Wizard King

Chapter 66: Griffin Perch

Soon he got all his 7 remaining vassals to swear their oaths' of fealty as they each knelt before him and kissed his Lordship ring- swearing obedient in all things and so forth.

Ser Berts on the other hand disgraceful was sent out of his new Keep with no land or titles to his name. He did want to behead him on the spot, but he would be seen as a brutal tyrant if he did, and images was everything for a noble.

In some circles, that kind of visage would be well respected like in Voldy's camp. But in the Light camp, it wasn't really taken that well.

Anyways he really didn't care one wit for the man, there really wasn't much damage he do against him with no lands, titles, source of income, or men to fight for him.

What Harry was more focused on was his newly sworn in vassals. He released a sigh of relief that he didn't even know he was holding back. Really, he only had two Cohorts on hand, and if they all decided to simultaneously mutiny against him he would be hard pressed to put them all down.

He really only had the Griffin and Hippogriff cohort and posted them at his most troublesome vassals, namely Ser Berts and his true master Baron Kerry. He knew he could count on those two to cause him trouble, so he was prepared.

Other than that, he only counted for the others to remain in line if he had an example of one. Which was very precarious and counted on a whole lot of luck on his side.

It was only thanks to the fact that he was able to fib them all and hoodwink them into thinking that he had a fully armed and ready Legion on hand that they started to have second thoughts of defying him.

Nevertheless, in the end his plan worked out, and everyone was lining up to kiss his ass.

Still, he could see some weren't too happy about being forced into swearing unbreakable vows to him, and he really didn't make any friends with them with his power play.

But he really didn't give to fucks. All he wanted was for them to be in line, so he didn't have to worry about some knifing him in the back or starting trouble in his own backyard.

Still he had to keep in mind an unbreakable vow wasn't absolute. Yes, they wouldn't be able to resist him completely now that he had them sworn to him and they would have to follow his commands to a degree, but still...

They could find someway in disobeying him; like for example delay their tribute, second guess his orders, be a pain in the ass, and so forth.

Setting that aside for now, Harry turned to the men that occupied the room at large, "Now, that all that is out of the way. I had the cooks prepare a small feast in honor of you all. If you would sup with me, then we may discuss things over a meal."

Bobbing their head in general agreement, a servant came to lead them to the great hall which was now lined with his family banners instead of Ser Gimbal's devices which have been struck down at his orders.

Most of his vassals took notice of it, and Ser Watts asked with a stern gaze, "So are you reabsorbing Ser Gimbal's assets, my lord?" he added the last part begrudgingly.

"Yes," Harry replied frankly, "I plan to rename this place, Griffin Perch. A good place to station some Hippogriff riders, and I also plan to open up mines in the mountain behind this keep. Sadly it seems like House Chalet did not take advantage of what they were given by my great-grandsire. So, it would seem fit that my house does now."

"Doesn't your house have more than enough estates and holdings, my old?" Baron Kerry asked with a scowl. The jealously was clearly evident on his face, if he could have it his way then he would have been the one owning this keep and taking its riches from the mountain.

"Does my lord perhaps think that I shouldn't control this keep after by right of conquest I took this land back into my family's holding, mmm?" Harry asked in a dangerous tone, daring the man to contradict him.

"No, no, my lord," he hastily replied, taking on a more bootlicking tone, "I am just saying you should raise up a new vassal instead of bothering yourself with the management of such an insignificant place."

Harry had to give it to the man, he really knew how to change up his tone when the time called for it. I anything that's what really made him dangerous, pretending to be your friend and looking out for your best of interest while he schemed your downfall.

Taking his seat at the head of the table, already names were arranged and set up, and the seating arrangement told who was his closest and favorite vassal. On his right taking the seat of honor was Baron Bott of course then to his left were Ser Ryan and Ser Eddie. The others were further along the line.

Turning to look at Baron Kerry who was much further down, and even had some knight seated further up the line than him which was a clear insult to his rank. He asked, "So who might you have risen up Baron Kerry?"

"Oh, I have many people that you could look over, my lord. Mayhaps my cousin Arnold. He is a loyal and steadfast man."

Chuckling to himself deep down inside, he thought, 'you mean loyal and steadfast to you!'

"I also could recommend some good men to hold this keep, my lord," Ser Gray quietly added.

Shaking his head to himself, Harry thought to himself, 'why was it the most treacherous and disloyal men were asking for rewards! Did they think they could pass through whatever they wanted?'

