Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 166: IHSR Shopping Trip Pt 6

The pride in Hades' eyes was unmistakable as he watched them, his usual stern demeanor softened by a father's love. "You've outdone yourself, Leon," he said, his voice carrying a mix of gratitude and admiration. "These dresses are not just clothing; they are works of art that capture the essence of my daughters perfectly."

The girls, beaming with happiness, rushed over to thank me, their gratitude evident in their eyes and the warmth of their smiles. "Thank you, Leon! These are the most beautiful dresses we've ever owned," they said in unison, their voices harmonizing in a way that only siblings could.

I couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of accomplishment and connection. "I'm glad you like them. All your smiles are good enough for me!" I laughed, and Hades nodded, but then we were both suddenly standing outside his store. "What happened?"

"I am giving you my endorsement for the next rank of your Hamazon membership," Hades told me, and I nodded, but then shrugged.

"It seems a bit dramatic to bring me out here for that," I said, and Hades smiled.

"That is because I stopped the follow of time in the store, and set you on a different one. This means that no matter how much time you spend here from this point forward this trip, no time will have passed for the girls or you," Hades explained, but I didn't really understand why he was doing this.

"What is the point of this? Just so I can shop around?" I asked, but Hades shook his head.

"No, I want you to go and get the approval of four other gods during this time. It shouldn't really take you long," Hades explained and then tossed me one of the girl's phones. "I asked Princess Lyra if I could take a look at the device she was glued to, and it is really amazing. I noticed that it has access to the ISP, so you might be able to upload other designs for other gods since not all of them are going to be interested in clothing."

I caught the phone, but I was surprised at how knowledgeable Hades was about everything. He had been the one to mention the ISP in the first place, but I still found it strange that he was so informed about my system. Kind of made me wonder just how connected Hamazon and my system were.

"If you think it is that important, then I really thank you for doing this for me," I said, genuinely thankful for Hades. Unlike Garland and Him, I didn't feel the same hostility towards Hades.

"It is. The people here are all here for a reason. You might have noticed, but you are not going to find any divine beings here that are hostile towards you. Think of us as watchers who hope you can change things. I know that you don't like to get involved with things, but I also don't have to tell you how unlikely avoiding conflict is going to be for you in the future," Hades explained, and I felt the weight and truth in his words.

I had just been wondering about that. Besides the security guard, everyone I had met so far was very friendly to me. Albeit that I still had many more people to meet, it was relieving to know that I wasn't going to run into any Garland's along the way. That was good, but I figured I should probe a bit before skipping off on this impromptu quest.

"If everyone here isn't hostile, then when do I have to get everyone's approval?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but it was always better from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

"While we aren't hostile, and most of us believe in you, we still have to follow rules, just like you. This is all part of His game and a preparation for what is to come. I know that you despise most of us, but think of this as not just a test for you but for each of us, administered by yours truly. You will need allies in the future," Hades told me, and I nodded along, satisfied that I was getting what I had asked and more.

"Anything that I should know going forward?" I asked, but Hades shook his head.

"Part of this test is meeting each of these people for the first time so you can make your own judgments about each of them without any outside influences. They all have been restricted from learning anything about you as well. Until you approach them, they remain unaware of your existence or your mission. This ensures that their reactions and interactions with you are genuine and not influenced by any prior knowledge or bias. The relationships you form or fail to form must be based on your own merits and actions."

Hades continued, his tone serious yet encouraging. "Remember, each god has their own domain, interests, and personality. What appeals to one may not appeal to another. Be adaptive, observant, and respectful. Your actions and choices during these encounters will not only reflect on you but also determine the strength and nature of the alliances you form. These relationships could be pivotal in the challenges you'll face ahead."

I nodded, absorbing his advice. It was clear that this wasn't just about securing divine endorsements for my Hamazon membership; it was about laying the groundwork for future alliances and understanding the complex dynamics of the divine realm.

"Thank you, Hades. I'll take your words to heart," I said, feeling a mix of anticipation and determination. The task ahead was exactly what I needed after having to push so hard to get stronger for the upcoming war, and the Reshan capital I was tasked with cleaning up.

Completing the Crystal Cavern had been fun in its own way, but this was a chance to do something I was familiar with. Meeting with clients and making them the products they wanted after going over the designs. It was kind of nice to feel excited about something and not have to worry about everyone else, or almost everyone.

Focusing on Hades, I asked, "What about Ashagan?"

"I will just tell Anima that she has more time to work with Ashagan. I don't think it will be a problem," Hades explained, and I nodded.

"Thank you for everything," I said and then opened up my map of IHSR.

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