Yandere Dating System

Chapter 39

Aria curiously explored the luxurious penthouse she'd been brought to. It was bright. That was her first thought. Very bright. It was around midday, a time when the sun had just about reached its apex. This bit of information was made more important due to the fact every outer wall was transparent. Even the cupboards, racks, and tables were made of glass.

In short, you could see outside from every direction unless you closed the blinds. From the looks of it, though, he didn't seem to bother with them.  Looking more intently, she spotted several women's clothing scattered here and there. Chief among them being pairs of lacy underwear that had obviously been worn. It made her blush furiously. 

More so when she found certain..."toys"...ropes, and even fur-coated handcuffs. All of which made her inwardly scream, Is this a house or a brothel?! 

Aria gulped, wondering what kind of den of debauchery she'd been led into. 

Delving deeper inside, Aria held her hands to her chest in an unconscious reaction to masculine nakedness. In this case, however, the naked part wasn't a person but an object: Aiden's bed, smack dab in the middle of the room, at the center of this wicked indecency. Nothing but two gigantic mattresses resting on naught but a bare metal frame, barely made. It was somehow intimate in it's complete lack of privacy. 

Aiden himself followed close behind. As soon as she felt his presence, he'd already spun her around and pulled her close. His lips smashed against her with fervor to rival the sun. It wasn't her first kiss, but it was the first one that was so hot, messy, and passionate. She resisted at first, but it lasted all of half a second before she opened for him. She leaned forward, melting in his arms and allowing him to dominate her mouth. 

The loss of control was scary, but there was something that told her she could trust everything to him. And that trust was rewarded. He tasted like heaven and felt like sin, a combination no woman could resist. 

Before she even knew what was happening, he slid a hand underneath her pants. The flexible, skin-tight material easily allowed him access.  His fingers played with her body like a musician would a fine instrument, moving in a steady sensuous rhythm that gradually increased in momentum as her body responded to him. And oh, how she welcomed him. Reveled in the way he stirred her. 

Aiden was simply merciless in his assault and she knew he wouldn't stop even if she begged. That knowledge was, at this point, a comforting assurance that allowed her to simply let go and breathe him in even deeper. Her moans came from the back of her throat, growing louder and with increasing intensity. His tongue seemed to mirror his fingers' actions, claiming her. 

Aria felt her legs stiffen as she pushed against his hand. Then, when she couldn't take any more, he eased his movements and brought her back from the edge.

"Not yet," He said. "You don't cum until I tell you to. Understand?"  

Aria made a little whimper, hating him for the denial but too mortified at her lewd reactions to complain. 

"Y-Yes," Her voice came out small and mouse-like, completely unlike her previous outspoken self. "I understand," Her cheeks burned with shame.

"Good." Without a word more, he scooped her up in his arms and threw her onto his bed. She fell on her back, the incredibly soft pillow top making her feel as if she was being enveloped by a cloud.

She scrambled her knees, alarmed at the suddenness, and stared up at him with a mixture of fright and longing. It was her first time doing something like this so it was obvious she'd have hesitations when it came time to get serious. And yet, at the same time, his fingers were wet with her juice. 

This is really happening, she shivered, goosebumps forming along her arms as her whole body seemed to come alive in preparation for what was to come.

Meanwhile, the younger male towered over her, pulling his shirt up and over his head. They were only a handful of feet apart, and yet as he approached it was like that of a predator eyeing its next meal. 

His steps seemed slow, methodical, muscles rippling deliciously with every tiny movement. Aria found herself struggling to breathe. As if following a will of their own, her hands rose to meet him. Her palms came to rest upon his chest.

He was so hard and hot, like a marble statue come to life.

The seconds ticked by in silence, the only sound being that of her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. Unbidden, her fingers roamed over his entire torso. His abdomen, his chest, that steep pelvis. Even those broad shoulders and thick, powerful arms....everything was so wonderfully sculpted...

No, stop it, me...this is wrong...how can you have such thoughts about an asshole like this?

Aria scolded herself, looking away from him. It was the kind of thing she's been telling herself all the way here. But what was the point? Hadn't she already followed him so far? 

Well...yes...but that was when his hands were still fresh on her skin. She couldn't help it. Now, however, she'd had time to cool down and think clearly. Or at least, that was the case. And then he'd fingered her flower and the confusion came rushing back. 

