Wizard King

Chapter 48: Family Vaults


I nearly forget to mention, Double Chapter Week, thanks to all my pa /treons who helped us get there! So besides the six chapter I will post, if you can reach any of the 3 goals for the extra chapters, I will add it. 

So if we reach rank 10, that would be 9 WHOLE CHAPTERS this week!


Looking at himself in the mirror phone with the camera mood, he checked himself up and down. There have been some changes in him, his hair for one was like midnight black as if it wanted to suck up all the light.

His high cheekbones were more prominent as if he was a snobbish noble man, his eyes were the thankfully same, showing that he was still his mother's boy, but they were more sharper as if you were staring at a predator.

Plus some more differences here and there, bringing out his Black family features he got from his grandmother. He really did look like a mix between the two houses of Black and Potter!

"Well now you can say you have some of my killer looks," Sirius commented from off to the side.

Putting down his master phone, he came back to the here and now, before them were a much of paperwork making him Sirius legal heir and son. In his left hand was the Heir ring

"Yeah," Harry said, "I guess I can talk more comfort in the fact that I am more girly."

"More girly," Sirius called out in an affronted tone, "I would have you know that, us, Black men are at the height of male masculinity!"

Clearing his throat, Barnott spoke up, "Master Potter-Black, if I can introduce you to your new family account managers."

"This is Farnuff," he pointed to a chipper looking goblin, "he will be the Peverell family account manager."

"Hi," that goblin said as he briskly shook his hand, "it would be an honor to work with you, Master Potter-Black!"

"This is Nadluk," he said as he bulky goblin stepped forward, " he will be the Gryfindor family account manager."

"Greetings," the goblin said as he gave him a firm handshake.

"This is Lugia," he said as this time it was a female goblin who greeted him which came to him as a total surprise. "She will be the Ravenclaw family account manager."

"Lastly we have here Eargras," he indicated a dour-looking goblin which could have been Gorkit younger brother. "he will be the Slytherin family account manager."

"Nice to meet you all," Harry nodded to them each in turn.

"If all the niceties are done," Gorkit voiced in his usual tone, "we have business to attend to! Now," he stated as he passed Sirius some documents, "these are all the assets your family has with us."

House Black

Title: Earls of Suffolk

Vassals: House Albert(Baron), House Neil(Knight), House Abacus(Knight)

Total Assets: 23,154,813 Galleons, 90,072,150 Sickles, 719,548,337 Knut

"Now," Gorkit said, "your family is slowly recovering now that you have reopened your shops, farms, greenhouse, and factories for business which is good. I can see in 4 to 5 years you will be back to where you were at before the Voldermort War."

"That good," Sirus said, "not caring one wit, what about the other house Harry has lordship to. We haven't seen those."

"You can discuss it with them," Gorkit said as he gave the floor to the other goblins.

"Yes," Farnuff began, "sadly most of the properties have declined throughout the years with nobody looking after them and have become nothing more than ruins. The shares have mostly all collapsed and the patents haven't been renewed so they are public property now."

"So what's the good news in all this?" Harry asked as it was looking more and more like he was inheriting just a title.

"The good news is," the goblin answered as he showed him some documents on the Peverell family assets, "most of the family gold remains, and of course there is the family vault with countless treasures collected through the ages and the family grimoire."

House Peverell

Title: Marquess of Hertford

Vassals: House Warwickshire(Viscount), House Hilton(Baron), House Cousley(Baron), House Lodge(Knight) House Watley(Knight)

Total Assets: 67,987,342 Galleons, 377,072,100 Sickles, 2,999,748,837 Knut

"That good," Harry said as he looked over everything, the greater amount of money made up for the missing shares and patents. Nevertheless, he knew he would have to sink in a whole lot of money to bring back any of these families to where they used to be in their glory days.

"Is it same with the other families?" he asked the account managers of the three Duke houses even though he knew it was a definite yes.

"To a varying degree," Lugia answered as she pulled up her spectacles, "I would even say even much more worse state. You should know during those times, the goblin nation was quite.... unsatisfied, if you would, with its position in the wizarding world."

"You mean rebellious," Sirius snorted out as he couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Say what you would," the female goblin continued, "but the banks did not have that many patrons as it has today."

"So," Nadluk picked up with, "the three Great Houses you have lordship to, did not put much of their wealth or treasures into Gringotts."

"Give it to me straight," Harry said with a weary sigh, "what am I looking at here?"

"A couple million Galleons spread out to each house," Eargras answered.

"What do you mean you have pennies in your vaults?" Harry asked with a snort. "That's the total wealth of the Potter house, a so-called couple million Galleons."

"Yes, that is true," Lugia said, "but you should remember we are talking about families that can trace their line as face back as King Arthur time and even further than that. The total wealth in their vaults is just a fraction of what we believe they have."

"Yes, the lion share of their gold must be hidden throughout the whole world and secreted away."

