Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 11- Know your place!

There are very rare instances when Minami has witnessed her young lady fuming in anger and especially, let it become evident to others as well.

But at the moment, everyone in the dining space upon hearing Akira's voice became certain of the current mood swing of the princess of Takahashi.

And the most influenced by such a sudden change of behavior was none other than the blond boy sitting across the table, Kazuko.

"Know your place!"

Kazuko at that moment became aware of the value which that newly recruited butler carries in Akira's heart since it was the first time for her to display such emotion.

"Do you not fear what would happen once I take over my father's company and what kind of action regarding the Shimazu clan, I would take?"

The butler standing some feet to the left of his young master sweated in a fret as the development was not going in the way he ever presumed.

It was widely known, but not generally gossiped about, that the Shimazu group of companies was in huge debt to Rihito Takashi—Akira's father.

It was only because of the long friendship between the two prominent clans that Rihito always took things lightly and never alarmed the current patriarch that the amount of loan could destroy the Shimazu clan in a single night.

But what about the successor of Rihito?

Kazuko has heard how Akira has been involved in the high council of the company and the blind trust Rihito has in her daughter that he actually might delegate his post to Akira in a year.

'...which means....'

He was left speechless.

He wanted to say hundreds of words since his heart was hurt today, seeing Akira taking the side of someone else. Seeing her reacting strongly meant that the butter was not just her plaything.

His pride was shunned and so was his respect for Akira. But he has to choose his words wisely here.

Not only he would further embarrass himself but also the loss which might transpire before he even could return his home might result in something way beyond regretful.

Collecting his thoughts, Kazuko urged a smile on his face before he unsoundly stood from his chair and with a slight bow, apologized in a weak tone that made it seem that the boy has used up all his energy.

"I beg pardon for what I said, Lady Akira. I breached my boundaries and I apologize for cursing your butler as well. I hope you can find the heart to lend me your forgiveness."

Akira was no longer bothering with him as she continued with her meal and her eyes staring through Kazuko as she slowly chewed on the meat.

For her, Kazuko didn't even exist...

Wordlessly, Kazuko stared at Akira's face for a long ten seconds before he got out of his seat and left the hall.

"Farewell Akira."


[Haruto's POV:]

The next following days of the week I spent mostly learning new things related to what a proper butler should be aware of.

I came to know about different postures, gestures, communication stances, and how to greet others taking regard to their position compared to mine.

I was constantly getting tutored in the three languages that Minami-san told me about. Surprisingly, I didn't even know everything about Japanese and more so, its history.

For two days after that bone-breaking spar with Minami-san, she didn't tell me to come to the workout or the self-defense class but on the third day, I asked her to initiate my physical training as well.

I was more or less fine with just some sore spots actively aching whenever teased but I could manage that much. I want to take all my courses along and well to become a perfect butler.

Worthy to serve Akira.

At the start, some light exercise was going great but with time I came to understand how weak and drained I have become after my parents left. But when Minami-san told me it was alright to go with this pace, I got encouraged to get better.

Surprisingly the sparring session was no longer as painful as it was on the first day. It couldn't simply be compared.

Seeing the proper way Minami-san was guiding me, I felt the first day was just her venting on me, nothing more.

I slacked my sleeping hours and focused on the things I should be aware of. Learning new languages enough to greet and understand the basics was my primary intention for this late-night session.

I also practiced my butler and communication skills while looking in the mirror. In the past, I was an extrovert but now things have changed.

I barely talked to anyone from school and usually remained to myself while thinking of how to continue living and stuff. Naturally, I was feeling anxious and uneasy about meeting new people. But since it was for my job, I have to do it.

'It's good for me as well, to make new acquaintances...'

Right now, it was Sunday night.

After the self-defense training I had with Minami-san, the bespectacled beauty told me to freshen up immediately since she was going to visit my room for some reason.

I would be lying to say I didn't think of anything perverted but I knew it was a blindly impossible scenario so I just shrugged it off and did what she asked.

Returning to the room with a wet towel in my hand, and wearing the smooth comfortable pajamas, I hung the towel on the drying hanger opposite the door before approaching the room where I already sensed someone awaiting.

"Sorry for being late."

I grinned toothly for which Minami-san only nodded but said nothing. Except for the first sparring session, she has been behaving normally to me which I wholeheartedly welcomed.

Taking the seat on my bed and a notebook in hand, I focused my eyes on the whiteboard fixated on the opposite wall as Minami-san approached with a marker in hand.

I had no idea what she was going to teach me since before today only the instructors taught me academic-related stuff.


The word which the blue marker wrote as the heading was...

"Arthur's school of Erudite. The place where you will be attending your third year and also where you mostly have to perform your job as a butler."


A/N:- I will be uploading a chapter weekly and sometimes maybe two.

It highly depends on the number of comments so make sure to leave something behind~

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