, but he cast a Diminuendo charm at him which shrink him down to the size of a little doll.

Ducking behind a tent, he took the time to catch his breath and shield himself the best he could. Throwing up three layers of Protego the most he could at his skill level, he also cast a Bark Skin followed up by Iron Bones so that he could at least survive through some damage.

Already he put down three men, four if you counted the one he shrunk, however that meant he had 9 more left to face. More than what he could take on all at once, and if they got the jump on like last time or surrounded him, he would be finish.

No, what he had to do was play this smart, casting a Disillusionment Charm which disguised him to his surrounding, he cursed himself for leaving his invisibility cloak at home, but for now, this would have to do. 

Sneaking up on behind two men, he cast a Stickfast Hex on one of them which held him in his place with a sticky green goo. "I-I'm stuck," he called out to his partner who turned around to look at him.

At that, Harry took his chance and sent out a Severing Charm which struck at his artery in his neck and blood gushed out of it. Painting the immobilized red, the man screamed like a little girl but Harry quickly silenced him as he froze him in a block of ice with a Glacius spell.

Sneaking back to the shadows, he could hear running feet come to the location of his fight, and from behind him as he left scenes he heard a "HERE!" Then the leader of the group shouting, "Watch out, he must be under some spell that hides him."

Soon he was upon another Death Eater, this one who was walking alone, sending out a distraction a inaudible noise came from his left.

"Who's there," the Death Eater shouted as the looked around for the mysterious sound.

Sending out another noise from up ahead of him, the man sent out an exploding charm, and Harry run up to him and conjured five gleaming sharp swords and spears which stabbed into his back.

Luckily for him, he had shields in place and all the weapons did were take down those protections.

Spinning around, his eyes went wide as Harry used a Knockback Jinx on him then chained it with a Lapifors spell that transformed him into a helpless bunny.

Turning around to sneak off into the tents, he came to a stop as the remaining six Death Eaters stepped out of the darkness. "There you are," Josh said as he could feel that wide grin on his face, behind the mask. All around the man was glittering dust particles that tracked themselves back to him.

Now, he knew how he followed behind him, he used a Tracking spell.

"Your finished," the man sneered as they al had their wands pointed at him.

However all Harry did was laugh out loud, "No, the person who is finished, is you lot."

Before my of them could react, he cast his own homebrewed spell, "LUMOS BOM!!!"

Suddenly there was an explosion of light as all the Death Eaters cried out in pain as they were blinded. Following up his spell with a Geminio which made five copies of him he sent them out as he used one of the Basilisk abilities he gained, Toxic Cloud as green toxic smoke billowed out of his mouth all around.

Having a fun time of it, Harry sent out spell after spell as the small crowd of men who wild with confusion and coughing. He took down one man after the other in the confusion with spells from behind and everywhere possible.

"He is right here," someone called out.

"No, he is right here," another cried out as he then broke into a coughing fit, "ahg, ahg, ahg!"

"AAAA," someone else shouted in pain as he took them down.

"ENOUGH!!!" the leader of the group shouted, then suddenly from within the smoke Harry could see someone growing and growing and growing.

Until before them stood a small giant 5 meters tall, stomping down the smoke cleared and Harry was right in the open for all to see.

"There you are?" the giant man said. He must have cast a Dissendium spell on himself, that is some very dangerous spell work, one mistake, get one proportion wrong, and then boom.

Reaching out for him with his massive hands, Harry rolled to the side to dodge the attack that would have most lively crushed him to death.

"Come here you little insect," the man growled as he tried to stomp him to a paste.

Jumping back, he had enough of this, it was time to end this. Glaring at the man as his eyes transformed into serpentine slits, he began to use Petrifying Gaze on him.

Slowly but surely the stone started to form on his body, putting more magic into the ability, and even more, and more, and more. The man began to slowly petrify up.

"What are you doing?" he asked in surprise and a bit of fear.

Ignoring him, he dig deep into himself and poured even more magic into the ability, the Death Eater started to have patchworks of stone all over his body and they continued to creep up.

"No, no," he shouted as he tried to reach out to Harry.

With a loud shout of exertion that rung across the campsite he put the final amount of magic into it, and slumped to the floor as he watched the man became a solid statue of stone.

"Good riddance," he thought as he took in deep breaths to calm his wildly beating heart.

Just then the last Death Eater stepped out of his hiding place and came at his as silently as he could. Without even looking in his direction, he sent out a nasty Black family spell that Sirius taught him which made the man shatter into a million black shards of glass.

As if all the visitors weren't at an end, out of the clearing of the ruined camp, Aurors stepped in with their wands raised and at the ready, plus their enchanted leather jackets billowing in the wind. 

Breaking off from the group was Tonks who came running to him as she shouted, "Harry, are you alright?"

"Yea, I am fine," he tried to comfort her. Trying to get up on his feet, he grimaced as he fell back down on his ass. His nerves felt raw after they took that Cruciatus Curse.

"Are you hurt?" the witch asked in a considered voice.

"No, he isn't," Christina said in a worried tone as she came to kneel at his side. "He took on a dozen Death Eater all by himself."

"Well I didn't know you cared so deeply," he joked with her. "And it was 13 Death Eater, but who is counting."

