Lady of Curses

Chapter 33-Confusing morning

''Ughh...'' It was the morning, and Aella had just woken up by some sun rays that were shining in her eyes, and if that wasn't bad enough she was having a mild headache. Not the best way to start the day but Aella still decided to wake up. 

''Where am I?'' Opening her eyes and looking around Aella got confused because she was lying on a big bed and in a wooden room, but this wasn't her room. She could quickly tell it wasn't her room because the room she was sleeping right now was much bigger and fancier than her own bedroom. ''And why am I naked?'' That's another thing when she pulled the blanket, that was covering her body, off of her, she saw her nude self. 

Taking another look around Aella found her clothes neatly stacked on the nightstand that was right beside the bed she was lying in. Seeing her clothes Aella got out of bed and started to dress, while at the same time, she tried to remember how she got here.

All she could remember was that, they were at the giant mushroom restaurant having a meal, then because of the storm they had to stay longer, after they finished their meal and dessert, they decided to get some alcohol, which got a little out of hand. They didn't cause a scene, fortunately, but Aella probably had too much as she didn't remember anything after, except that she and Zira went somewhere after the storm ended. 

Slowly the puzzle pieces fell into the place, and by the time Aella was fully dressed she was sure that this was Zira's place. Now the only question on her mind is, did they fuck, or she was just crashing here for the night? Because she had no idea.

After getting all her clothes on, Aella took a glance at herself through the round mirror that was embedded into one of the walls, before looking for an exit that would lead her out of the room. Pretty quickly Aella found the wooden door that led out of this room. 

Dressed and ready, Aella took another quick glance in the mirror and tidied her hair a little with her hands, before she went for the exit. When she opened the door and stepped out of the room, the first thing she was greeted by was a wooden hallway. Looking left and right, Aella saw that the hallway wasn't too long and she could count four rooms along the hallway if she counted the one she just came out.

Another thing she saw was stairs leading down, so she presumably was at least on the second floor. Wanting to find answers she went to the stairs. Walking down the spiral staircase Aella soon arrived at what presumably was a living area, that was very spacious. Taking a quick glance around she didn't find anyone so she didn't linger more than she needed and went for the doors that lead outside.

Opening the door she was greeted by a beautiful garden with different flowers all around, and in one section of the garden, she saw someone familiar watering the plants. Unfortunately, it wasn't Zira, but looking at the toned skin, the golden hair, and the sun-like eyes, Aella could instantly tell it was the healer that helped her when she got her first meeting with mana gobbler. 

''Hi! Good morning!'' While Aella was still at the door looking around, she was greeted by the bright lady who had the same smile on her hand that she had when Aella first met her.

''Good morning.'' Although Aella was still confused about her situation she still greeted back. ''I'm a little confused, so if you can, can you tell me where we are?'' 

''Sure, this is my and Zira's home.'' The smile never left her face as she answered Aella's question. ''But I have to say, you two were having the time of you're life. I knew that both of you drink a lot, but you not remembering where you are, shows that I underestimated how much both of you drunk.'' 


''Not to mention when you came here and both went straight for the bed. I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard you both having fun, you both were like wild animals in heat!'' Well, that answered some questions.

''Right!'' Suddenly the lady exclaimed as if she remembered something, as she extended her hand in Aella's direction. ''Here this should help.''

Suddenly a gentle ray of light flew in Aella's direction. Aella didn't move and the ray touched her, and as a result, she felt more energetic, and the headache that was gently and constantly pounding her skill settled down and she could no longer feel it.

''Thanks, I'm Aella by the way.'' Aella thanked the sunny lady and introduced herself.

''I'm Suria!'' By now Suria had already come close to Aella and offered a handshake so Aella took in and shook hands with this healer.

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