"Sounds to me like a treasure hunt," Sirius said as he gave Harry a pat on the shoulder.

"Great," Harry said with a sigh of resignation, "why couldn't they just have made it easy for me."

"Well nothing ever worthwhile is easy to obtain," Sirius dispensed some of his wisdom, however, Harry could see he was more interested in the prospect of a treasure hunt.

"So, Barnott how are things looking on your end?"

"Great, Master Potter-Black, I just knew your product would be a success, you are racking in thousands upon thousands of Galleons each day."

Looking at the goblin, he was sure he remembered something else, but made no comment.

"Gringotts would be interested in buying a few thousand of your mirror phones in bulk."

"We are running short on Rainbow Crystalline Sands so if you can connect me to a good provider, plus we need more enchanters, and we need people to continue to develop our arithmancy network. I am sure I can give you guys a good discount."

"You have a deal them, Master Potter-Black," Barnott declared. "Plus I have some good news, I was able to collect all the bounties on Voldermort which rightfully belonged to you."

"Really?" Harry asked in surprise as he did not expect this sort of glad tiding.

"Yes, there have been 27 counties, 57 organizations and businesses, 143 families that posted a wild variety of bounties on him. The largest one which is from your very own Ministry with 3 million Galleons."

"You deserve it," Sirius said as he patted him on the back, knowing his thoughts, "it's the least the world can do for you after defeating him."

"Yeah, I guess you are right," Harry nodded his head as he recalled all the thwarted the madman, preventing his rise and restarting his reign of terror on the country.

"Well I have two things I want to take care of," Harry said as the goblin nodded along and listened up. "One is that I defeated a thousand-year-old basilisk and by right of conquest I want to claim its corpse."

Gaping like a fish when he heard what Harry said, he repeated, "did you say a thousand-year-old basilisk?"

"Yep, it's down in the tunnels underneath Hogwarts which falls beyond the territory of the school so you can pick it apart on my behalf."

"Gringotts Bank will like to buy it off from you," Gorkit immediately said.

Remembering how warrior-like their race has been, he could understand their want for such a mighty beast plus the corpse of the basilisk was lucrative as each part of it was worth its weight in gold.

"Sure," Harry said with a shrug as it did not matter to him who took it off his hand if they were willing to pay top price. "However, I will like a portion of it set aside for me, and to be worked by the best enchanters you have."

"Oh, you aren't thinking what I am thinking?" Sirius asked.

"Awesome battle robes?" Harry asked as he wanted a one for his own ever since he saw the Commander in his own made from a legendary creature he killed long ago. "Hell yeah!"

"Deal," the goblin answered.

"Plus I want to its head so that I can mount it on my wall

Looking hesitant, the goblin finally acquiesced, "I will honor that, young warrior," he said with a nod as for the first time he saw something in his face than his frumpy one.

"Great, and on the final note," Harry said as he got up from his seat. "If you would, please make room," he said to the goblins as he had his lordship ring held out. 

Doing as told, Harry used the spacial storing function of the ring and suddenly it was as if a wave was unleashed. Gold flooded every part of the room as it raised them a few feet up to the ceiling.

"That's all the gold I got from the Griffions of the Roost, a little home welcoming gift of there if you would." 

"Couldn't you have done this anywhere else?" Gorkit grumbled, "like in your vaults?" 


"Yeah, it would be great if you can help me get into contact with some people that sell prime meat, running a bit low on that in the Roost," Harry said as they continued to discuss business along the way. 

Right now they were taking the carts and were heading very deep into the tunnels of the bank. He was pretty sure he passed the upper vaults were his school funds vault was at long ago. Presently they were speeding past dark shadows of powerful guardians that protected the place, and he could make out runes of traps set about. 

It was obvious that you were not going to get here without a scratch. 

"Here we are," Barnott said as they finally came to a stop in front of a vault with a large golden P inscribed into it. The Potter family Vault!

This was different from the family money vault which held all the gold his family had to their name. This was where all the family treasures and magical items were stored. This vault is what defined a family, it was more precious than anything else!

Stepping forward, the goblin inserted its own key then started deactivating the wards which took a long while. "If you would," the goblin said as he allowed him to step forward, "a bit of your blood."

Coming up to the large doors, Harry took out a ritual dagger from his coat pocket and sliced his hand, smearing his blood on the door. Immediately, the cut was already knitting stitch thanks to his enhanced healing.

"Then present your lordship ring," the goblin said. 

Doing as told, he held out the ring and the door slowly swung open. 

Without a word, he stepped into the vault and his breath was taken away, the place was just spectacular. There were shelves upon shelves of countless strange and magical items that he did not even know what they were or could do. 

There were small and large chest laying about, cracking a few open he saw gem and jewels glittering about. There were wonderful paintings of beautiful landscapes that some to be alive and moving pictures of great battles sung out in the painting. 