Hearing a loud whistle come from his left, he turned to see a wizard covered with scars, and a chunk of his nose was missing. He had dark grey, grizzled hair, a fake eyes, and a wooden leg.

"That must have been quite the fight," the Auror growled. As he studied the statue of the mini giant who was bending over to reach from him with an expression of pure hate and fear. 

"This is Alastor Moody," Tonks introduced, "he is my mentor."

"Aaa, they weren't too tough," Harry tried to downplay it as he watched the Auror check out the scene.

"Harry, Harry Potter," he tried to greet the man as he made to get up, but Tonks and Christina forced him down.

"Your injured sit down until a healer arrives," they both shouted at him.

"It's nothing," Harry tried to argue, "I am fine."

Laughing a deep raspy chuckle, the man returned his handshake from above. "You should really look into going the Auror force, boy. You would make a fine magical law enforcement."

"Thanks, but no thanks," he said with a shake of his head. "A good battle is fun and exciting, but I think I would prefer it if I just run my estates and land." And he made sure not to add, "and enjoy life with my women."

"Well, the offer still stands," the man said with a nod, "you would do great thinks if you had joined, and I do not say this lightly."

"Thanks," he said with an appreciative nod as he watched the man walk away.

Turning to Tonks, he asked, "Are the Death Eaters all dealt with?"

"Yes, that all have been either arrested or fleed long ago, but....."

"What?" he asked as he caught that unsure look on her face.

"I am not supposed to say," she whispered to him as she looked around for anybody nearby, "but Bartemius Crouch Junior escaped during the attack."

"Fuck," he swore as a healer came up to him.

"How about our friends?" he asked as the mediwitch did a small check up on him.

"They are safe," she answered, "I made sure to get Lily and the other girls to safety. I saw Sir- Andrew and Remus helping out with the battles, and the Weasley family were doing all right when I last saw them."

"That good," he said with a nod.

"I still can't believe your country still has these terrorists around," Christina voiced.

"Yeah, me too," Tonks said in agreement.

"Of course they would be," Harry said with a snort. "Too many of them were let off the leash for bogus excuses and whatnot."

"Well they are alive and active, that is something we now know for sure," Tonks stated as the mediwitch stepped back and declared he would be alright with some rest. Thanking the witch, she headed off to help as many more people as they could and both of the girls helped him to his feet. 

"Girls, I am alright, I promise," Harry tried to argue, but they were not having none of that.

"In here," Christina as she led them to the tent that they had so much fun in. 

"Harry, you are alright?" Alise asked with a worried tone as they walked into the tent.

"Yea, these worrywarts just love me too much to let go of me!"

Looking around suspiciously, Tonks spotted some of his stuff and his boxer on the ground and asked, "What were you doing in this tent, mmm?"

"A-ah, that," he said as he began to sweat some buckets. "It's kind of a long story and you wouldn't want to hear about it."

"It's alright, we have time before everyone is evacuated." 


Suddenly appearing outside of a old decrepit mansion covered in vines, outside in the countryside. Bartemius Crouch Junior stepped outside of the shadow. Walking up to the mansion, when he came up to the front door it opened by itself allowing him inside. 

Entering the living room where an eerie green flame flickered in the fireplace a rat like man stood to the corner shivering in place and a giant snake slithered beside a chair where a prone figure laid.

Bowing to his knees in front of the small figure, "Master, I have come at long last before you."

Speaking up in a hoarse voice that seem to be the slithering of serpents, "Barty, my most loyal servant. It is good to see you." 

Swallowing the limp in his throat as he looked at the state his master was in, the dark lord seem to sense it and chuckled deeply. "You are wondering about my current state, huh?"

"I wouldn't dare, Master," he said with a deep bow until his forehead was nearly touching the floor.

"It's alright," he said as he reached out with one of his thin boney hands. "That Potter boy," he spoke as rage fulled him. "Now that is of concern," he said as he seem to cool his features but the rage was still there in his eyes. 

"If I may ask," Barty Jr said as he looked to the pitiful rat man, with a wave from his lord, he continued. "Why haven't you gathered the lords and minions of your once great force?"

"You think they would accept me in this state?" he asked in a whisper.

Sweating, the man bowed once again, "I would my lord, and so would your most faithful."

"Yes, I know," the malformed baby said, "that is why I will be counting on you alone to fulfill wishes."

"Anything, my lord," he said in a breathless voice as the fanaticism was clear in his eyes. 

"Good," Voldemort said with a deep shackling chuckle that echoed throughout the mansion. 

And Pettigrew might have soiled himself in that peal of madness. 


Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch, Hunter Joseph, Julio Hernandez, Vortex, Nitrogue97, drefly13, Patrick Wishart, Tarush Agrawal, נועם ממיאס, Eric Dettenrieder, thunderwalker123, Connor, Keith Kindall, kyle nicolls, Wesley Tebbens, Edmund, yety10, Alex Newton, T, Brad, Jack Edwards, Javi Alonso, Luck George, Kyle Hitchens, Verinuarmu, Bowzer, Th31695, Wesley Burns, Jamie,

Here is a taste of some of the combat to come. If you liked it and want to see more tell me in the comments below and if you got any advice for me since this is really the first try I had, please go ahead and share that too.
Thanks, I hope you enjoyed it!

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