Maniac’s Mayhem: A guide to being a corporate slave

Chapter Two: Out Of The Frying Pan Into

If that is what you desire, but with the way your organs and bones are situated in your body, Lyssa would recommend immediate action unless you are secretly a Yogobu.

“A what? No, never mind, how can you tell that my organs are fucked?”

Yogobu is an inhabitant of the planet Gintersa. They’re like living jelly. Lyssa can tell your body condition due to the fact that Lyssa is bonded to your upper brain stem.

“So you’re in my head, great.” I say, trying not to let that bother me too much, “If you find my dignity somewhere in there, let me know.”

Lyssa estimates you lost that 3 years ago when you decided to sell yourself to Miss Agroria.

“Fuck you,” I scream with clenched teeth” Wait, how do you know that, how long have you been in my head?”

Lyssa estimated about 20 seconds, but the protectors have given me access to your file.

“Wait, the protectors! so I am a samurai now?” I say some hope coming back to me “I thought I was going to die, and now I am a samurai.”

Correct, and you might not be dead now, but you will be if you don’t change your situation somewhat soon

“Well, aren’t you some magical device that can give me anything I need right?”

Lyssa assures you that Lyssa works on more sophisticated means than some simple magic. Lyssa is an AI assistant that can help you purchase and unlock the required catalogs you need. All you need is points.

“And pray to tell, how do I get those points. Almighty Lyssazon” I get out, why does my tongue feel weird?

It appears that you are still in a state of shock. To answer your question, you kill the antithesis threat, or you rescue human life.

“So I am fucked; I have no points and am stuck,” I say, “Well, it was nice knowing you, Lyssa.”

Normally, you would have very few points, but you managed to bring down a building on 106 antitheses. With the deductions for not being direct enough in the killing, you are still rewarded 864 points plus 5 additional points for helping the children escape into a shelter, as well as a additional 100 points granted to new Vanguards.

“That does not exactly feel fair, but I will take it. So what do we do first.”

Well, Lyssa suggest we do a medical check, you can buy the medical catalog and purchase a nano-regenerative suite. But Lyssa recommends purchasing a class I internal cybernetic enhancement catalog. And purchasing the G3-Viper Mark 4F to replace your spine. It is already shattered, and replacing it will get you out faster. It also holds a small nanite swarm that is meant to stabilize your body as well as fix small issues, According to Lyssa this would be enough to restore you, but it will cost 450 points

“So fix or replace. Well fuck it replace the thing then.”

Class I Internal Cybernetic Enhancement unlocked!

Points reduced to... 919

New Purchase: G3-Viper Mark 4F

Points reduced to... 519

A white plastic box appears in what little room I still have left in this coffin. It takes me more time than I like to admit, but I get the lid off. Inside is a coiled-up centipede-looking thing made out of some sleek metal and covered in…

“What the fuck Lyssa why is it sticky?”

The Viper is covered in an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory gel, which makes installation in the field much safer. The gel also contains some restorative nanites. Do you wish to activate the procedure?

“Yes, please.” As I say that. I hear a slight humming as the contraption comes alive, it uncoils and slowly starts moving toward me. It goes past my neck. Then I feel this little thing between my shoulder blades. And then everything goes white-hot. I feel like throwing up, my head is spinning. Pain is everything, it goes through me and leaves me a twitching mess

“Oww, fuck, whyyy?.” I whimper out

Evelin, are you okay?

“Nooo, wah, pain, make it stop,” I plead

Lyssa understands and would like to recommend a universal combat painkiller would you


Class I Combat Stimulants unlocked!

Points reduced to... 469

New Purchase: Class I general combat Painkiller

Points reduced to... 439

in my hand, a little red injector appears. I try to fiddle around but moving is agony, so I decide to inject it in the only place I can reach, my neck. It takes a few seconds, but then I release the breath I did not realize I was holding. The pain is not gone, it has become this soft background buzz. A lot more manageable.

Evelin, you're supposed to inject the stimulant into your arm

“Well, did it look like I can reach my arm, I am stuck, speaking of how do we get out of here?“

There are a few options, but Lyssa recommendation is to buy a strength-enhancing stimulant and a catalog for search and rescue, with these you can probably crawl your way out of here

“Great more drugs. Any other ideas ?”

Yeah, you can purchase a mining catalog and slowly dig a tunnel, but you will likely run out of points before you can exit the building

“I better not become an addict because of this, so when does this snake thing finish?”

In just a few minutes it will finish its installation, afterward it takes a couple of hours for the changes to set in fully, but you will be able to move while those changes take place.

“I see that is good, what changes are we talking about? I am not going to have plating on my back, right? I don’t think that would get approved.”

Nothing to worry about then, all the changes are internal. Your flexibility will be improved, and because of better nerves, your reaction time will be enhanced. And you know that saying lift with your legs, not your back?

“Uhm yeah, I know of it.”

Well, you can forget all about that now, your back is probably the strongest and most resilient part of your body now.

“Well, that is a good bonus, so what are we going to do in the meantime?”

Lyssa can recommend some training modules, usually you would have to be asleep to take proper advantage of them, but with a few tweaks, Lyssa can make it still teach you stuff while doing mundane tasks like crawling through tunnels.

“Well, that is an option. You can just do that? Implant knowledge into my head like that.” This just does not seem fair.

You would need the appropriate implants, but since your aug is of good quality, it’s just one installation directly into your head.

“I know I have not really cared about points that much until now, but is that point efficient?”

Knowing how to use a weapon properly will greatly increase the chance of survival later on and will help you in the future.

“Okay, so what gun do you think I should use?”

None, because of the Viper installation. Your nerves will need time to adjust and compensate for the changes. This will make you jittery for a while, affecting your aim. Lyssa would recommend the use of a melee weapon instead, like a sword or a hammer. In combination with the strength enhancement, you should be a competent enough fighter.

You know, this is all serious stuff, but that does not help wipe the goofy kid smile off my face at the thought of having a sword.

“Well fuck it then let’s go sword fighting then.” I say in my excitement, “Give me everything and give me a big sword”

Class I Dive Dream Learning Software unlocked!

Points reduced to... 389

Class I Bladed weapons unlocked!

Points reduced to... 339

Class I Search and Rescue unlocked!

Points reduced to... 289

New Purchase: Class I Passive Dive Module

Points reduced to... 249

New Purchase: Class I Strength Enhancer

Points reduced to... 199

New Purchase: Class I Sword Master Technique

Points reduced to... 159

New Purchase: Class I Claymore

Points reduced to... 154

“Uhm, where is the sword?” I say, trying not to sound disappointed.

Due to current conditions, Lyssa will deliver the claymore upon exiting the building.

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