There were statues of magnificent beasts and bewildering beings. Books abound that contained powerful secret knowdgle. Potions that glowered with their powerful magic. 

Magical swords and scepters, bejeweled armor and helmets, endless wands and great staffs, large rubies and sapphires. 

And the list just went on and on as he just tried to process the sheer wealth of all this but couldn't even come up with a number since all of this was priceless. No wonder the family vault was so much more well regarded than the money vault, the two of them couldn't even compare. 

He knew it sounded weird, but one was like having a homeless man and the other a true king. 

Catching a glance of a large book laid out in the middle of the room on top of a stand, he made his way over to him. 

Touching the cover which was made of a mysterious creature, Sirius called out, "so, found the family grimoire, huh?"

"So this is it?' Harry asked reverently as he ran his hand over the large golden P. 

"Yep, contains all the spells that your family compiled throughout the years and deemed fit to go into this book."

"Its pretty large," Harry said as just from racking his eyes over out could count thousands of pages, "are you sure there is more room for the coming generation?"

"Everything you want to write a spell, a new page will be ready for you. So don't worry, you will never run out of room."

"Ha," Harry chuckled in amusement at the thought of one of his descendent to come carrying around a 10,000 page or even 100,000-page book. 

'is it alright if I take it with me?" Harry asked, unsure if he was able to take such a valuable item from here.

"It's yours," Barnott answered with a shrug, 'you may do with as you please. And if you are worried about it being stolen from you, don't be, no one can read it except for those with the blood of the Potter family. Plus it has powerful wards protecting against theft and the like."

"That sounds good," Harry said as he stored the book into his Lordship ring, he will be sending long nights with this little bad baby. Just imagining what kinds of spells he could learn made him start drooling. 

"Ready to go to the next vault?" Sirius asked. 

"Yeah," Harry answered, he would need to be back to this place after he had taken inventory of all the items and treasures it contained. He had no idea what to take with him except for the family grimoire.

Everything here was so wondrous and strange, he could literally spend a lifetime down here if he wanted testing and seeing the whole shebang.

Looking back at the vault one last time as it closed behind him, he was sure he was going to be back!

[A/N: Comment below with your ideas of what Harry should pick up from the family vault!]

After the Potter vaults, it was to the Peverell, this one was like the Potter vaults on steroids with even more magical items and treasures inside it. However, surprise, surprise there was no family grimoire in the vault. 

It seem like it was never brought back here, with a sigh Harry knew he would have to track it down, adding to his growing list. 

Then it was to the Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin vaults just as the account manages said there wasn't much here with only a few items lying about and of course not the family grimoires.

Before they left they gave the Black family vaults a visit, where Sirius didn't gape around like he did, and just picked up his family grimoire as he muttered about picking up some new spells. 

[A/N: I want to clarify, assets are the money on hand that the family has in Galleons, Sickles, or Knuts. Family Vaults contain treasures like gems, magical items, valuable, potions, artifacts, precious metals, and so forth.]

Soon they were heading out the tunnels and back to the surface, leading them out the cart, the goblin wished them a good day and they headed out.

"Well that was a productive day," Harry said as he patted his lord ring were his family grimoire was inside. 

"Yep, we got a lot of things done and others in motion," Sirius agreed. "Want lunch?" he asked.

"Sure," Harry nodded, "I can really go for a steak today, what about you?'

"Steak it is then, I know a really good American restaurant around here which services the best steak in town."

"Sounds good," Harry said, "let's go."

However, just then a voice cleared his throat and the two of them spun around with their wands raised and a spell at the tip of their mouth.

"Do you know how hard it is to found you?" the man dressed in a fine, elegant suit asked as if he did not notice the two wands pointed at him.

"Who are you?" Sirius asked in as threatening tone, "and make it quick because my hand is starting to get a bit unstable."

"My name is Albert Mckingly," the man said with a bow, "I am the Queen's man."

"Who's this Queen's man?" Harry asked in a low tone. Even if he had been devouring books like crazy didn't mean he was all knowledgeable now, there were some gaps that could only be covered by experience. 

Ignoring him for the moment, Sirius asked as he pointedly did not put down his wand, "What do you want from us?" 

"Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom would like to have an audience with you, Earl of Powys," he said as he pointedly stared at Harry.

"Me?" Harry repeated, "what in god's name would the Queen want with me?"

Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch, Hunter Joseph, Julio Hernandez, Vortex, Nitrogue97, drefly13, Patrick Wishart, Tarush Agrawal, נועם ממיאס, Eric Dettenrieder, thunderwalker123, Connor, Keith Kindall, kyle nicolls, Wesley Tebbens, Edmund, yety10, Alex Newton, T, Brad, Jack Edwards, Javi Alonso, Luck George, Kyle Hitchens, Verinuarmu, Bowzer, Th31695, Wesley Burns, Jamie, 


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