Wonder Woman: Spellbound

Part Four

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Part Four

Zatanna would forever be grateful that Bruce had the good sense to have the Watchtower built with a lounge. And an open bar.

Heroism was its own reward and all that, sure. But giving superheroes the chance for some decent downtime was important to the mental health of the hero community as a whole. Especially for the Leaguers, who had to deal with world-ending threats on the regular.

Tonight, the lounge was empty - save for Zatanna, of course. In fact, the whole Watchtower was pretty sparse, left with only a barebones staff and a handful of capes on monitor duty. The rest of the Leaguers were off dealing with League stuff - either on Earth or in deep space.

But Zatanna? She was taking a much needed break.

Xim ym knird tsuj thgir.” Zatanna said, pointing a finger at the cocktail shaker. She smiled, watching the silvery container float into the air and shake up and down, as if there was an invisible bartender preparing her martini.

As her drink began to pour itself, the young witch felt a distinct chill at her back - the warning that someone had crossed an invisible magic “tripwire”. It was a defense mechanism her father had taught her, something she put up whenever she entered a room, so that no one would ever be able to sneak up on her.

Immediately, Zatanna was alert. She cast her eyes towards the lounge entrance… and saw Wonder Woman. The Mistress of Magic relaxed then - but only a little. She remembered their last meeting quite clearly, maybe-flirting and all.

The Amazon was tall, gorgeous, and powerful. And dressed in her heroic garb, the glossy red bustier gilded with a golden eagle and her short, blue battleskirt, Diana looked every inch a goddess. She exuded dignity and resolve as she always did, taking graceful, purposeful strides towards the lounge bar - making a beeline straight for Zatanna. 

The young witch kept a calm, even expression, idly stirring her martini with the toothpick-skewered olive. A second later, the Princess of the Amazons was leaning on the bar beside her, her brilliant blue eyes fixed firmly upon the shorter, more slender woman. Zatanna stared back, noting the faint smile playing at the edge of Diana’s full lips - God, she had nice lips.

Maybe it was her gut feeling. Or maybe it was the faint hunger Zatanna caught in the far back of Diana’s eyes. But something was telling the beautiful magician that this conversation was going to be very… interesting.

“Slow day, huh?” Zatanna started, shooting the other woman a friendly grin. She gestured to the rows of bottles resting on the shelves behind the bar. “Care for a drink? I can mix anything you want, easy.”

Diana’s smile grew as she politely declined with a small shake of her head. Then the Amazon drew her eyes up and down the witch’s form, slowly giving the magician a once-over. Bird feathers faintly tickled at the inside of Zatanna’s belly. She’d been leered at before - with her kind of professional wardrobe, it was inevitable. But here, now, it was Wonder Woman drinking in her legs, and hips, and breasts, and everything else her outfit was tailored to show off.

It was nice, Zatanna felt. But also very strange. She had never pegged Diana as the type to ogle.

And it got even stranger once the Amazon decided to speak.

“Are you attracted to my boyfriend?” Diana asked her in her smooth, lovely voice.

Zatanna blinked. So stunned she was that for a moment she forgot how to speak.

But Diana simply looked at her expectantly. No teasing look, no flash of mischief in her eyes. It was as if she’d simply asked about the weather. In space.

Zatanna tapped the olive against the rim of her cocktail glass. She broke eye contact with the Amazon, hoping her blush wasn’t noticeable. She cleared her throat.

“Hell of a way to start a conversation, Diana.” Zatanna muttered, forcing a faint laugh.

But the Princess was not dissuaded. Nor was she embarrassed. Zatanna glanced back at the famed heroine only to find that Diana showed no signs of regret or shame at being so forward. Tact wasn’t so highly regarded on Themyscira, it seemed.

“Are you?” Diana asked again, unmoving from her spot leaning against the bar.

Brilliant blue eyes bore into Zatanna’s own, their piercing gaze sending more bird-feather tickles within the witch’s belly.

The magician swallowed, tearing her eyes away again. She looked down into her untouched drink, knowing that the clear liquid would easily bolster her frazzled nerves… and impair judgment, if just by a little. 

Gotta be careful here, Z. You’re in uncharted waters.

But it was Diana. Wonder Woman! The champion of women all around the world! Zatanna knew she shouldn’t be afraid to be honest with her. Even if she did ask very strange, very pointed questions.

