Yandere Dating System

Chapter 40

Annabelle de La Fontaine. Hailing from elite Frenchian high Nobility, the woman herself is a descendant of royalty via the House of Orleans through her mother Genevieve, the Duchess of Valois. As such, she grew up with all the best the world had to offer and held a feminine grace that penetrated down to the bone. Beauty, dignity, wealth, she possessed all these in spades.

Another thing she possessed was a deep vindictive nature. Passionate and loyal, she had married young and enjoyed almost twenty years with a man she loved and a daughter she loved even more. Her life should've read like a romantic fairy tale. And in many ways, it did...until her husband began to sleep around with other women. 

She'd known the moment it had occurred. But she said nothing. Even though merely looking at the man disgusted her now, the woman was silent and feigned ignorance. It wasn't that her husband had taken in another lover, but that he had the gall to lie about it to her face every day. 

Still, she had no desire to tear apart her daughter's life by laying bare her grievances. She was still underage, then. But as time passed and the girl was now coming of age, Annabelle waited no moment more. At Aria's upcoming eighteenth birthday, marking the full ascension into adulthood, Annabelle would begin the process of divorcing her husband. She'd long since gathered enough evidence to use against him. 

Suffice it to say, Annabelle, promiscuous by nature, had also sought out a new lover. And it just so happens that around that time, a good friend had introduced her to Aiden. Tall, dark and reeking of sin, the attraction was instant. 

They hadn't even said ten words to each other before Aiden was teaching her the proper way to fellate a man. Just like he'd been doing with her daughter half an hour ago before the woman had burst in and started freaking out.

By the time she walked in, Aria's maidenhood had stained his cock red. She sat atop his erect member, grinding against him in slow, measured movements. He'd been gentle, making her first time a pleasant memory she'd never be able to forget. Such was the advantage of giving yourself to an experienced man.

Even her mother's intrusion hadn't stirred her. The young woman only looked up at her mother with dazed eyes, too soft and in ecstasy to care about being seen. 

Meanwhile, Annabelle was blushing fiercely and raising a fuss. "Mon Dieu!" The woman exclaimed in utter shock. "What're you two doing?! Stop already!"

Aiden snorted. "When have you ever known me to stop halfway through?" He asked. "Besides," He continued. "Your daughter is the one who keeps moving her hips," Glancing at the girl in question. 

Annabelle spluttered, unable to form a coherent sentence for some time. She could only stare in horror and disbelief as that cock, soaked in her own juices just the day before, made a mess of her daughter with seemingly no remorse at all.

"Mon cœur," Anna exclaimed, "You...you get off that man this instant!" She ordered. 

Aria heard her mother's voice from a distance. But her body was on fire and she didn't want it to stop. 

White-hot shame flooded Aria's veins, making her cry, but she didn't like the idea of stopping. Torn between such a humiliating experience and continued pleasure, she begged her mother. 

"Don't look..." She pleaded. "G-Go away...." 

Aiden rolled his eyes at her. It by far wasn't the first time he'd been caught fucking someone's daughter, so he didn't experience any discomfort. But he wasn't heartless, so he took the flat sheet from his bed and covered the young woman. 

It's not like he was the one who kept this going anyway. She was the one moving. 

Seeing her daughter so enamored, Anna puffed her cheeks and stomped her feet. "One hour!" She barked. "Finish up by then or...or you won't like what happens!" 

With that, she marched outside. But the erotic moaning kept assaulting her ears. The transparent walls, which have added to the pleasure during her own time alone with Aiden, were at the moment a curse. She only had to turn her head to see Aria kissing her lover with a fiery passion Anna hadn't known the girl possessed. 

Dismayed and anxious, Anna could only pace around the pool and agonize. After a while, she peeked at her daughter out of the corner of her eye. She seemed to be enjoying herself, at least...he was being careful and kind...

