Wizard King

Chapter 46: Animagus Form

Reading the newspaper the very next day, Harry's eyes raked over all that it contained while Rem continued to pour him so more tea. It was what he expected, all it contained was press releases of what happened yesterday.

There were some articles about the British Minister and how he cowered in the face of danger, plus some more asking if such a man should be our head of the government.

Others were talking about how he revealed Barty jr and some were even going about how he single-handedly apprehended the man after some grand duel.

The most important articles were about the Night attack which took up every portion of the newspapers.

"You know you are not going to learn anything new from that," Lyuba, the Russian Veela spoke up as she spread some strawberry jam on her biscuit. Looking around at the table set outside in the open patio where the wonderful family garden laid right before them as Golden Snidgets flittered about, his eyes ran over the Veela girls he invited to his castle.

They were going to be in Magical Great Britain for a while so he thought why the heck not and asked them if they wanted to crash at his place.

"Well it is a pleasant way to spend the morning," he said with a shrug as he rolled up the papers. "So how long do you girls plan to stay in this wonderful country."

"If there are attacks like yesterday every other day then I am not sure I want my girls to stay any longer than necessary," Alisa stated as she had a worried look on her face as she read her own copy of the newspaper.

"I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my days here with you if every single night was like yesterday," Nika spoke up as a grin spread across her face.

"Me too," Sofia said, "and I am sure Harry with his big strong muscles and potent magic could protect us."

Just then he heard a cough come from below, looking over he saw Tobry standing politely off to the side. "My lord, you have your first meeting of the day."

"Oh, yes," he said as he shoved the rest of his toast into his mouth. Getting up and wiping at his mouth, he gave the Veela a playful wink, and stated, "I will be seeing you all in my room later tonight. How does that sound."

"Sounds wonderful," Christina said with an awkward smile. "I would really love it if you worked me with that magical tongue of yours again~"

"Then we have a deal," he said as he gave them a wave, "feel free to explore the castle grounds."

As the door closed behind them, Tobry turned to look up at him.

"My Lord, are you sure it's wise and prudent to bring in females to the castle?"

"It's no biggie," he said as he waved off the house-elf concerns.

"Are sure?" the small creature asked in a polite tone, but he could feel the underlying tone of doubt. 

"They will be here for only a few days, Tobry," Harry said in an exasperated sigh, "so don't get your panties in a bunch."

"If my lord says so," the house-elf said with a bow. 

"And don't start bowing to be," he called out as he swung the doors to his office. Sitting there on one of the seats for guests was Livia, getting up when she saw him walk in she respectfully included her head to him as he walked around to the front of his desk. 

"So do I take it you have good news?" he asked with bated breath. This had to be the reason why she had came all the way here and left her work behind. 

"Yes, the mirror phones are up and ready, Sir. They can begin to be immediately sold commercially."

"Great," he exclaimed as he finally let his exuberance out. This was the news he was waiting for all summer. "Let me see it," he said as he held out his hand. 

Digging into her pocket she took out a rectangular shaped mirror as thick as the width of his fingernails and had an inner rainbow-colored sheen. On the back of it was a mirror shard logo with a large golden P inscribed it in. It felt fragile in his hand thanks to it being glass, but he knew thanks to the Rainbow Crystalline Sands that Livia used it was as hard as bricks plus could take on numerous enchantments. 

Turning it on, he was introduced to the interface he helped design, it had a more magical oriented feel as he thought what the heck, he was in a magical world after all.

There were a few applications he mandated should be in the mirror phone from the get-go, of course, there was the Phone then the Message, Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Clock, Maps, Notes, and other small things that could help from the day to day. The most import, however, was the Mirror store which had a coming soon, this was where they would be making the big bucks. 

"Looks good," he said as he passed her the phone back. 

She shook her head and answered, "that one is for you Sir. You can keep it."

"So for how much do you plan on selling it for?" Tobry asked as he was looking over another mirror phone that Livia gave him. 

"There will be two phones we will be selling," Harry answered, "this one, the Mirror Phone 1 and the Mirror Phone 1 Plus."

"So what will this Plus entitle?" Livia asked as she would obviously be the one doing all the work. 

"It will be bigger," he simply said. 

"And you think this would sell at all?" Tobry asked in confusion. "I won't deny this Mirror Phone is miraculous, but what would people get out of a bigger one?"

"The bigger it is, the better it is," Harry said with a shrug, "anyways this is just product placement."

"Okay, how much do you plan on selling them?" the house-elf continued. 

"16 a pop for the Mirror Phone 1 and the Mirror Phone 1 Plus make it 25 Galleon."

