Wonder Woman: Spellbound

Part Five

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Part Five

Nice place.

Zatanna took a moment to admire the Messner Estate as she exited her car. The mansion was of rustic design, boasting a warm exterior of oak and stone, leaning more towards a lodge than the gothic manors she was used to. Not quite as impressive and looming as Wayne Manor, though it was much cozier.

The excitement had been building ever since Diana had cornered her at the Watchtower lounge. By the time Zatanna reached the mansion’s front door, the young witch was brimming with sultry anticipation. That lovely thrill coiled through her body, twisting deep in her belly. Zatanna was damn near shivering despite the thick, dark coat she had wrapped around her body. Her hand gripped tight to the handbag at her side.

She gave a couple polite knocks and waited.

A moment later, Diana answered the door. Always the vision of beauty, the Amazonian was a welcome sight. She dressed in a dark robe, so long that it reached down to her ankles. But even in such simple garb, Diana Prince was so alluring that Zatanna almost forgot she was there to perform for the woman’s boyfriend.

It was a strange thought, but it was true. Zatanna repeated it to herself and it had yet to sound any less ridiculous. She was there to fuck Wonder Woman’s man. Some hot, young rich guy named Mark Messner. And the Amazonian looked all too pleased to see her.

“Good. You’re early.” Diana opened the doors wide, beckoning Zatanna into Mark’s home. A warm smile spread across the taller woman’s face. “Please, come in!”

Zatanna stepped through the doorway, passing through the threshold and into a new domain. One where Wonder Woman had a taste for voyeurism and Zatanna was willing to entertain it. A giddy thrill thrummed through the witch’s body.

She heard the doors close shut behind her, followed by the lock clicking into place. Zatanna breathed in deep, keeping her nerves steady. Yes, this was a strange day. But it was also supposed to be fun. Getting laid was fun. And her private performances were sexy. Diana and her boyfriend thought Zatanna was sexy. That bit of knowledge should have had her brimming with confidence. And it did… but also mixed with a potent helping of jitters.

Zatanna turned, presenting the handbag at her side.

“I came prepared, just in case.” She explained to the Amazonian. Unthinking, she began to unzip the bag. “I brought some toys that I could use…”

Diana held up an open hand. It was a sign for Zatanna to stop. One of her hands was already rooting around in the bag, her fingers clutching what she knew to be the pink vibrator she had packed. It took a second for Zatanna to realize how absurd it was. She gave the Princess of Themyscira a sheepish smile. Diana gave her a warm one in return.

“You won’t need them.” The taller woman spoke with a kind voice, but Zatanna was taken aback by the conviction held in those words. 

The young witch nods and doesn’t argue.

“Oookay. I brought some condoms, too.”

She pulled out the box of the aforementioned rubbers, once more allowing her jitters to result in the absurd. Diana looked from Zatanna to the small box in her hands, saying nothing. Then, with a smirk and laughing eyes, the Amazonian reached forward and plucked the box out of Zatanna’s hands. The witch noted curiously that the taller woman seemed averse to touching it, carefully pinching the item between two fingers.

“You won’t need this, either.” Diana said with a frankness that left Zatanna with burning ears. She turned the box around, inspecting it for a moment, then frowned. “These aren’t big enough anyway.”

With a snort, Diana dropped the box of condoms into a nearby garbage bin. The woman’s face was a mix of bemusement and distaste.

“Diana, they can stretch-”

They’re not big enough.” Diana repeated, her voice firm… and a little heated. She turned her eyes back onto Zatanna, and the young witch felt wary and excited in equal measure. “I told you that Mark was gifted, didn’t I?”

Zatanna gave a short nod, once more choosing not to press the issue. If Wonder Woman says they weren’t using condoms, then they weren’t using condoms. 

“Alright. Going all-natural tonight. Got it.”

Zatanna wasn’t too worried. She’d taken men raw on some of her more wild nights. This was no different. She’d just take a morning after pill and there’d be no problem.

But still… the fact that Diana was so insistent… it had the witch thinking. Just what kind of other kinks did the Amazonian have?

“You’ll thank me for this.” Diana said, leveling her sensual eyes at her invited guest. She beckoned Zatanna to follow her deeper into the house. “Trust me.”

Zatanna did so. With the kind of opportunity sitting in her lap, the chance to see what Wonder Woman did for real fun, was too good to pass up.

“Of course. Wonder Woman’s word is gold.” Zatanna gave a little playful salute.

This drew a smile from the Amazonian. But not a friendly one like when she greeted Zatanna at the door. This one was, in a way, darker. Primal. Hungry. It made the young witch shiver.

Then the friendly smile returned, Diana’s becoming warm and inviting again. Only then did Zatanna realize that Diana had led her into a whole other room. Large and spacious it was but for the low, round bed placed in the center of the room. Zatanna could see that some furniture had been pushed out into the adjacent hall. A couch, a coffee table, a recliner chair, all moved to make room for what Diana had planned.