Wasn't Aria a virgin? It should be her first time. At least, Annabelle hadn't known her daughter to have any previous relations with a man. She did have suitors aplenty, but none had so far been successful in their courting. 

Anna thought back to Aiden's sturdy, muscled frame and realized he'd of course be different. Those kids who'd sought after Aria were thin as twigs with girlish faces and weak chins....meanwhile, Aiden was a man.

I invited a wolf into the henhouse, She lamented. 


A full two hours later, Aiden finally emerged from the bedroom. Naked, slick with sweat, and his cock still glistening with her daughter's juice. 

Anna was immediately annoyed. He didn't even have the decency to take a sheet with him?! 

"I wiped her down and covered her," He reported nonchalantly, his tone simply infuriating her more. "You ready to go?"

Anna immediately rounded upon the man. "Ochon méchant," She exclaimed. "How dare you!" She pounded on his chest. "Have you no conscience?"

Aiden simply grabbed the woman by the chin and dipped his head. A white-hot tongue invaded her mouth, making her knees weak. She resisted, but there was no fighting that sinful technique of his. 

Her hands clutched at him. He smelled of her daughter, strawberries and cream. Mixed in was the unmistakable scent of sex that awakened her own need. Aiden held her tight and soon enough Annabelle, damn her,  felt her nipples turn into tiny diamond beads for him.

Anna pushed him away just then, turning her face. "Don't think you can get away with this by just a kiss or two." 

"What about three or four, then?"

She slapped his arm. "Be serious!" She chastised him hotly. "How could you do something like that to my Aria!"

Aiden watched as she broke away and started pacing again. He folded his arms. "What? Give her amazing orgasms? Make her first time a nice memory? I suppose you'd rather have her give herself to some inexperienced fop who couldn't find a G-spot if there were neon signs pointing the way?"

Anna glared at him with coals in her eyes. "At the very least I wouldn't want her first time to have been with my boyfriend!" 

Aiden raised a brow. "Am I your boyfriend?" He asked.  

She stopped dead in her tracks, suddenly unsure. "Are you...not?" She asked back. "After all, we--" The woman broke off and cleared her throat, cheeks slightly red. "--we've had relations."

Aiden gave her a probing look. "Anna...you do understand that I've been having sex with women other than you, right? Including several of your friends." 

She shook her head. "So? I don't mind sharing, and you've been able to handle us well so far." His stamina was....

Anna blushed. He could control himself better than her husband, at least. He was never the first to come, and if he was he simply became even harder. 

"Your husband--"

"Lied to me." Anna cut him off abruptly. "You never made me any promises or spoken empty words.It's entirely different."

Aiden wasn't sure about that, but her logic was her own. He rubbed his neck, ill at ease with the direction the conversation was heading. "Anna, look, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with having a relationship with anyone. Whether you let me fuck around or not. I can be your lover, but if you want an emotional connection and a shoulder to lean on in hard times, I'm not that."

The woman churned these words over in her head. After a few moments, she opened her mouth. "We can talk this out some other time," She sighed. "Anyway, you and Aria--"

"...Aiden?" As if summoned by the mention of her name, Aria appeared near the open sliding doors. She stood there, tall and radiant, with a dreamy look upon her face. She was clutching a thin silver sheet to her chest and made her way across the patio with a slow, almost sexy grace. 

When she reached him, she put her hand to his chest and snuggled him. Having done so, she let out a breath of air through her nose and made a small sound of contentedness. "I thought you left me."

 Aiden sent a blank look towards her mother. He gave a small laugh, not knowing what else to do. "Yes, well...your mother and I had something to discuss. Sorry about that."

"You don't sound sorry." 

Aiden was sure he'd heard that before.

"And how can I prove it to you this time?" 

Aria looked up at him with wide, innocent, and loving eyes. "Hug," Was all she said.

Aiden's mouth twitched at the way she was acting. Taking a quick glance at her status screen, he felt a coming headache. 

