Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Austin’s Origin~3!

Austin always thought that in each of his lives he always faced what someone calls, a misfortune that he never deserved.

He never whined but not like Austin was entirely ignorant about it.

In his past life, he had to struggle for everything which a normal boy of his age should just receive without him even requesting.

He faced the evils of society and had to go through things that made Austin quite detached from reality and live a life of complete isolation.

At those times, only a single person reached a helping arm to him and made Austin aware of the brighter side of his life.

The person who never asked anything in return and always used to provide him with the share of happiness Austin deserved.

His little sister Saya.

Undoubtedly, Saya was the reason why Austin never fell into the darkness and came to hate this world for the way it was. Saya was the primary reason why Austin became the person he is in the present.

And Austin felt lucky to receive such life and got the chance to be reborn to meet Luna.

…..but now, someone out of nowhere was telling him that all the life he spent in his previous vessel was a part of a plan?

That all the misery he went through and the reason why Saya ever coincidentally came into his contact…was just to prepare him for the next life?

"Don't spout bullshit! I never met Onii-sama by mere luck. I was attracted to his kindness that's why I approached him!"

Saya enraged shout broke the cutlery on the table as she cleared her point. It was not just a stroke of luck that she got close to her brother. And she was not going to take that crap by staying silent!

The older woman sighed without complaint and replied in a weak tone.

"Then can you tell me, why you were the only one who was able to identify his kindness but not anyone else? How come you always saw him at times when your brother was in the middle of helping someone or partaking in any good deeds? Please don't say something childish like it was fate or your brother was a social helper whose daily task was to assist people in need. We both know that's pure excuses."

The anger in Saya's eyes diminished slowly as she kept her mouth agape, intending to rebuke the Witch but after registering each of the words, Saya was left speechless.

Saya was hating herself to question those moments which connected her with her brother. Now the old hag has told her something like this, it was impossible for Saya to not think anything otherwise of those chance encounters with her brother.

(A/N: - I might detail why she even started questioning herself.)

Luna was not completely sure of what reason Saya ever started regarding Austin, her brother but the Saintess has confirmed the strong bond between the two.

However, now things are starting to seem different because of Saya's silence on the matter.

…and it was a little disheartening as well.

"So what was the purpose of carving my life in such a way? And why did I receive this system?"

The eyes of the two ladies turned instantly toward their beloved.

Unlike Saya and Luna, Austin had a naturally calm expression spread over his face like what he heard was something he already expected.

If Luna didn't have felt Austin's hand clutching hers under the table, she might have gotten worried.

He's in utter chaos but right now, Austin felt utilizing his priority in something else that would be beneficial to the future.

Saya also sensed the motive behind her brother's demeanor and decided to shut her mouth despite having hundreds of things to shout.

Hearing the query, the old woman kept her gaze fallen on the table as she responded in a grieving tone.

"We wanted a perfect human who would be bestowed with the Villain's System but doesn't exploit it. As you have seen, the system provides you with a marvelous reward that can turn a nobody into a single-man army. We wanted a person who does not misuse the resource and when the time comes, he can utilize the system in the best possible way."

The statement had some of the points which cleared Austin's previous doubts but a bunch of new questions arrived as well.

He took his time to sort all the stuff and raise the first thing he felt complicated about.

"And who is this 'we'you are talking about?"

Luna also had a very urgent itch to know about this reference to an unknown entity.

The Witch slapped her forehead lightly in the realization of how basic things she forgot to add to her explanation.

"I did tell you that I created the Villain's system but that was a request from my customer. And those are the customers who made it possible to change your fate in the first place. The beings who reside above all of us or what I call them, The Administrators."

Austin glanced at Luna with an equally perplexed expression as hers before he followed up with words.


"Yes, you can call them that."

For a second Austin felt that the lady was indeed speaking nothing but bullshit but he felt some sensation from Luna's side.

Turning his head, he found Luna almost pale-faced like never before as she raised one of her own doubts.

"H-Hey what was your na-name again?"

The old lady frowned her brows slightly as she tilted her head and spoke in an unsure tone.

"Amanda Ravewing. I never introduced myself?"

Austin was not focused on the forgetful behavior of the witch but rather on Luna's reaction. Suddenly, he heard a voice in his head that cleared the clouds.

'Austin…whatever she is telling might be true. '

It was telepathy. A branch of Space magic that was not impossible for a brilliant mage like Luna which didn't bring any shocked expression on Austin's face as he heard her continuing.

'My grandma told me whom to be wary of… And Amanda Ravewing was on top of that list… '

Luna could never have imagined that no one else but the most ancient Witch in existence would be waiting down here in the labyrinth.

The being whom even her grandma called to be unpredictable yet on the other realm from every guardian deity in existence.

Amanda Ravewing wasn't just a witch but a presence who holds the ability to write over the reality of numerous with a wave of the hand and also become the cause of their demise.

When such a being says that she has been in contact with God, then there was no possible option rather than to believe her words.

Austin was worried about Luna's condition but he chose to focus on the matter at hand first.

Turning toward the old lady, Austin moved to the very question which may decide where he might be leading from hereon.

"Then what is the purpose of this Villain's System?"


A/N: - Next chapter would probably conclude the Labyrinth arc but well, since I don't want to rush Austin's origin, I might take two more chapters.

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