Diana strode to the circle bed, reaching down to snatch up a bundle of silken sheets. Shades of red and pink from what Zatanna could see. And so too did she see the way Diana’s robe clung to her hips and rear. The young witch admired it while she could in the seconds before her host turned back to face her.

“Mark had to run some errands. But he’ll be home soon.” Diana explained, hugging the silk sheets to her chest. She finally made a point to eye up Zatanna’s dark, heavy coat. “You still have some time to get dressed.”

This time it was Zatanna’s turn to smirk.

“I already am.” She answered proudly.

With quick hands, she undid the thick belt tied around her waist. Gripping the lapels of her coat, she swung her arms open wide, revealing tonight’s outfit.

Diana’s eyes lit up as she drank in the sight, a devious smile curling her perfect, red-painted lips. Zatanna’s smirk grew in turn. She knew this little number would be a hit.

“Since this is a private show…” Zatanna sighed, letting the heavy coat slip from her shoulders. It fell into a pool around her ankles. “I thought the occasion called for a special outfit.”

Diana gave a small hum of appreciation. Once more Zatanna felt a shiver roll through her body. And once more, it wasn’t because she felt a chill.

“Oh, he’s going to love it.” The Amazon Princess purred, circling around Zatanna, admiring her as if she were a work of art. The woman’s sweet voice poured into Zatanna’s ears. “And he’s going to love you.

The moment Mark Messner entered his home he was immediately struck with a heavy aroma of jasmine mixed with the sweetness of lavender. Familiar scents from romantic engagements of evenings past.

A grin tugged at his lips. He had only taken one step through his door and already his spirits were raised.

He set down his small bag of groceries - grapes, berries, a bottle of champagne - only to be instantly set upon by a pair of gentle - but strong - groping hands. A pair of lips teasing along the back and side of his neck as those same hands began working at the buttons of his shirt. Mark let out a deep chuckle.

“The man of the hour arrives.” Diana sang into his ear, her lovely voice dripping with delight and desire. “You’ve kept us waiting, love.”

Mark furrowed his brow. But the realization struck him quickly.

“Us? Oh.” Mark let out the kind of laugh a man gave when he hit the jackpot. “We’re doing it tonight?

The Zatanna situation - Mark knew they would get around to having some fun with the beautiful witch but he didn’t think Diana would make a move so soon.

With half of his shirt now unbuttoned and his chest exposed to Diana’s roaming hands, the Amazonian circled around to his front - though she kept their bodies close, unwilling to part from her lover for too long. Diana stole a kiss from him, lingering on that embrace for a long moment before finally drawing back.

Not even five minutes back at home and Diana already had Mark’s blood running hot, his prick swelling up nice and fat in the confines of his pants. While she drew his shirt open the rest of the way, the younger man finally had the chance to look his girlfriend in the eye. Excitement and yearning were etched on her regal features, her pert lips curled into a naughty smile. 

“Yes.” She told him, nodding giddily. “Tonight.

With his shirt now completely open, Diana leaned down and pressed her lips to his bare chest. She gave a lovely little hum, making a show of taking in his scent, his musk, before drawing back up.

Then, with a spark in her eyes, she took him by the arm and led him towards the living room.

“We rearranged some furniture. I hope you don’t mind.” Diana said, eagerly drawing him deeper into the den of desire she had made of his home.

“Of course not. I don’t mind the wardrobe change, either.” Mark replied, finally taking notice of Diana’s state of dress.

She was in her Wonder Woman garb - but not the battle dress she normally wore these days. It was one of her older outfits, the one without the ancient-style battle skirt. Instead, Diana wore star-spangled bottoms, cut high on her hips to reveal delicious swaths of tanned thigh. Her red bustier was even more snug on her waist and belly, so tight to her body that Mark could faintly make out the lines of her abdomen. A second skin - and upon Wonder Woman, such a thing was drool-worthy. 

Even better was the golden eagle that held up her breasts. To great delight of menfolk of the past, Diana’s earlier Amazonian garb was far less modest. The eagle was smaller and rested lower on the swells of her bosom, offering onlookers more sweet flesh for their feasting eyes. A proud bust, impossibly perky - with an even prouder valley of cleavage. So deep that Mark thought he’d get lost in it.

Hell, he had gotten lost in it. Buried his face in those tits so many times he’d lost count. As was the duty of any red-blooded man who found himself so fortunate as to be Wonder Woman’s squeeze.

Diana let go of his arm as they reached the doorway to the living room. She gave him a look, sensual eyes striking deep into his soul. With a saucy smirk, the Amazon did a little spin for him - offering a view of the wondrous body that belonged to him. An invitation to admire. And so Mark did. Especially the way those star-spangled bottoms clung so deliciously to her ass. The younger man almost wanted to cry.

“I know you’re eager to peel me out of this suit… but that’ll be for later.” Diana breathed out, her voice heavy with excitement and need. “For now… I just want to watch.

Then she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the living room.

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