"That is asking for a lot," Livia stated, "it like you are selling a high end wand."

"I know," Harry said as he tried to calm them down, "but you all know how revolutionary this product is. I won't doubt for a second that people will be lining up for days when they find out how great it is. For that, I want you to place my face all over it, it should get some interested and then word of mouth will spread."

"Now," he said, "we need to start looking to our future. Once this is out and people find out that the Golden Wiziding Tower invented this I want you to start hiring established magic researchers. We will be expanding out product line with Mirror tablets, Mirror Telly, Mirror Computer, Mirror gaming Console, and so much more. I want to take over this untapped sector all for myself."

"What is a telly or a com-potar," Livia asked as she clearly could not make heads or tales on the matter.

"You will soon find out," he said. 

[A/N: If you are wondering, Hary already sunk millions of Galleons into the phone so factories and stores are already being set up.]


Hearing soft polite knocking coming from his door, he shouted, "Come in," and then Rem stuck her head inside. 

"Your guest is here, Master."

Nodding his head as he set aside the paperwork he was doing so the Mirror Phone could sell smoothly, "let her in."

Just then, the reporter he met at the World Cup, Rita Skeeter walked into his office. Greeting him, he pointed to a chair and said, "have a seat."

Doing as told, he could see the eager look on her face as she already had her note pad out and magic quill. 

"Put that away," he said as he pointed to Quick Quotes Quill. Looking surprised and a bit affronted, he ignored her looks and continue don, "you write what I say, every single word of it." 

"I am a professional reporter, I do not write whatever which a person fancies," she stated as she tried to look hard in her ways as she could be. 

"Well, you will," he said with a shrug, "if you want this interview."

As a stormy look passed over her face, she snarled, "If you think for a moment that you will force me to comply by your ways then you are sorely mistaken. I will go ahead and write my own opinion of you. Thank you very much." 

"SIT," he growled as an oppressive feeling enveloped the room, using a trick Sirius showed him in turning his magic into an aura. "Don't think I do not know what you are Rita, I have read some of your so-called news, and let me just say I was disgusted.

Before you think that you can write your so-called truths about me, you will be promptly fired from the Daily Prophet and your licenses ruined. News Flash I own over a quarter of the Daily Prophet and I will make it so that you will never, ever report a single thing for the rest of your life.

Oh," he added as if in as an after thought, "I will also make sure you spend a long time in Azkaban for your illegal Animagus Form."

"How..." she said as her hand went to her gaping mouth. 

"You don't need to know that," he said as his eyes flashed back to normal from their glowing blue showing that he just used Magic Sight.

"Now I would like an Unbreakable Vow from you if you don't mind, to keep all my secrets and whatnot."

Swallowing on the lump in her throat he could see the sweat on her forehead and the nerve tick in her fingers. "Wil you do the same for me?"

Looking at her as if she was an idiot, he asked, "Why would I do that? I have all the cards here, and I want this hanging over your head. Ever displease me, and its out there. Now you have free choice and could just walk out of here, if you want," he said with a wide grin. 

Staring at him for a long while, she finally uttered, "You're no hero, you're a Monster!"

"I can live with that," he said with a shrug, "now my vow if you would or you could walk out of here. Its your choice," he said but knew she had none, she would be his ever faithful little beetle for the rest of her life.

Giving the Vow grudgingly, she said with a smile, "Anyways, you don't have to worry your little self, this interview will be quite interesting without your muddling of the facts." 


"So what has you in a slump?" Harry asked as he saw the look on his godfather's face. Ever since he arrived today for his training, he looked like he was in a down mood, Harry did not want to comment on it at first but once he saw his attitude getting in the way of training he called a stop to it. 

"Amelia Bones found out how I really was in my Yankee persona," he said with a sigh. 

"Seeing as you here and not in Azkaban, that must mean she believes you right, or did you have to battle it out to get away?" he asked in an unsure tone. The woman used to be his fiance before he wrongfully got locked up, with her being of the fairer sex, he wasn't sure how she would have reacted. Women were so strange and far apart from men.  

Till now he did not even know the milo drama of why Tonks rejected him then came back into his arms, no he did know why she did that, but still he could make heads or tails about them. 

"She believed me and will help get my case on to the floor of the Wizengamot," he said with another sigh. 

"That good," he declared, then looking up at the older wizard he asked in confusion. "Why do you look like you are still down in your luck?" 

"You wouldn't understand," he stated," it's just grown up stuff." 

"Oh come on," he said in an indignant voice, "don't give me that nonsense, Sirius. I am always there for you, so you can lean on my shoulder and talk about what you want. You are always reminiscing of the good old days with me."

