Lady of Curses

Chapter 32-Changing sky

''What will you have?'' While Aella was still looking at the settlement for her high point, a waitress approached their table and came to take their order. 

The waitress had a similar look to the receptionist who took them up here, she had the same cap hat, and gown but the waitress had exposed shoulders, as her gown wasn't covering as much as it did the receptionist. Looking around Aella could see that all the waitresses that were walking around had two things in common the cap hat and the gown, it probably was some kind of uniform.

''We will have some earth breaker sushi and a berry jelly cream cake for dessert .'' 

''Of course, and what would you like to drink?'' 

''Today's special.'' After hearing their order the waitress nodded and walked away. 

''So do you come here often?'' Aella had already looked around and admired the view, so she decided to make some small talk with the pale lady, and maybe get to know her better, after all, Aella didn't even know her name.

''Fairly regularly, yes.'' The lady was looking right at Aella as she answered the question.

''I see.'' Seeing that the lady didn't intend to continue this topic Aella decided to be blunt and asked her name. ''We haven't introduced one another, I'm Aella.''

''I guess we haven't, were well, I'm Zira and you have already met Suria.'' Hering Zira's introduction Aella was satisfied to finally know her name but she was a little confused about who is Suria. 


''She's not relevant right now, so let's leave it for later.'' And so Aella didn't get an answer about who was Suria, but she didn't push it.

''Ok, then moving on, why did you ask to accompany me?'' It was still kind of strange that Zira asked to pay for Aella's food. ''After all as far as I know we are strangers.''

''To advance my social skills.'' The answer was a little unexpected, but remembering the books she was reading Aella wasn't that surprised by Zira's reason. ''And you being a stranger is what I need.'' 

''I see your reasoning, I presume you don't have high social skills.'' 

''No, I don't, I prefer to be alone, but by nature that isn't too optimal, after all even if little I need some social skills to interact with the people who summon us.'' The two moon-like eyes were looking at Aella as Zira talked. 

''So your solution is to read books and ask random strangers to a meal?'' Aella took a quick glance at the settlement below her before she returned her dark eyes back to Zira. ''I have to say the plan sounds decent, after all not many would refuse some free food.'' 

''You're actually the first stranger I ask to accompany to a meal, I usually just read books, but I decided to use the theory in practice.'' 

''Lucky me.'' Aella didn't know how to feel that she was just randomly chosen for basically an experiment, but she didn't dislike it. ''So have you learned something, is this social interaction to your liking?'' 

''Well, I know your name, and we are talking although it's not about a topic I was expecting to talk about, but still, it's acceptable.'' Zira took a glance at the skies for a second before returning her attention to Aella. ''But I should be asking you, about my social skills, and what is your impression of me.'' 

''Well, I won't complain about this interesting interaction, even though it's unique in its own way.'' Aella took a deep look at Zira before she continued. ''And the impression you have given me until now is that you don't like to talk much and you don't like to reveal your secrets, but my view about you could be somewhat tainted by this conversation.'' 

''You're not wrong about either of those things, but anything besides coldhearted, cruel, or something similar would be a success in my mind.'' 

''Congrats, I guess.'' Aella was still confused by this whole interaction, but she just went with it. 

''Here's your meal.'' In the pause they created their meal had arrived. Aella got startled when she heard the waitress's voice because she didn't see her approach the table. 

*Tunk, tunk...* The waitress took their food and drinks off her dark plate and then walked off. Aella looked at her meal and saw the two times, the first were the sushi, they looked like nigiri sushi, with the meat being in an interesting light earthy brown color. The drink on the other hand looked more impressive, it was served in a spherical glass, and the drink itself looked like a starry night. When Aella moved the glass it resulted in the drink moving around and while moving it transformed from a calm starry night to a meteor shower.

While Aella was looking at her food and drink, Zira had already begun to eat, so without wasting any more time Aella picked her first piece of sushi, and brought her chopsticks, which were grabbing the sushi, closer to her mouth and ate. Aella has to be honest with herself and say that the flavor impressed her. The moment she bit into the meat, a flavorful juice spurted out filling her mouth with rich flavor. 

She didn't know how to describe it, it still tasted fishy but it had something like earthy flavor to it. But although Aella didn't know how to describe it, she still could enjoy it, so that was what she did, the taste was amazing and that was all she cared about.

After taking a few more bites of her meal, Aella decided to sample the drink, and similar to the sushi the flavor was amazing, this one was harder to describe so Aella could only say that it was a nice drink on the sweeter side. 

While they were eating no one spoke, because one of them was quiet by nature and the other one was too impressed with the food and the flavor it gave. 

''It's about to start.'' The silence was broken when Zira spoke. Aella turned her attention away from the food and looked at the pale woman, and she saw how Zira was looking at the sky, so thinking there was something there Aella too looked in that direction. 

At first, Aella didn't see anything so she thought she was missing something, but after a brief moment she still couldn't see anything so she was ready to put her attention back on her food, but before she could do that she saw a falling star sailing through the night sky. It didn't take long before Aella saw another one, and then another,  it didn't take long before she could see a whole meteor shower traveling through the night sky.

Aella was so immersed in the view that she didn't see what was happening around her. But she couldn't be blamed because if she looked around she would see that everyone else was the same, both the guests and the waiters. Slowly the meteor shower ended. 

''That was beautiful.'' Aella unconsciously muttered those words, as she was still looking at the night sky. 

Zira on the other hand didn't say anything and just returned to her meal, and Aella followed her example and returned to her's too. 

While continuing her meal Aella felt something wet landing on her head. She briefly looked up and then she got hit with a few more drops of water. While looking up Aella saw that the skies that were just almost completely clear were now fully concealed by big dark clouds. Seeing this Aella wanted to stand up and leave because she was sure that the gentle rain would soon turn into a full-blown storm.

But before she could do that she saw the giant mushroom platform getting engulfed by something. From Aella's point of view, she could see how the whole dining area was getting surrounded by a giant sphere. The inside of the sphere had white walls with big circular windows that were colored pink. It didn't take long before it was fully complete and the guests didn't have to worry about the storm outside. Looking from the outside it looked like the giant mushroom was now complete with a purple cap and pink dots.

''It looks like we will be here a while.'' Hearing Zira's words, both of them continued eating their meals in peace.



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