What should she do? Leave? Tell him she'd changed her mind? Unfortunately, her body had other ideas. Being so close, she could smell something thick and heady that messed with her head. His sweat. Slightly dirty, it was the scent of a male. That alone, and she was wet again. So much so that she felt her last bit of resolve wavering

Almost immediately, a tiny angel with her face appeared on her right. The voice of reason, Aria breathed in relief.

"Are you here to tell me how dumb this is? How I should get up and leave?" She asked it silently.

"Huh?" The thing tilted its head. "Of course not. I'm here for that." She pointed. 

Aria followed along with her eyes. To her astonishment, a tiny devil version of Aiden, complete with horns a formed tail, had taken form above his own shoulder. Naked. Crooking a finger, he bade Angel Aria forward. 

The little woman, who was supposed to embody all of Aria's goodness and purity, floated over with zero hesitation. 

"W-What the heck are you doing?!" Aria hissed in horror, not believing her own eyes.

Soon enough, the two miniature versions of themselves intertwined and started doing things that made Aria feel unfit for marriage just watching.

Oh, Gods... 

Aria wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Were they going to be doing those things, too? 

As for Aiden's end...

Aria Farnsworth

Status: Hesitant, aroused, embarrassed

 AIden let slip an amused smile at the young woman's screen. It was a feature included in the update he'd received some time ago, allowing him to see into another person's current emotions

Attraction: 89

Hostility: 73...65...58

Romance: 0...10...25

Friendship: 0

Loyalty: 0

He glanced at the chart taking up half the screen and couldn't resist raising a brow. Even though her hostility was still so high, her attraction towards him was enough to where she ignored that and obediently followed him to his room.   

As for the lack of loyalty and friendship, he wasn't concerned at all. You didn't call a random one-night stand a friend, and you'd hardly expect them to stay faithful to a nonexistent relationship. 

Putting those thoughts aside for the moment, he unbuckled his pants and slid his cock out. Already hard, the woman stared at him in terror.

"W-Why is it so big?!" She squeaked. 

Seeing her so distressed, Aiden burst out with laughter. "Thanks for the ego boost," He responded once he finally calmed down, the corner of his mouth curved upwards. 

"Don't laugh! This is serious!" Aria glared hatefully. But all her confidence and might dissipated once she turned her gaze back to the Goliath in front of her. "What am I...supposed to do with it?" She looked up at him with apprehension, all but begging for guidance.

Well, I can't expect much from a virgin.

Aiden had pegged her as one the moment he'd laid eyes on her. It was just one of those things he had learned to recognize. Not that it mattered. He hadn't planned on having her or anything. To be honest, he preferred a woman with experience. 

But it wasn't the first time this one had called him out for being a little heavy-handed with his opponents and he was getting tired of her badgering. If she was so dead-set on provoking him, then she'd finally succeeded. 

Aiden cupped her face and ran a thumb over her plump, cherry-red lips. "For starters, stick out your tongue and lick it."

Aria felt her nipples harden. The sexy rumble of his voice was hypnotic, making her helpless to follow his command. Looking up to study his face for a moment,  Aria extended her tongue and gently passed it over his head. Having never done something so dirty before, she hadn't known what to expect. 

Surprisingly, it didn't taste bad. Instead, she found that his penis, salty and warm, made her mouth water. Though clumsy and unsure at first, as she grew in confidence and boldness she began to gain a little bit of technique. Her tongue started to slowly dance around the rim of his cock, stimulating his glans. 

Whenever she did so, he'd jerk ever so slightly. It told her she was making him feel good, that he was enjoying her. And crazily, she loved it. 

With half-closed eyes, Aria put her whole self into the lewd act. Soon enough, his hand stroked her head. He muttered something she didn't hear, but somehow she understood.

He's praising me...

For some reason, the thought made her feel good. Happy. As if she desired his validation. It made her want to work harder, to hear more of his approval. So she doubled her efforts. 

Breath hot and steaming, Aria serviced her male.  In the midst of doing so, she couldn't stop her hand from drifting down. Her maidenhood demanded attention of its own, wet with need...

