Wizard King

Chapter 47: Solicitor

Banking left towards the family manor, Harry gave a loud roar to Sunchaser in his animagus form of the Great Black Wyrm. Sunchaser returned the cry as it nodded its massive head in goodbye then flew up towards the Roost.

Beating his massive wings downward as he sent up a small hurricane, he shifted back into his human form then touched down on the courtyard in a superhero landing. 

Rearranging their clothing, Sirius and Tobry came up to him, "I still can not believe that your  animagus form is that of a True Dragon!" Sirius stated, "I am sooo jealous."

Hearing about him describe the ancient race of True Dragons called Wyrm when he told him about his animagus form, Harry was ever so fascinated. True Dragons were an intelligent race of much more superior dragons that have delved deep into the inner working of magic. 

You won't find them around in the world since most of them live their lives out in their dens, but during the Age of Legends and Myth they were a predominant force on this world. Now they have fallen to the wayside as fairy tales and myth, no wizard or witch could even prove their existence until now. 

"What can I say," Harry answered with a shrug, "I am just that fucking awesome."

"You mean lucky, right," his godfather said as he elbowed him. 

"Luck and awesomeness go hand in hand," Harry said with haughtiness as he had his nose up in the air, "there is no need to differentiate the both of them. Anyways," he said as he turned his look to the older wizard, "you should try to bask in my awesome glory, maybe some of it will rub off on you!"

"Oh-ho-ho," Sirius said with a deep, dark chuckle that didn't sound the most friendliest of sort, "so getting arrogant of yourself, huh?"

Taming it down, he respectfully answered with a bow, "I forget my place, good lord, please have mercy!"

"That what I thought," Sirius said as this time it was him with his nose up in the air. 

Chuckling, they both broke into laughter as they couldn't hold it back anymore. Tobry stared up at them like children while he had a rolled up newspaper under his armpit. "If you are done," the house-elf called out respectfully.

"Yes, what it is, Tobry," Harry asked once he collected himself. 

"This came in," he said as he handed him a copy of the Daily Prophet. Reading over it, he saw captions all about him, especially his childhood. 

'Boy-who-lived living with abusive muggles!'

Today, I Rita Skeeter the most trusty reporter in the Magical British Isles, come with the most shocking news! Harry James Potter, new Lord of House Potter was not living the fanciful life we have imagined..........

From there it continued to talk about his time with the Dursleys and all the abuse he suffered at their hands. 

You may be wondering how did our young hero end up in such an abusive home when so many fine upstanding citizens of Magical Great Britain ould have taken him in and raised him in a cared for home. All fingers point to a wizard we all know and respected, Albus Dumbledore! 

I have gained exclusive insight into what happened the day the Potter family was brutally massacred by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. 

Speaking to Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts and Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, who was there that night, here is what he has to say.....

Even though Harry hated himself for using the gentle half-giant like this he needed Dumbledore's true colors to be shown and the public to start doubting him. So this was the only play he could make. 

So Mr. Hagrid could you please tell us what happened that faithful night?

Yes, one nicht Professor Dumbledore had me go tae th' Potter Home tae rescue young Harry Potter efter baith James and Lily were..... -Snif- murrdad.

How did Albus Dumbledore know that the Potters were murdered?

I dah not know, but thes is Professor Dumbledore yer are talkin' a bit.

Okay, please continue then. 

When I got there, th' Potter home was in ruins both Lily an' James were lying there.... deid an' little Harry was crying in his crib. Then Sirius arrived.....

You mean Sirius Black!

Aye, though I did nae know he was a Death Eater, if I did...

But why? If he betrayed the Potters wouldn't he have run away?

I don't know an' he was th' one who gae me his flyin' motorcycle tae deliver Harry tae Professor Dumbledore while he said he would be going efter a traitor. 'at was mighty weird now 'at I think on it.

So you deliver Harry into the hands of Professor Dumbledore?

Aye, to both Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were little Harry would be living with th' Dursley. 

Tell me about the Dursleys!!!

They were muggles, an' I don't hate muggles but these were th' kind who hated magic. But Professor Dumbledore said they were his last remainin' family, an' he always knows best!

So were you ever able to visit Harry to check up on him and see how he was doing?

Nae, I really did want tae, but Professor Dumbledore forbid it. However, I was given th' task of introducin' him to th' wizarding world!


Yes, it was such a high honor, 'at Professor Dumbledore gae me. 

What sort of feeling did you get from them?"

They did try tae stop young Harry frae going to Hogwarts, spewing nonsense 'at he won't be learning about magic and all that, but I quickly shut 'at down.

Thank You, Mr. Rubeus that would be all. 

So as you can see readers, Albus Dumbledore was the one who sent Harry Potter, our young hero to such an abusive home. And he was the one that prevented anyone from visiting him. It all makes us wonder why? What motives did such a well-respected wizard have to do all this? These are all the questions we must ask ourselves. 