Aria Farnsworth

Status: Content, happy

Attraction: 96

Hostility: 30

Romance: 65

Friendship: 45

Loyalty: 80

Aiden sighed. He ignored the girl's spoiled plea. "Hold that thought. " Having said so, he looked to her mother. Cupping Aria's ears, he asked, "Do you want me to break her heart quick and clean or let her down easy and give her needless hope that'll ruin her even more in the long run when she sees me fucking other women?"

Annabelle was in utmost distress, nearly coughing blood at being faced with two undesirable choices so suddenly. She panicked. 

"Why are those the only options?" She fussed, hating the entire situation. "Can't you just...humor her?" 

Aiden just stared at the woman as if wondering what was wrong with her head. "You just got done saying you thought of me as a boyfriend, now you're telling me to 'humor' her? You do realize she's serious about me, right?"

Hearing this, Anna looked towards her daughter's soft face. Something so pure and innocent...she couldn't destroy it.

"Just..." She was at a loss for a moment, then found her resolve. "Treat her right, okay?"

Aiden wanted to curse. Fuck," He muttered. And closed his eyes. 

Aiden had rarely if ever had a serious relationship with a woman. 

Sure, he wasn't as bad as he used to be. But that wasn't anything worth mentioning. He was doing all the wrong things he'd done before. Drugs, alcohol, women. These were his vices. They numbed the pain of losing every single person he'd ever loved. Losing his friends, his family....his entire life. 

All to simply be replaced where almost nothing was familiar. 

It wasn't bad enough he'd died several times since coming here. It wasn't enough that he recalled every sordid detail of his deaths with utmost clarity. Now he had to deal with her.


She was too good for him. She deserved someone much better. He could make her first time memorable, but he wasn't the kind of man women dreamed about. He was no blonde-haired, blue-eyed prince on a white horse that women could fantasize about in romances. 

He was something darker. Something that would corrupt them. Unmake them. Slowly, but surely. Whether they realized it or not. Wanted to or not. He was the kind of man women could fuck, but shouldn't love. That was true for his last life and undoubtedly true for this one. Why? Because he wasn't willing to change himself for them. 

At the end of the day, Naoko and Rumi are the kind of women I deserve. He'd thought so before, too.

And hell, those two didn't become how they were until after I took over Yuuji's body.

Rumi, especially. She was a bit of a bitch to Yuuji, but beyond that she'd been a normal girl. Then Aiden comes along and turned her into a murderer. Or would she have turned out that way for any man? Cade said it was part of her trait or whatever, but he didn't quite believe it. Rumi was a popular girl, men would flock to her. If there'd been a man who could make her obsess over him the way she had Aiden, chances are she'd have met him before then.   

so, yeah. Prolonged exposure to him just didn't seem good for a woman's health. That's why he had to break this one just a bit.

Uncovering her ears, he looked into the girl's eyes. No matter what her mother wanted, this was the best thing he could do for the girl.

"You weren't ever anything more than a momentary pleasure," He spoke slowly and evenly, making sure he had her attention. Making sure it would sink in. "Don't confuse this for anything but my one-time pity for a silly little girl who looked like she needed a proper fucking." 

Aria Farnsworth

Attraction: 89

Hostility: 0

Romance: 90

Friendship: 45

Loyalty: 85

She smiled. "You can say whatever mean thing you want, I know they're lies. Just a while ago you were gentle, thoughtful, and sincere. You held me tight and made sure I felt cared for. Other men would've left me soiled and bare, but you took the time to clean and cover me." The woman enveloped him, holding him in a tight, warm embrace. "Now you're trying to make me believe you're some bad guy? I don't understand why, but it won't work."

...Aiden had to take a deep breath. I go easy on her because she was a virgin, now she thinks I'm something good? The fuck is with that loyalty, too? And the romance! 

Aiden checked her status again. 

