Wizard King

Chapter 65: Vassals


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After the death of Ser Gimbal at the hands of Magic itself, Harry continued with the work of clearing this Keep out.

As for Lord Nott, he set him aside for now. Thanks to this infringement into his own personal matters, he had casus belli with his House, so he could basically wage war on him at any time, and it would be held up in the Wizengamot. But now wasn't the time to pursue it, his armies were still building up to the force they used to be, and they would need time to prepare for an all-out war with them.

So as much as it pained him, he had to leave be the man for now. But that didn't stop him from sending out spies to check out his enemy's estates and holding. Soon dozens of little Micro Griffins were flying out of the keep towards numerous directions.

After that, the question came up about what to do what all the people they capture. There were a lot of captured souls from battle- from the 600 mercenaries captured by Sirius on their way to the keep, which explained why they took so long to arrive.

All of them put down their weapons when they saw the overwhelming force and surrounded to face his judgment, just like any sane hireling would.

He thought about what to do with them; on the one hand, they took his rebellion vassal's money, but on the other hand, they made his conquest of the place a lot easier when they fleed. It was a tough choice, but what decided for him, in the end, was the mercenary codes.

They were compelled to offer up their wands, armor, equipment, and mounts to him, which they also needed to either pay out recompense him with serve time to him.

Metting the mercenary captain, Harry decided to give them generous terms by returning their wands and equipment to them and buying out their serves for the whole year, for a very reduced price of course. The man looked very happy with the term, and so was he since he would need the extra men to wage war with the Notts very soon.

The mercenary captain also recommended his brother with glowing remarks who lead 400 men, so in the end, he totaled out a 1,000 men for service the whole year.

After that it was time to deal with the civilian folks of the keep- from the cooks, cleaners, servants, entertainers, gardeners, blacksmith, hunters, apprentices, and so forth. For them, he decided to take them into his own household with the promise of double wages to ease any hurt feeling.

His estates were a bit lonely and very much empty, yes there were plenty of House-elves underfoot taking care of properties, but he wouldn't deny that it could use some livening up. He knew that they used to be Ser Gimbal's folk which he basically forced him to murder himself, but they were just common folk who didn't have any words to say if their master decided to rebel or not.

So with that, he decided to pass them on to Tobry, his ever helpful little steward who just arrived with the fanfare of the victory going on.

Then it was the troop, for the recruits most of them made it through the battle with only a few having some sort of injure. Really those injuries were more from their wild panic than anything else.

He sort of felt bad for the whole lot of them, most were made up of baby faced boys and girls who looked to be recent Hogwarts or some other magical school graduate.

Harry decided to incorporate them into his army, they were always looking for more fresh recruits, and he was sure that Commander would shape them up into real men and women. Of course, he would have the old hand keep an eye on them to make sure there aren't any bad apples who want to cause trouble, but other than that, he felt safe enough to take them in.

Naturally, he could not forget about his own adoptive father, so he had the recruits divided up and sent half to the Griffin Fort and the other half to the Black Fort.

Finally, he had to deal with the loyal men of house Chalet. There was a few of them reminding as many of being lost on the battlements and some more in the Donjon that tried to make a last stand. He knew that he could not let them go or even take them into his fold, sooner or later they would be causing him trouble as they tried to avenge their lord.

However at the same time, he really didn't want to massacre 186 men, battle was one thing and on the field either you dead or your enemy did, but now that they were captured and bound, he just couldn't force himself to murder them in cold blood.

Say what you will about him, but he had boundaries that he never wanted to cross. He did not want to become the next Voldermort, a mad man hell bent on world domination. Or Dumbledore manipulating ever one from the shadow. 

However, the answer soon appeared to him in the form of the mountain range behind the Keep. It wasn't a regular old mountain filled with stone and stubby vegetation, but of precious magical metals, rare magical gemstones, valuable crystals used in enchantments, and large quantities of magical minerals. This was why his family gave the Chalet this land, but since they wanted to pursue his family riches instead of their own he would gladly take it back.

He would need the hard labor, and with 10 years of back breaking work in those mines he planned to open up, it would soften them up perfectly and break their will of revenge.

With that out of the way, he came to the last issue at hand; what to do with Lady Chalet and her little daughter.

Just as he was mulling over those thoughts, it was as if someone read his mind and the woman herself walked into the room which previously used to be Ser Gimbal, but he had made into his own during his stay here.

"Lady Chalet?" he said as he got up on the richly furnished chair; he really would have look into bringing it with him. It fit just about perfectly on his behind.

"I am no lady anymore. You saw to that, my lord. Call me Nia, please," she said with a bow.

"How did you get in?" he asked with a hint of suspicion, looking for a knife or a hidden wand. You never know how women would act sometimes.

"Your guards let me through after a thorough check," she added as she figured out his thoughts.

