Yandere Ojou-sama!

Chapter 18- Claiming Haruto in front of Akira?!

"Is Shozio Haruto-kun, here?"

As the voice reverberated profoundly in the already silent classroom, the three students standing at the back side of the class including Akira and Haruto, turned their gazes toward the source and found a fiery red-haired girl looking around the class, as in to find someone eagerly.

There were a lot of students who were surprised to see Kaede here in all places. Just like Akira, Kaede was also a famous figure in the school. Leaving a major factor of her background for a moment, her academic record and her brilliancy in physical activities were the sources of her being such a known individual throughout the academy.

Not to talk about her unparalleled beauty which gave somewhat the same vibe as Akira. Cold to strangers yet polite to an acquaintance. It goes without saying that she has gotten pursuers for her own but just like Akira, Kaede put those pleasantries at bay and keeps everyone out of a certain boundary in all modesty.

For her to come all the way to a different section to call out for someone who has newly enrolled and whose name most of the students don't even know?

Indeed interesting enough for them to get back in their seats and enjoy the show.


Haruto was genuinely startled since he nearly forgot about the girl he met in the morning and had a promise scheduled during the break period to roam around the school with her.

Akira, who was beside Haruto flinched slightly when she heard how Haruto has grown intimate enough with the girl to jump on a first-name basis. She has penned it down under the list she has yet to discuss with her dear butler with~

"Oh, here you are. Why didn't you text me?"

As Kaede said she walked inside the classroom with her gaze not even bothering to divert at the person who was beside the boy. Her steps were gracious and no sound echoed as she walked with her hair tied in a ponytail, swinging rhythmically, making various students, sigh in awe at how beautiful someone can look despite just waking casually.

The said person only halted after she reached in front of the boy she came to meet, entirely discarding Akira's presence.


Haruto was naturally a little taken aback being in such a situation where on one side his mistress was evidently pissed by the development or Kaede's whole presence for some reason. And rejecting Kaede, also seemed insulting in all rights.

But to his greatest luck, someone came to save him from this inescapable situation.

"President. We have an issue."

Another beautiful girl with green hair walked inside while calling for Akira related to something which only the said girl could be aware of. The new arrival was a familiar face to Haruto since he have met her in the morning and got her assistance.

Seeing the mood of the group and the aura emitting her usually calm president, the bespectacled vice-president came to a slow halt as she seemed a little surprised to see Kaede here.

Akira with a look that screamed unapproachability turned on her heels and walked away from the side, leaving a troubled Haruto behind.

Akira didn't spare a glance at anyone and like a cold whip of air, she walked out with the midget assistant following behind.


[Akira's POV:]

Walking out of the classroom I couldn't help but feel...somewhat thirsty.

Not in terms of quenching my thirst with water or some similar things, but the thirst of punishing someone very badly after what I have seen in the classroom.

First, the incident in the morning which I could have never anticipated, given the distance Haru-kun had to cover to climb in order to enter the school. The territory where nothing could go against my will.

But I underestimated that wench for sure, who didn't fail to piss me off by approaching the person I have already claimed as my own.

She rode with him. Sure I have been with him in the car but that was another thing to be like that all chummy and romantic. That was the 'first' of Haru-kun that got stolen...or could I have said if I didn't have found out about his past recently. In the past when I was away and Haru-kun did a thing that pains my heart and grows my desire to inflict that pain on him.

Now then...not only that Ashikaga but that now the other wh*res are also looking at Haru-kun. MY HARU-KUN!!

Well, given his shift of behavior and how charming he has become with time, I couldn't blame them, can I? Then who was responsible for this?

Of course, it was Haru-kun. Who else?

Not only he was being all touchy with that girl but he also called that Ashikaga bi*ch with her first name eh? Fufu...how entertaining to even imagine the face he would be making once we would be alone in my room and ask him the reason for such a betrayal he once again has slapped me with.

'Ah~I can't wait to see all alone and helpless Haru-kun. Beneath my feet, where you can see no one but you mistress.'


Some steps behind walking the green-haired girl who primarily came to ask Akira's assistance with the budget report was having a heavy doubt about whether she did right to call her or not.

Hearing the small giggles Akira was letting out without any reason made the little girl frightened. Not for her but for the treasurer who was the true reason why Akira was needed in the council office in the first place.

'I don't know what has changed in her...but I have a clear doubt it's because of that new student. I better report this to 'him'...'


A/N:- Conspiracies would be plotted and drama would inevitably be brought up. One thing I would like to clarify. Akira was not particularly stable when it comes to Haruto but once Haruto begins to see her real intentions and how much she cares for him, the tables would be turned and ma boy would begin to attack the yandere in the sweetest way.

Don't mind her curses, on a side note, and drop a comment if you are excited about the next chapter.

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