While locks of crimson hair fell across her oval face, Aria ran her tongue over his shaft. From base to tip, she didn't stop until she made sure his cock absolutely glistened with her saliva.  Finally, she had to come up for air and unwillingly brought her head back. Even then, a silky thread of fluid connected them. 

Aria licked her lips, his flavor so fresh in her mouth. And just like that, she found herself transfixed. In that moment, this cock was her's. Tall, thick, and covered in her fluid. As if unable to stop herself, Aria brought her face closer. Puckering, she gave his tip a kiss. 

By now, her entire body burned with desire. Everything was so hot and sensitive, especially her crotch. Even now, her fingers pressed against that place to try and appease its longing. Yet she knew nothing she did would help. What she needed wasn't her touch, but his touch. 

"I'm the one doing all the work...it's not fair," Aria hid behind the back of a hand and averted her gaze. But try as she might, she couldn't stop her words from sounding like she was begging.

She heard him chuckle just then, making her uncharacteristically embarrassed. 

"You're laughing again," Aria's voice was but a small, discontent murmur, sounding so pitiful even to her own ears. "How horrible."

Aiden couldn't resist the grin that broke out over his lips. "Alright, alright," He held up his hands in surrender. " I'm sorry,"

"You don't sound sorry," Aria accused a tad spitefully.

Hearing that, Aiden nearly laughed again. But he held it in and decided instead to return the favor.

"In that case, let me prove it with action instead. Turn around and bend over," He ordered calmly. 

Eying him warily, she did as she was told. Unsure of what he had in mind, she asked, "Like this?" Aria was now on all fours atop his bed, her rear sticking out as if to entice him. It was mortifying to think so, but also oddly exciting. 

She looked back, only to see him shaking his head with that trademark rogueish smirk she'd come to associate with him. Even back during their first meeting, she could tell he was nothing good. 

Maybe that was why she was so attracted to him, though. It made her feel like such a hypocrite. She found him violent and cruel, hating his guts for his ruthless ways. Despite that, here she is in his room eager to submit to his commands. 

"Don't worry, I got it," He replied. Aiden then got on his knees behind her and positioned his right arm under her waist, yanking her ass up even higher. 

Aria panicked."H-Hey, what're you--?" But she got cut off as he brought his hand down hard on her left cheek. It was strong enough that her entire body to shook, like a bolt of lightning struck her ass and traveled up her spine. Her stomach tightened strangely. 

"Quiet," His voice cracked like a whip. With that, he took a cheek in each hand and parted them. His thumbs probed along the lips and stared at the beautiful pink before him. Wasting no time, he started kissing the inside of her right thigh and then started suckling the inside of her left. Like that, he moved higher and higher until he was firmly wedged between her ass. 

He moistened his palette with thoughts of citrus and honey, reveling in her scent. With a long, flat tongue, he tasted her. So sweet, juicy, and gratifying was her flavor that he wrapped his arms around her legs and drove himself deeper, burying his mouth in her delicious folds. 

Her overflowing wetness trickled down his chin and soaked his chest. But that only made him more eager. 

He loved making his women moan. There was a unique satisfaction in the power he had over them, to feel how hard they came for him. There was a time when he lived for that, making them cling to his cock and cry out his name. 

Just like Aria was doing now. Her breathless grasps were an erotic symphony for the ears and he loved her labored panting. She was a bit different from the women he'd been having until now. Fresher, simpler.

She was submissive and cute, kissing his cock as if she were in love. He had to answer such earnestness, no?

Sadly, just as he was about to finish her off, his phone rang. Annoyed, he fished the cursed thing out of his pocket and put it on speaker. 

A clear, bell-like voice came from the other end. "Mon trésor, where on earth are you? The banquet awaits, and we absolutely must make sure you look extra délicieuse to show that stuck-up chienne what a real man looks like." A dark chuckle. "I can't wait to see that prude  knocked off her high horse and begging for you!"

Aiden pried himself from Aria's succulent flower long enough to give the woman a response. "Look, I said I'd be there and I will be," He replied impatiently, irritated by the interruption. "Call me back in an hour, I'm busy." 

He wasn't worried about Aria recognizing the voice. She was already too far gone.

"Occupée?!" Came the shrill cry of disbelief. "With what?!"

Aiden licked his lips- "Pleasuring your daughter."

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