"A lot good they are," he muttered to himself.

"Oh, they knew what they were doing," she answered with a smile that really brought out her beauty as she slowly sauntered over to him with a bit of sway in her hips. Then very slowly, she begin to run her fingers along his chest and whispered, "They were giving you your conquer's right."

Then suddenly she was out of the one piece dress she was wearing and he noticed she had nothing underneath it. Without a word, she begin to kiss him, at first hesitant then slowly much more sensual.

It most cases, Harry would have already been waging war with her as he returned the kiss, but today he pushed her back. Not only was he surprised with his action, so was she.

"My lord," she whispered as he felt her tremble in his grasp, "do you not want me."

"No, it is not that," he answered with a shake of his head, "it is just that I won't take advantage of you," he answered stiffly. Harry would be the first to accept that he was liberal with who he slept with, he did after all have sex with another man's wife, his own teacher, his cousin, and the list went on. But that does not mean he would stoop so low as to take advantage of a fearful and terrified woman.

Finally, unable to hold it back, the woman broke down, "What is to happen to my daughter and me?"

"Nothing," Harry replied as he felt really bad. It was like he was the villain here. 

"I will even take her in as my ward, give her a private education, make sure she heads off to Hogwarts when she reaches 11, and I would even sponsor her apprenticeship if she choices that path or the Cloak Tower as well. Plus, I will even find her a good match with a respectable man with deep pockets and good lineage."

"Really?" she asked as she looked up at him with so much hope in her eyes.

"Yes," he answered with a soft smile as he used his thumb to wipe at her tears, "and I would never separate the two of you."

Leaning into his hand, she softly whispered, "then I thank you, my lord," looking up at him then as she pressed her body up against him, "let me repay you for all the good gracious you have shown me."

Laughing out loud, Harry pushed her back a bit, "I am not against a tumble in the sheets, but you are not of solid mind now. Maybe," he whispered to her, "after you settle in my castle and you still want to repay me. I wouldn't mind at all."


Once Nia was sent back to her chambers to spend time with her daughter, he could see that the day was already nearing to an end. All that organizing and making decisions really wasted a bunch of his time, but now however it was his men's time to celebrate.

Already he had the cooks prepare a large feast for the soldiers who bravely charged into battle for him. And he had some of the caskets brought up from Ser Gimbal private wine cellars and cracked it open for the men.

Plus to really cement his show of graduated he had 10 silver Sickle given to each soldier, 10 gold Galleons to each officer, and 100 Galleons to his superior officers.

With the men's pocket filled and wine freely flowing, the celebration were soon in perfect order. He even made sure to add the keep people into the liveliness, plus the recruits to ease them up and show them they were now part of his people.

Sitting at a high table alongside many of his close aids and friends, Harry simply smiled all day and gave nods here and there, and that seem to satisfy everyone.

Before long he was playing drinking games with Sirius, and then soon he was totally wasted and Remus was the victory of all the matches, you just can never compete with a werewolf's tolerance, they have a whole lot of that.

Walking up the next morning, Harry had the biggest head spitting headache of his life, thankfully he knew the perfect spell to fix it and after a dozen tries he finally was able to cast it and his mind was at ease.

What could he say, Magic was just that fucking awesome!

Looking at the Keep he could only see a few guards he set up to watch the Chalet men were the only ones still remaining on their feet.

This would just be unacceptable, he needed this place in order before his vassals that he summoned arrived!

Rousing up the men, he cast about the Hangover cure spell and received plenty of gracious nods and quickly thought it to even more people to cast around. He really had to thank one of his debauchery ancestors who found this to be a good spell to put in the family grimoire, it really did save you so much time instead of failing miserably at making the hangover cure potion and having it explode in your face.

With hangover cured, this place was quickly put to orderly matter, and after that he had the men break their fast before his guests arrived.

Then before long with a bunch of fanfare the first of his vassals came, Lord Bott the Barons of Corsham.

In total his family had 9 vassal, now of which one was destroyed by him so 8. Of those 8 only three of them were marked by the goblins of Gringotts as paying their tributes over these last couple years, the others.... well let's just say they have been reminisce.

Lord Bott was one of his steadfast supports and with how quick he came instead of dillydallying like others, he was clearly happy to swear his oaths to him.

As the man traveled through the front gates of what used to be Chalet keep, Harry stood on the front steps of the courtyard to greet him and so were a 100 men seated on Hippogriffs in neat rows and 10 Griffin riders flanking him on either side.

He had everyone else return to their respected posts especially the Black Host, that was a hand he did not want to play openly yet. So best to keep it close to his heart for now.

Stepping out of the carriage, he was greeted to the sight of strong jawed man who reminded him of a school mate, Terry Boot

"Oh-hohoho," the man chuckled deeply once he laid eyes on him, "my lord," he said with a polite lord.