Traits: Prone to streaks of stubbornness, honest, dislikes bullies, quick to aggression...

Same as always, He thought with a furrowed brow. So why...? Wait...

Aiden caught sight of a small arrow near the end he didn't notice before. He focused on it a moment and suddenly the trait tab expanded.

...Easily attached.

Are you fucking kidding me? She's really that kind of girl? We just had sex...

Aiden wanted to bang his head into a wall. How many people were so innocent? Not even virgins fell in love so quickly after just one night together, usually. He just so happened to meet one here? Fuck his life. 

"Christ," He muttered. Sighing, he turned her around. "Let's talk about this later. For now, put on some clothes." He pushed. "You can't be standing naked in front of your mother forever, can you?"

"Huh?" The girl--woman, now, he supposed--blinked. Then seemed to finally realize all that had happened. "Oh. Oh, gods..." She burned a bright pink. "Mom--you--this--" She stuttered stupidly. "I-It's not what it looks like!" She bit her lip.

Anna didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Now you have the sense to be embarrassed, you silly elk?" She shook her head. 

Aria hugged the sheet closer. "It's not my fault!" She yelled in a panic. "H-He tricked me!" She wrapped the cloth around her head and hid. 

So much for her loyalty, Aiden's mouth twisted. "Throwing me under the bus so quickly, huh."

The woman was merely a massive grey figure, hiding entirely under the sheet and wiggling about anxiously. "No, I didn't mean it that way...but t-touching me like that, it wasn't fair...so..." 

Anna felt her lifespan shortening with her every word. "Ma douce...please, just go get dressed."

"...Okay..." The grey blob trudged off unsteadily. Aiden was worried she's fall over the steps, so he grabbed her shoulders and led her safely to the door. 

"...See? Caring." The woman whispered before stepping inside. 

He felt an eye twitch. His hand lashed out, striking that pert rear with substantial force. She cried out in pain and stumbled onto the carpeted floors. She came up from under the covers and glared. "Bad guy!" She cursed him. 

But Aiden had already closed the doors and turned away.

To Aria, that once mean and infuriating back seemed suddenly so solitary. For the first time, she realized she knew nothing of him. But those strong shoulders of his seemed stiff, guarded, as if carrying some unknown pain and anger. 

It made her maternal instincts want to hold and comfort him. Now. Here. But she knew he'd just rebuff her. 

I can wait until he's ready, she thought. After all, this was only their first day together. But Aria was determined for it to not be their last. She, who was raised as a proper Lady of high-class upbringing, might've given herself away during a spur of the moment, but she wasn't the kind of woman to simply walk away from the man she'd allowed to have her maidenhead.

No. She wasn't so convenient. But she also wasn't unreasonable. So she wouldn't try to force him into anything. Instead, she'd be patient. She could appeal to him slowly until the day came when he realized he didn't need other women. 

She looked around the room laden with lacy underwear. How many other females had he brought here? 

No man does this kind of thing without cause.

Aria suddenly noticed things she hadn't before. Like how the entire house had not a single personal item at all. Other than clothing, there was nothing that told her of his life. His friends, family, his likes or dislikes. Only discarded clothing of unknown women and bottles of empty wine or bourbon which lined  the shelves. A razor was placed upon glass tables, the residue of some white substance clearly visible. 

Nothing but drugs, alcohol, and women, She thought. But he can still be so kind and gentle in bed with someone who'd done nothing but yell at him since their first meeting.

If he was really the scoundrel she'd thought he was, he should've been rougher. Meaner. But he wasn't. Instead, he'd taken the time to wipe her down, leave a glass of water at the bedside table, and covered her with a fresh sheet. Even her clothes had been neatly placed upon a nearby chair. 

He had his demons, but everything he did told her he wasn't overcome by them. Not yet.

I want to help him.

Aria's heart ached.

I want to understand him.

She felt pinpricks of heat burn along her eyes.

I want to be someone he can be better for.

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