“I am.” Zatanna answered honestly. She swallowed again, a tingle of fear touching the back of her mind. Diana didn’t seem to be the jealous type. Or at least that’s what Zatanna assumed. The young witch pursed her lips and continued on, feeling that she was already taking the plunge. “He’s on the younger side - younger than who I’d usually go for anyway. But why ask me this?”

Diana simply smiled. Again came another round of feather tickles to her insides, dancing up and down her belly. But now it ghosted over her skin, too. Up her arms, down her back, up her legs, her thighs, meeting together at… at…

The Amazon broke Zatanna’s little trance when she set a bundle atop the bar counter with a soft thump. The bundle was golden, almost glowing - Zatanna realized quickly what it was.

The Lasso of Truth.

Zatanna stared at Wonder Woman’s famed tool of justice. She’d always been curious about the kind of magic that powered the golden rope, spending hours and hours as a teenager thinking over the possibilities. Was the rope woven and then enchanted? Or was magic weaved into it during its creation? Or perhaps the fibers themselves were pure magic and the rope was a spell taking physical form!

Zatanna blinked again, turning her eyes upwards to meet Diana’s. The Amazon once more was looking upon the shorter woman expectantly.

“Grab the lasso, Zatanna.”

She was not issuing a command, the witch noted. Her voice was not firm, nor was the Amazon taking an authoritative stance. Diana remained relaxed, still leaning against the bar. Her eyes, while brilliant, were soft and patient. Her smile was warm and welcoming.

But even so, Zatanna felt it was difficult to deny her. She imagined reaching out and grabbing the lasso instantly, the idea of doing as Diana said making her feel even warmer inside. It was not magic that was affecting her, Zatanna knew. She was simply hot for the Amazonian Princess. Just like almost everyone else.

Zatanna clenched and unclenched her hand, resisting.

“Do you mind telling me what’s going on first?”

Diana took on a reassuring look and instantly Zatanna felt foolish for even worrying in the first place. The taller woman reached out and took hold of her own lasso herself, slowly and deliberately wrapping one end around her wrist. A simple act, meant to show Zatanna that there was nothing to worry about.

Wonder Woman’s lips curled into a bright smile as she held up her end of the lasso. The magic rope glowed even brighter.

“We’re simply having an honest conversation.” Diana said. And it was the truth.

Zatanna huffed out a short laugh. She tapped her finger against her cocktail glass, setting aside the toothpick-ed olive. She took a deep breath… and downed her martini in one go. Strong, crisp, but also smooth. Her magic mixed it well.

She set the cocktail down, feeling a pleasant warmth spread through her chest and over her cheeks. Then she reached out and grabbed the lasso.

It was warm to the touch, pleasantly so. And as she began to wrap it around her wrist the way Diana had, the golden rope glowed just a bit brighter.

Zatanna held up her tied wrist with a smirk, as if to present it towards the Amazon. Was she bragging? Teasing? Goading the taller woman? Not even Zatanna knew. But Diana returned her smirk with one of her own, edging just a bit closer to the young and beautiful magician.

“Alright then.” Zatanna hummed. “Shoot.”

“Are you curious about my boyfriend, Mark?” Diana inquired without missing a beat.

The lasso glowed even brighter.

“Yes.” The word came easy, like water gliding down a creek bed. Zatanna let out a soft giggle, staring at the lasso incredulously. It was one thing to see it done to someone else, but another to experience the effect first hand. So weird. Zatanna met Diana’s eyes and she could see the Amazon wanted more out of her. “Can you be more specific?”

“Mark is a young man. A mortal man. Yet he is romantically involved with me, an immortal Amazonian princess.” Diana let the words hang in the air for a moment. “We are an unlikely pairing. This interests you.”

Zatanna chewed on her tongue. Diana was right on the money. Maybe that was just another of her many superpowers - the ability to read people.

“Is your relationship sexual?” The magician found herself asking. 

The answer, of course, was obvious. But Zatanna wanted to hear Diana say it.

“Yes. Very sexual.” A simple, blunt answer. Zatanna was almost stunned by Diana’s frankness. 

A proud smile broke out across the Amazonian’s face. And Zatanna caught the look in the other woman’s eyes, a flicker of passion through the brilliant blue.

Oh yes, Zatanna was very much interested.

“And are you satisfied?”

The young witch found herself leaning forward slightly in anticipation. Her gaze was rooted firmly on the taller woman, watching as a dreamy expression fell across her regal beauty.

