Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 164: IHSR Shopping Trip Pt 4

I hadn't expected to get all these questions, so I looked at Hades. "Hey, do you want me to Soulbind the suit to you?" I asked, and Hades blinked at me.

"You can do that?" He asked, but then shook his head. "Why do I even ask? Yes, I would love for you to do that for me."

I grinned and then looked through my souls, but all I had was another red unique rare dragon soul that I was willing to part with. I pulled the red soul out and Hades gasped as I did.

"I thought you were just Soulbinding it to me?! Why do you have a dragon's soul out?!" Hades asked in confusion, but I ignored him, grabbing the soul with both my hands.

I had fed some souls to Scarlet before, but this was the first time that I had tried to shape one with Soulforge Artisan. With the soul in my hands, I suddenly knew that I needed to make a mental picture of what I was trying to shape the soul into. It was more than just the shape, I had to envision what I wanted this soul to do in the item I was shaping it for.

During the process of shaping the soul, I felt a strange resonance that echoed between my mind, the soul, and the printer on my wrist. It was hard to describe, but it felt like the soul and the machine were communicating in a language beyond words, a symphony of creation that vibrated through my very essence. As I concentrated, the dragon's soul began to morph, its fiery essence condensing into a form that complemented the design of the gothic suit. The air around us seemed to pulse with energy, a testament to the power being woven into the fabric of the outfit.

I pressed the 'Yes' to all the prompts, finalizing my decision to not only Soulbind the suit to Hades but also to infuse it with the reshaped dragon soul. The printer hummed to life, and the materials I had selected began to transform, guided by the design I had chosen and enhanced by the dragon's soul. The process was mesmerizing, the suit slowly replacing the black suit Hades had been wearing before.

The gothic suit was unlike anything I had seen before. The (Epic) Crimson Rat Hide gave the fabric a depth of color that seemed to shift with movement, from deep burgundy to a dark, almost black red. The (Epic) Sanguine Silk Thread added a subtle shimmer, the threads themselves appearing to pulse with a life of their own, while the (Epic) Crimson Exquisite Blood Crystal served as the centerpiece, its dark luster catching the eye and refusing to let go.

The red dragon soul could be activated to not only wreathe the body in flames and create a spectacular pair of flaming wings, but it also gave the suit unparalleled protection, akin to wearing a second skin that could deflect even the most formidable of attacks. The flames, while visually stunning, were more than mere ornamentation; they could be controlled and used offensively, turning the wearer into a formidable adversary in combat.

Hades, now clad in the gothic suit, stood in awe, his eyes reflecting the brilliant luster of the Crimson Exquisite Blood Crystal. He moved experimentally, marveling at the suit's comfort and the ease with which he could move. The suit didn't just fit his form; it seemed to anticipate his movements, enhancing them with an ethereal grace.

"This is... incredible," Hades breathed out, his voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and admiration. "I've never felt power like this woven into clothing. Leon, you've outdone yourself. This suit is a masterpiece."

I smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I'm glad you like it. Consider it a thank you for all your help. And remember, that suit is now bound to you. It's as much a part of you as your own essence."

Hades nodded, his gaze still locked on the suit, exploring every detail. "I assure you, I will treasure this gift. And I'm not just talking about its physical form. The craftsmanship, the power, and the soul you've woven into it... It's more than just attire; it's a symbol of the bond we've formed. As I told you before, a single item that you create could be worth as much as my entire shop, but this masterpiece is worth offering both my daughter's hands for you to take in marriage!"

That killed the mood, and I put up my hand. "No, I refuse. The girls are wonderful, but I am not looking to add more people to my group. 7 is already pushing it, and already have 2 demons."

Hades leaned in with a smile that shouldn't be on a father's face when talking about his daughters. "Both of them have adult forms already, they just stay small for my benefit. You might think differently after you see them. I am sure they will show you when you make them each a dress like you promised."

I narrowed my eyes at the god of the underworld and sighed, realizing the complexity of the situation I had inadvertently created. "I appreciate the...offer, Hades, but my hands are quite full as it is. However, I'll keep my promise regarding the dresses. It's the least I can do after the hospitality you've shown me and my companions."

Hades chuckled, the sound echoing slightly in the spacious shop. "Fair enough, Leon. But know this, my doors—and my daughters' hearts—are always open to you. Now, let's not dwell on what could be. You have a fitting place to attend to, and I believe my daughters are eagerly awaiting your return."

With a mixture of reluctance and curiosity, I made my way to the back of the shop where Astra and Nova were. The sight that greeted me was one of chaos and creativity. Fabrics of all colors and textures were strewn about, and my companions' voices could be heard coming from inside all the changing rooms.

"Leon!" Both Astra and Nova squealed as soon as they noticed me, and all the doors to the changing rooms opened at the same time.

The demon princesses both grabbed me, and I patted their heads, but I was looking at all my girls standing in the changing rooms. Not all of them were fully clothed.

"Why are you here already?!" Mary snapped, suddenly slamming the door after realizing that she and her sizable chest was quite exposed.

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