"Well at the moment I am not looking to raise up new vassal," Harry answered respectfully as he took a sip of the wine that the server poured for each of them. "You lot are already enough for me." What he really meant to say was that they were already a pain in the ass. Why would he add more to the mix.

"Do you plan to do the same Ser Berts land?" Ser Myles asked, speaking up for the first time.

"Yes, I heard his land have some pretty good hunting grounds. I will need it to feed my every growing pens of Griffin beasts," he answered leaving the threat hanging over all their head and making them wonder how many legionaries he truly had. "So I will just rename it as the Griffin alight!"

"Now then," Harry continued as the food was brought out and set before them, "there must be a reaccounting. I believe there has been some reminisce over the tributes during the past few years that there has been no active lord, hmmm?"

"You aren't really saying that we entrust our gold to the goblins, my lord?" Ser Watts asked with disgust. You would think a man so close to the light would have better opinions of goblins and magical beings in general. But he was just the same as the Dark Side in their ways.

"Yes, yes, who knows those goblins might have cheated us of our wealth," Baron Kerry wholeheartedly agreed as he tore into his meal.

"Well, you can pay them to me," Harry smiled brightly at them, "you don't think I would cheat you do you?"

"Of course not, you are a noble and esteemed lord," Ser Watts nodded his head, not even deigning to think that his lord would ever cheat them.

"Good," Harry nodded his head, "and don't forget to add your late fees into the mix," he added as he took a bite out of his meal.

"Late fees?" Baron Kerry as his mouth was hanging a bit.

"Well of course," Harry said as if it was the most obvious thing, "this tribute is behind by over a decade so the late fees have build up quite a bit."

"This is unheard of," Ser Watts bristled as did the lord who had tributes owned to him.

"So is a vassal not paying his tribute for years on end, if I hadn't known any better I would have thought, they imagined that they could get away with it. Is that true?" he asked as he turned to face them.

Seeing how uncomfortable they were as some of them were sweating buckets, he grinned savagely, "If so, then that would mean they are usurping my authority! If that is the case, then...."

"That is far from the truth, my lord. There is no need for rash action. We will gladly pay our tributes and.... the late fees," Baron Kerry hastily nodded his head even though it pained him greatly, to which the others were in total agreement with him.

"Excellent," he said with a nod as if they were in total accordance with him all along. "Now for those who have been paying their tribute. I believe rewards are in order," he said as he turned to Baron Boot, Ser Ryan, and Ser Eddie.

He needed to make a show of example that those who were loyal to him and his family- were rewarded ample, and those who weren't... well they could look to Ser Gimbal who was dead and Ser Berts who was disgracefully sent along his way.

"Baron Boot," he called out first, "for your honorable exemplary during these trying years of my house, I shall name you Director of Mirror Phone Inc." he declared to the open surprise of the man. He just like everyone at the table knew how lucrative his family's new line of business is, and to be named head of the company, now that would be a very respectable position that promised thousands if not tens of thousand Galleons in pay each month.

Harry thought of giving him a share of the company, but he wanted that to be kept in his family. So he did the next best thing for him, and anyways he was too busy with a bunch of other stuff and would need someone to run the day to day operations. He has been making Tobry and his account managers do it, but as they have gotten piled with more and more tasks he figured he need someone to take on the job in an official capacity, plus grow it as well.

"I thank you, my lord," the man bowed deeply as he could feel the emotion in his tone, "I promise I won't disappoint you."

"I know you won't," he nodded his head. "Now for you Ser Ryan, and Ser Eddie," he said as he turned his gaze to the two knights on his left.

"I will be easing the armed limit on you both, and expect you to raise 250 swords each for me by the year's end. I will give you the gold, wands, armor, and anything else you would need," he reassured them so that they wouldn't have to worry too much about the toil on their lands.

"But... but... but," Baron Kerry stammered out as even the other lords looked surprised. "You would be going against the Royal armed limit Decree."

"Technically I won't be," Harry pointed out, "since they are my vassals, I have higher authority over them than a long dead King. So if I allow them to have a force equal to a Baron, then that's on me."

The armed limit that his Baron was talking about was a restriction of how many soldiers each house could have, a Knights can have 100 men, a Barons can have 250 men, Viscounts can have 500 men, Counts can have 1,000 men, Earls can have 5,000 men, Marquis can have 10,000 men, Dukes can have 25,000 men, Arch-Duke can have 50,000 men, the King or Queen can have as many men as they want by generally their standing army is 100,000 men.