Tune in next time to read about an interview with Harry Potter, himself as he talked about his time with the Dursley's. After that, we will explore his treacherous and difficult time at Hogwarts. 

"Yeah, it all the truth," Harry said with a shrug as he looked at more articles calling to Dumbledore facing trial. 

"But how could this me possible!?" the house-elf nearly screamed as all cool and collectedness was gone. Harry just relieved he never told Tobry his childhood, so this must be a shock him that his lord and liege suffered through all this. 

"It's alright, Tobry," he tried to comfort the house-elf, "its all in the past behind me." 

"Yes," Sirius growled as his grey eyes transformed into deep black pool for a brief moment, "and Gorkit and Barnott promised me that they have dealt with them in a very satisfying way." 

"I have truly..... f-failed my master and mistress," the house-elf muttered to himself.

"Hey, that not true," Harry cut in, "my grandfather and grandmother would have been proud for all you have done for me."  

Not looking as if those words sunk in, the house-elf simply said, "I will need time to process this my lord."

Reaching out as he tried to grab ahold of the house-elf as he walked away, Sirius stopped him and silently shook his head. "He needs time to process it all."

Sighing, Harry nodded his head and blankly said, "Alright let's go." 

Appearing in Diagon Alley, Harry cast a powerful notice-me-not charm as he powerful a butt load of magic into it. Nodding his head, Sirius could still notice him as he was in the zone of the spell then he chucked down his polyjuice potion turning into his Yankee form.

Walking down the busy streets nobody paid him any attention and he sighed a breath of relief. If it hadn't worked then countless people would have been surrounding him already.

Talking in the rights, he always enjoyed coming here even if it was always crowded with people. In the distance, he spotted a pristine building were people were lining up in long rows, seeing the Mirror shard Logo with the P inside of it, he knew what the store was.

Mirror selling his Mirror phones. They must be selling like hotcakes if they are getting some real good traffic like that.

Coming up to a building with a sign that read Tonks law agency! He walked into the door alongside Sirius, the plate looked kind of empty with no business at but he just shrugged his shoulder and carried on. Uncasting the notice-me-not charm, he greeted the lady sitting on the front desk with a pleasant smile.

"Hi, I am looking for Mr. Tonks, we have an appointment with him."

"Oh, let me see," she said as she glanced over her parchments. "Mr. Andrew, correct, for 9 a.m."

"Yes," Sirius nodded his head. 

"Great just walk ahead and you will see his office."

"Thank you," Harry said with a nod as they continued along. 

Immediately reaching the door, they knocked politely and heard a muffled voice say, "Come in!"

Walking in, they were greeted to the sight of a man in a muggle suit with ties and all, hurriedly wiping away at his mouth as he put away his english muffin. "Clients that something we do not get most often," he muttered under his breath. 

Then putting on a pleasant smile, he said, "Hello, and welcome to Tonks law agency!"

"What did you forget, Ed, Dromeda sent me today?"

"Is that you Sirius?" he asked in surprise. 

"Yes, remember I wanted you to handle this issue of Harry's unlawful use of his name and image."

"Yes, yes," he said, then looking at Harry up and down, he whispered, "blimey, Harry Potter in my own office!" Clearing his throat when he saw the slight eyebrow raise from both of them, the man turned to his desk and dig around for a while until he pulled out a file with his name.

Seating it down before them, Harry noticed how god damn big it was, "I have been looking into all the companies and people who have been using you, and I must say its a lot. I don't think we can ever go against all of them, but if we go after the big fishes, it will....."

"Scare of the rest," Harry finished for him, seeing his plan already. "That sounds good to me."

"Yeah," Sirius agreed, "and those small contenders selling your shirts and mugs will your face will only increase your image and recognition."

"What don't you think my fame is already too much?" Harry asked. 

"No, it never hearts to be a house hold name when one day you might need all the help you can. Plus I trust it won't get to your head."

"I am truly hearted with all the faith you placed in me!" Harry mockingly said with utmost sincerity. 

Shaking his head, Sirius turned back to Mr. Tonks and asked, "So how much will you be trying to get from them?"

"I will try to make them give back 15 to 20% of what they earned during the past decade," the man said. 

"What!!!" Harry shouted, "so we are just going to let them have over 80 % for free?!"

"You must understand," the man said, "they most likely spent this money so it will be a miracle if we can collect. And I would advise that you charge a 40 to 50% fee from now on out instead of shutting them down."

"Sounds like a plan," Sirius said, "that damage is done."

"Now," the man continued, "the biggest issue we will face is their defence. They will most likely go for how rich you are thanks to the Mirror phone especially," he said as he presented his own. 

"So they will call you greedy, and might have some folk on their side."