Turning to look at him, he declared, "Fine," then as if in a flood, "it's just that she was so cold, I thought when she understood everything was a misunderstanding, things would return to normal. But now they are far from it."

Rubbing his forehead, Harry wondered to himself why he stepped into this landmine, he was supposed to be the expert in all things women. But he did say he would help, and help he would, "maybe she just needs time, you know. She just had her world slipped upside down, I am surprised she did not collapse on the spot."

"That does make sense," Sirius said as he rubbed at his chin, but she was too detached. There must be something else at work."

"Like what?" he said with an eye roll, "another man."

Spinning around to face him, the Black wizard shook him like a rag doll, "that it! It explains everything. That why she did not want me to get close and why she decided to help- must have been feeling guilty as hell." 

"Hey, hey, I did not mean it," Harry tried to get through him, but the man wasn't listing as he spun out on wild idea after the other. 

"I have to get her back," he finally said as he smacked down on his palm. Turning back to face him, he asked, "you know Amelia niece right." 

"Susan?" he asked as he decided to play along, anything to get him out of his funk. 

"Yes, that it, now can you try to find out anything from here."

"Can't do that until I go back to Hogwarts, but when I do, I will unferath all the secrets I can." 

"That fine," he said, "until then I will have to plan."

"Hopefully not murder," he said as he watched the man. 

"Yes, yes, yes," he said, "that would be too good," he muttered. 

Shaking his head, Harry headed up for his daily meditation to find his true magical animagus form, leaving the man to his wild, crazy plans. 


These last couple of days, Harry felt that he was really close to finding his animagus form, but somehow it just kept on eluding him. 

Today, however, no matter what he will find that elusive no matter what. 

Taking in a deep breath to calm himself, he found his inner peace and just sat there for a long while doing nothing, saying nothing, and not moving a single muscle.

Suddenly from deep within he saw the tail end of a mysterious creature, it was like a long thick rope with scales near that of Black onyx metal plating, and a ridge of spiky plates. 

Chasing after it in his mindscape, he kept on trying to get a hold of the tail but it swished and swayed evading his grasp. Finally getting tired of this bullshit, he jump at it and clung to it like a tiny tick. 

Climbing up the tail and onto the dorsal plating as he could feel the heat underneath the creature's strong metal-like hide, he saw two powerful hind legs spiked with razor sharp claws at the end. Continuing his long climb, he reached the spin of the mysterious creature where he could see a pair of massive wings that seem to envelop everything under the heaven. 

Still not know what his animagus form truly was, he went to the massive head of the creature as the billowing winds beat against him. 

Grabbing hold of one of the massive demon-like horns that were as big as him, he gazed up at the setting sun and the clouds passing by. It was a wonderful view, however, he had a mystery to uncover. 

Slowly and very carefully he slid to the creature's snout and stood right before its eyes, the massive thing went cross eyed as it stared at him with its deep pools of dark slits. Reaching up with its front paws, it tried to bat him away like an annoying insect but Harry quickly dodged away. 

Snorting in annoyance as steam rose up from its nostril, he wasn't giving up until he fully understood what this thing was. It looked kind of draconic, but it was nothing like any dragon he read about. 

Firstly it was too fucking massive just like the Royal Gryphon and even then it had a few extra meters on them. Plus it had 2 pairs of legs and wings unlike dragons who have one pair of legs and wings. 

"What are you?" he asked as he wanted to shake it for answers. 

Then as if magically knowing, because why not, he uttered, "A Great Black Wyrm!"

With a great big ROAR that shook the heavens themselves, he sent falling from the Wyrm's snout thanks to the vibrations of the noise that shook him to his bones. Falling, falling, he stared up at the colossal which stared back at him, all he could do to describe the creature was majestic and breathtaking with a hint of very dark. 

Then he was awake with a start! 

Taking deep breaths to calm his racing hearts, he was up on his feet in exuberance and celebration like no other. 

Finally, he knew his animagus form, a Great Black Wyrm!


Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch, Hunter Joseph, Julio Hernandez, Vortex, Nitrogue97, drefly13, Patrick Wishart, Tarush Agrawal, נועם ממיאס, Eric Dettenrieder, thunderwalker123, Connor, Keith Kindall, kyle nicolls, Wesley Tebbens, Edmund, yety10, Alex Newton, T, Brad, Jack Edwards, Javi Alonso, Luck George, Kyle Hitchens, Verinuarmu, Bowzer, Th31695, Wesley Burns, Jamie,

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Black Wyrm Art: https://forum.supercell.com/showthread.php/310163-Black-Dragon-Troop-Request




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