"Lord Bott," Harry said, "it is wonderful to meet you."

"Same, same," the man nodded his head.

Just them more people arrived, and from their devices, Lord Bott was able to voice, "It looks like Ser Ryan and Ser Eddie have arrived."

Coming to greet him was a tall dark skinned wizard, Ser Ryan of House Cole, and a lean lanky man- Ser Eddie of House Dehoff. They were the other two knights that reminded loyal to his house in their time of trouble.

Greeting them politely and chatting up with them for a bit, another group arrived.

Baron Kerry of House Fraser a plump man with beady eyes well known for his gluttonous appetite. Behind him was his toady more loyal to the Baron than to his rightful lord, a tall thin man by the name of Bret of House Porter a Knightly House.

After that came a short enigmatic man, Ser Watts of House Spencer who was a fanatic Light follower and followed Dumbledore's dogma perfectly.

Then it was a pudgy man, Ser Gray of House Pearce with a quiet nature, Harry was still unsure of his master.

Last but not least was a tall dark haired man with sharp piercing eyes, Ser Myles of House Rogers. Harry did not know how to feel about him, the goblins did show he did pay his tributes sporadically for whatever reason.

Once everyone was here, he lead them up to Ser Gimbal's solar room, where they begin their gathering.

"I believe you all know why I called you here?" Harry begin.

"Let me say, my lord, I would be happy to renew my oaths to you," Lord Boot happy answered. to which Ser Cole and Dehoff nodded their head.

"I thank you," Harry nodded his head.

"Where is Ser Gimbal if I may ask, my lord," Baron Kerry changed the subject as he peered around looking for the man. "This is his Keep so why isn't he present."

"Oh Ser Gimbal," Harry said innocently, then he tossed a pouch in the middle of the table as some ash spilled out. "That's all that is left of him," he said with a shrug.

Looking surprised which seem to be a first on his calm cool face, Ser Gray asked, "He is dead."

"Yes," Harry stated as if he was discussing the weather not the death of a man, "he had this pesky thing in his mind called rebellion, so I had to get rid of it, if you catch my meaning."

"You murdered a man of noble birth?" Baron Kerry asked with surprise that was slowly being overwhelmed by affront.

"It was my right like any lord," Harry shrugged his shoulders. "What am I suppose to give him a pat on the back and a smile?"

"Ser Gimbal was a man of virtue and honor, to be killed off with no trial or mercy," Ser Watts wrinkled his nose acting all high and righteous with himself.

Snorting right in his face, Harry let out a barking laugh, "virtuous and honorable you say. Man, you must have such low standards, Ser Watts, or they have fallen greatly. A man who planned to rebellion against his rightful lord that has given him hearth and home, you call good? Come on then, stealing from a child then must be the epitome of all virtuousness in your books."

Looking anger at his remarks, Ser Bret was quick to the chase to speak up, "It doesn't matter, a man of such good stranding should not and can not be killed off at the whim of your fancy."

"Are you telling me who to do my job, Ser Bret?" Harry asked in a level tone, but the pure deadlyness behind it wasn't hidden in the least bit.

"No," he hesitantly replied, looking unsure of himself with his eyes boring into him.

"Good," Harry said, "now that we are all in agreement, I would like my oaths!"

"These things can not be rushed my lord," Baron Kerry spoke up, "there will need to be many celebrations and exchange of gifts before any of that."

Staring at him Harry knew he wanted to delay the oath as far back as he could, the oath was no simple thing. In actually it was an Unbreakable Vow that really prevented them from doing the same thing that Ser Gimbal just did.

With the coming of each new head of the house, the oath needed to be sworn to them personally, so that why the old power hungry man was able to begin a rebellion. No one was here to keep him in line for years.

"The oaths will be sworn now, or else I would take it that you don't want to be my vassal," Harry simply stated, sticking to his guns. He gave them no room to remover as he brought them here to where one of their own was struck down, and if they did not want to have the same faith they had no choice but to swear their oaths.

"I will not do so," Ser Bret foolishly declared acting as a mouth piece for Baron Kerry of course to see if he would bend.

"Okay," Harry said, "then from here on out you are no longer my vassal, and all properties and debts given will be taken away."

Then under their watchful eye, he called up Lieutenant Alex with his Mirror Phone, "Yes, please have the Griffin Cohort move in on Ser Berts lands and have them seize it."

Looking at Ser Berts aghast faces, he smiled at him, "Oh, did you want to see a live stream?" he asked innocently as he turned the phone around and have him watch as the First Cohort over ran the clearly unprepared forces he had.

Then he watched as his wife, mistress, and children were brought out, and just then he ended the call.

"Now, who else would love to leave, huh? Do we have anyone? Any goers?"

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