Yandere Dating System

Chapter 24(reupload, light rewrite)

To describe Aiden's reaction upon hearing the woman's sudden proposal, it was like being frozen and electrocuted at the same time. The words simultaneously chilled and shocked him to the core. 

And even beneath that, a heart-stopping sense of disturbia. 

Aiden's smile faltered for a moment. Then regained it's radiance. 

This crazy bitch, what the fuck is she talking about? Well fine. 

He made his choice with swift decisiveness. This is an insane situation to begin with. He'll be insane too.

I was joking back then, but I guess Rumi is just going to have to call me daddy after all. What do I care anyway? Maybe this will keep that kid from trying to seduce me again. Even though she has been a lot more well-behaved lately.

"I do.” He replied, applying a trail of fevered kisses along her neck. 

Gem-like tears built along Naoko’s eyes as she heard his response. “I love you, Yuu. I really do. I’m sorry for making such a request, but I couldn’t help it. I felt like you’ve been pulling away from me recently, and I just couldn’t stand the thought of losing you. It’s only our first kiss, too. And yet I just blurted this out. Do you hate me for being so selfish?”

Aiden layed it on thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. “Of course not.” He turned her around and brought her into a full embrace. “I could never hate you.” His lips took a turn for the mischievous. “I just feel sorry for Rumi. She’s going to have to call me Father from now on. Imagine how horrified she’ll be! A father just a few years her senior, she’ll surely pass out from shock.”

Naoko laughed pleasantly. “She’ll understand. She’s coming around to you recently, remember?”

Aiden thought back to the time the girl stuck her tongue down his throat.“Yeah. I've noticed.” He spoke a touch drily, then continued in a more sultry tone. "Our daughter has been pretty cute lately. She must get it from you."

Naoko blushed happily. “Yuu, since when did you learn to talk like this? You sound like a playboy!”

Because I’ve fucked more women than I have hair on my head, Aiden silently retorted. 

“Do I? I’m just saying what I feel.”

Naoko leered at him. “You’re dangerous if so, Yuu-kun.”

“What, worried I’ll go astray?” He asked teasingly.

“Of course!” Naoko all but shouted. “Just look at these women here,” Her tone turned gloomy. “They’re eyeing you like they would a sticky bun. So shameless!” She said, just loud enough for the others to hear.

Their audience quickly turned their heads away.

“Oh?” Aiden gave them a cursory glance. Should he dig a little? “I wouldn’t say that’s anything to fret over. In fact, I would say that just gives us more...options to explore.” 

Naoko looked absolutely scandalized. “Yuu!” She swatted at him. “Are you serious?! That’s...how can you…” She covered her face. “it’s so indecent!” The woman finished.

Interesting reaction. Let’s push a bit more, shall we?

“ Indecency is the fun part.”

Naoko turned beet-red. “That’s...we’ll talk about this later! I-I don’t think I’m ready to share Yuuji like that….”

He hid a smirk. 

She’s surprisingly open. Well, that’s good. It’d be a shame to have to cheat on her.

And he would. Would they marry? Maybe it comes to that. Maybe he leaves her ass before then. Who knew? But if it did happen, he wasn’t planning to be monogamous. 

Marriage never suited him. He was too prolific, and he knew that. He wouldn’t trap a woman in a marriage with him knowing he had no plan to control his sexual desires. 

A playboy he was, but fuck him if he wasn’t clear on what he was with every woman he’d been with. 

Aiden didn’t lie to them as he did with Naoko. He always let them know in excruciating detail exactly what he planned to do with them. And what he wouldn’t. If they wanted what he could give, great. 

But if they wanted more, he let them knew they wouldn’t get that from him. He gives them great sex, but any relationship beyond that and they’d have to become really cool with a lot of things really quickly.

Jess had always called him disgusting for this, but she did admit that at least his ways were a bit more honorable than other players who lied and manipulated people’s feelings to get what they want. If just barely. 

Surprising Ty had been the one who’d been vehemently against Aiden’s methods.

Aiden had, of course, scoffed at his nonsense. He recalled the conversation like it were yesterday.

“Listen, bro. You’re going to end up with your left nut in a jar. Bet.”

“Awfully specific there.” Aiden had observed. “What’s with all the doom and gloom? You’re talking like you’re having war flashbacks.”

“It’s the wisdom of the ancestors, Aiden. Mark my words, keep on fucking around like this and you’re going to end up with a severed head.”

Weird kid. Or hell. Who knows, maybe that is how Aiden died. He certainly couldn’t remember the event himself.

But if anyone knew women, it’s Aiden. 

He had full confidence in himself. Even against crazed psychos like Naoko, he was sure he could have her eating out of his hand like a kitten. 

What did Ty know anyway? Wisdom of the ancestors, his ass.


8 hours later.

Aiden was choking on his own blood. 

“I won’t give Yuu to anyone. Not even mother.” Rumi cried as she cradled his face. 

Son of a bitch. 

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