"Ha," Harry chuckled, "tell the newspapers that the money will be donated to orphans and children that suffered from the war like me. Plus some for Werewolf and Vampire cure research! Let's see who will be on their side then."

Barking out a loud laugh, Sirius smacked him on the back, "Now that what I am talking about. Turn their own agreements against them. Let's see who is truly more greedy!"

"Now," Harry said, "about your payment. I will pay you 100,000 Galleons off the bat and for every person you go after I will pay the 10,000 Galleons."

Coughing in surprise as he must have choked on his own spittle, the man said, "WHAT!"

"Think nothing of it, Mr. Tonks, I am swimming in gold and you deserve it if you bring these motherfuckers that think they could do what they wish with my name and face! Plus you can get the name recognition and I am sure a lot more people will walk through your door, no matter if you are a Muggle-born wizard. This will be the crack down of the century!"


"Is it weird we are here a second time," Harry asked as they walked into the doors of Gringotts Bank! The place was same old, same old with hundreds of goblin tellers sitting on hand with different tasks. 

They were greeted politely this time by a young goblin who was waiting for their arrival. "Gorkit is waiting for you, Master Black."

"Lead on," Sirius said with a nod. 

Soon they were at the Gorkit office where Barnott was surprisingly there as well.

 "Finally came to take the Lordship Ring?" the grumpy goblin asked before any pleasantly. 

"Yes, give it here," Sirius said as he took the open box with a pitch black ring on top of a pillow. Not even blinking, he put it on and the ring morphed to fit his ring finger. 

"There," he said, "are you happy now."

"Very much so," the goblin said without a bulk. "Traditions must be kept, and a lord needs his ring to prove himself."

"Yeah, yeah," Sirius said, "now before you began with all the tedious stuff, is the Blood adoption ritual ready."

"Yes, I can lead you to the ritual room anytime you want."

"Okay," Sirius nodded, "now shh, I must have a private word with my godson!"

Not even blinking at being kicked out of his own office, Sirius let out a long sigh once just the two of them were left in the room. Walking up to the alcohol cabinet, he poured himself a tumbler then swallowed it down in a gulp. 

Pouring himself another, he turned to Harry and asked, "you want one?"

"You do know you are asking a kid, right?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow and a surprised chuckle. 

"When I was your age, I would always sneak in a drink, so I know you kids."

"Fine, give me something light."

"So," Sirius began as he cleared his throat for the dozenth time. "I know we haven't talked about this in detail, but I want to do a Blood adoption ritual with you."

"Alright sure," Harry said with a shrug. 

Looking at him, the man said, "I don't think you understand what that entitles."

"Yeah, I do," Harry said, "I will become your heir. Next lord for the Black family."

"No," Sirius said with a shrug, "You will become my son in ever fact of the matter. You will be Harry Potter-Black."

"I understand, I am ready to do it."

"I... you..." Sirius still stuttered like a little girl. 

"What?" Harry asked, "you think you would be stealing this from my father?"

"No... I just..."

"Its alright," Harry said, "you have been more to me a father then mine could ever be since you know, he is dead. I know that sounds cold hearted, but it's the truth. And I know, my dad would be happy that you would raise me in his place."

Shaking his head, Sirius swallowed the rest of his drink and asked, "when did you get so wise."

"Who know maybe I had someone helping become who I truly am."

"Alright, let's do it," the older wizard called out. 


"So from the scale, 1 to 10, how painful will this be?" Harry asked the goblin with the sharp looking Athame in his hands. 

"Be prepared," the goblin simply answered as it nicked some blood from Sirius. 

Suddenly the cloaked goblins surrounding them began to chant, slowly he could see Sirius blood dripping on to the center of the circle. 

Drip, drip, drip.

Then once their was a small pool of Sirius blood, the goblins cant suddenly rouse in a octave as the blood turned to a red mist that rouse up into the air. 

Before he knew it the red mist went for him as it went down his nostrils, his ears, under his eyelids, and his gaping mouth.

Trying to breathe, he was suffocating under this cloud and felt like he would die at any moment. 

Then as if in sudden relief, he could breathe and took in a deep gulp as he fell to the ground. Coughing and spitting as he tried to get rid of that sensation, he cursed the goblins for the hundredth time in his head. 

Who just told someone be prepared, why couldn't they have said don't choke!

Coming to his side, Sirius asked, "Are you alright?"

Nodding his head in acquiescence, one of the goblin casters walked up to them and simply said, "That will come out to be 840 Galleons."

"Are you sure you guys aren't highway men?" Sirius asked with a whistle at the price. 

Giving him a savage grin, the goblin said nothing more, "Just take it out of my vault," the man said as he helped him get up. 

"I don't feel different," Harry called out, "are you sure this ritual worked."

"Look in a mirror," the goblin simply answered.


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