“Yes.” Diana answered as the lasso around her wrist gave off a bright golden glow. The Amazon then looked off into space and for a moment it seemed that she was miles away. Then she gave a soft, pleasant hum. “I am thoroughly satisfied.”

An excited buzz coursed through Zatanna’s body. It was a lovely thrill that raced through her skin, her nerves, like a flash of lightning shooting through every inch of her body.

Diana’s answer repeated in the witch’s head.

Wonder Woman. Thoroughly satisfied. By a mortal man.

A giggle bubbled up in Zatanna’s throat, joining the heat that had already spread across the woman’s cheeks, turning them a rosy pink. The martini’s fault, no doubt.

“Then I am very interested.” Zatanna told Diana, humming at the pleasant warmth of the glowing lasso.

An odd thing, it was. She’d have to ask Diana for a closer look sometime.

Meanwhile, the Princess of the Themyscira seemed more than pleased with the young witch’s answer.

“You’re curious about him then, aren’t you? You want to know how he’s able to keep up with me?”

“Yes.” Zatanna bit her lip and nodded, the heat of her skin now blooming all over her body. Quite suddenly, the Watchtower lounge now seemed very, very warm - and her magician garb now felt very, very snug.

“Good.” Diana smirk grew into a most-pleased smile. The lasso glowed brilliantly but not nearly so much as the princess’ beauty. The Amazonian pushed off the bar, standing tall. She already towered over most women in the League and with Zatanna still seated, she seemed even taller. And she was so close that Zatanna could make out her reflection in the polished gold of the eagle gilded upon Diana’s bustier. Zatanna remained still, though her heart was racing. Diana spoke again, looking down at her compatriot. 

“I came here to extend an invitation. Come to Mark’s home. Give him a private show. And you’ll find out for yourself just how satisfying his company can be.”

Zatanna’s belly was beset by tickles and tingles. They rose, fluttering like butterfly wings, up through her chest, her throat, coming out of her mouth in the form of shocked laughter. She could hardly believe what she had just heard. But for sure she knew she had heard it. 

This wasn’t a dream. And it certainly wasn’t an illusion. Zatanna could spot those instantly.

This was real.

“You’re pimping your boyfriend out to me?” Zatanna blurted out the question, incredulous. “Why?”

Diana smiled and took a step closer. There was hardly any space between them now. The Sensational Wonder Woman was inches away, every inch of those legendary muscles and curves were now very much in Zatanna’s personal space. The Amazon reached out and set a gentle hand on the witch’s shoulder. Zatanna breathed in, feeling the warmth of Diana’s touch even through the fabric of her tailcoat.

Wonder Woman leaned down so that she and Zatanna were face to face. Their noses were less than an inch apart, so close to touching. But all Zatanna could focus on were the woman’s eyes. Once more, those orbs of brilliant blue nearly had the Mistress of Magic entranced.

Finally, the lasso coaxed an answer out of the Amazonian.

“Because he’s my beloved.” Diana said, sighing as the tip of her nose brushed against Zatanna’s. “I want to make him happy. We both think you’re beautiful…”

Then without warning, Diana darted forward and stole a kiss from Zatanna. It was not a deep kiss, nor a particularly hungry one, but it did linger. Long enough for Zatanna to enjoy the taste and the softness of Diana’s lips. When the princess finally broke the kiss, Zatanna felt her cheeks were burning hot.

“...And I want to watch you fuck him.” Diana whispered against Zatanna’s lips. Then she pulled away.

Diana played with a lock of Zatanna’s silky black hair as she rose back to full height, twirling it with her finger. She smiled down at the young, beautiful witch.


Zatanna almost choked on that single word. It was all she could say. Her mind, her nerves, they were all a mess. All because of a single kiss.

“Lovely.” Diana said, visibly brimming with joy. “Friday evening. The Messner Estate, Fawcett City. We’ll be waiting for you, Ms. Zatara.”

As the flustered magician began to regain her wits, the proud and beautiful Wonder Woman gave her a bright smile and departed. And as the Amazon made for the lounge exit, Zatanna’s eyes were glued to her as she went. Every step was immaculate, every sway of her hips was enthralling. The woman was a vision, Zatanna couldn’t deny it. Beauty made flesh. 

She had just asked Zatanna to fuck her boyfriend.

And to her own great shock… Zatanna was already looking forward to it.

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