This was a limit that King Arthur put on a long time ago, but ever since his death everyone has been ignoring it since there was no authority really to enforce it. Still it is something that Lords with vassal impose on them so that they don't get unruly with them and have rebellious thoughts.

Yes, a house could put together more men from their household guards or staff like House Chalet who could call upon 3 Centuries at most(150 men) if the times call for it or his house which had an extra 1,250 as assistance besides their 5,000 strong Legion.

"We take you, Lord Potter," the two men bowed their heads.

"Think nothing of it," Harry said, this was perfect for him anyways. If his more loyal vassal had more men then things would be in his favored. Plus he would have more man to call upon when he wars with Voldermort and his minion.

His house used to have 9 vassal, 2 Barons which could call 250 respectfully and 7 knights that could call 100. So in total 1,200 extra men on hand for times of war. But now that he struck down two Knighly houses it was down to 1,000 with this small allowance he brought it back up to 1,300.

So a perfect deal all around for him.

"Ser Myles, I would like to set up a meeting with you later," Harry declared, he wanted to know more about the man's unusual situation. There seem to be more than what met the eye with him.

With that, the discussions carried on as he rouses up his loyal vassals and suppressed his traitorous ones. All around a great meal, but for some the most horrible one of their lives.


After concluding his gathering with his vassals, Harry continued with his work of setting everything in the Keep in order. Then he saw to the dwarves that came to check up on the prospects of the mountain to which he found had it had no name so he figured he might as well name it Griffin Ridge.

Once he saw to the dwarves and got extorted an exuberant by them, he finally arrived back at the family manor. 

It really has been a few trying days, with the trails then the party which okay he had to admit was thrilling. But then he had the attack which he found out was done by his own vassal at the behest of another Great House. After that, it was war and he still had the wounds to prove his clash. 

Even though he dreaded calling Aunt Dromeda over, he still did need to see to his wounds. Within the hour she was here alongside Tonks who just came out of work as well. 

He was surprised with how understanding she was as he reluctantly went into detail about the battle he went into. He guessed she was after all a daughter of House Black no matter if she was disowned. 

However Tonks was not that understanding, you would think that an Auror that was in deadly conflicts every day would understand and accept what his duties as Lord entitled. 

But to fair elemental damage coursing through his body as it ripped and tore at him while his healing factor he gained from the phoenix worked over time in fixing it up. 

Once he was cured after swallowing so many foul tasing potions and being administered with dozens of spells, he was called cured. 

"Alright," Aunt Dromeda said, "make sure you are not in the front lines dear. That job should be left to your men, or better yet, my cousin. Where was he even, when you were getting blasted with Magic Cannons?!" 

"It's alright I am pretty difficult to put down in my Great Black Wyrm form."

"Difficult, but not impossible," Tonks clarified with a severe and unsmiling look. 

"Okay, I guess you are right?" he rolled his eyes. 

"Alright I better be heading out," she said as an alert appeared in her Mirror Phone, "there is an emergency at St Mungo's Hospital." 

"I will be staying here and make sure he gets to bed" Tonks called out. 

Nodding her head, the older witch headed out the fireplace, then Tonk's steely eyes were back on him there were the stormy grey of her house. "I don't even know what to say," she begin in a shout, "to put yourself in such a dangerous situation. What were you even thin-....."

She tried to say but he interrupted her with a kiss, and soon she too was reciprocating once she got over her initial surprise. 

Then soon she remembered that she was angry at him and broke off the kiss as she pushed him back, "What?" Harry asked with hand to either side as she glared at him. 

"I missed you dearly," he whispered close to her in a husky tone. 

"I missed you too," she said with a sigh, "but that's not what we were talking about. We are talking about your foolhardiness! Do you know how worried I got when I say you like that?"

"Okay, I am sorry for doing that to you," he stated as he became more serious and lanced his fingers with hers. Then with a grin, he added, "and next time I will make sure to invite you. Is that cool with you?"

"Why have I fallen for you," she asked herself, but he could see she was interested in the prospect of that. He really could use her skills and experience, it not every day you got an Auror training your men and leading them. 

If there is one thing they exceed at is one on one fights. 

"Now can we get back to what we were doing?" he asked, "I believe my lips and you're were enthusiastically locked with each other." 

"Fine," she said as she tried to feign dead beat, but as her lips locked against his, he could see how excited and hungry she was. 

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