Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 167: A Quest of Divine Proportions

1. Security Headquarters
2. Argrum's Alloys
3. Greg's Printing Supplies
4. Hades Hotspot Fashions
5. Regal Core, Royal Golem Emporium [Locked to level 6 membership]
6. Virgo's Heart, Crystal Artifact Store [Locked to level 6 membership]
7. Waifuland, Anima's Pleasure-dise
8. Lunar Luxuries, Moonstone Jewelry
9. Poseidon's Palace, Aquatic Treasures [Locked to level 6 membership]
10. Olympus Elixirs, Divine Potions [Locked to Prime membership]
11. Apollo's Artistic Creations, Paintings and Sculptures
12. Ares Armory, Weapons, and Armor [Locked to level 7 membership]
13. Second Floor [Locked to level 6 membership]

Hades looked like he was about to leave, but I put my hand up to stop him.

“Yes?” He asked, and I pointed to the map.

“I seem to have a problem here,” I said, pointing to the list. “From what I can see, I only have access to 4 shops, including yours that can give me approval.”

Hades laughed. “There are two others that you have met already, and while they don’t run shops, they are important members of IHSR. I am not allowed to tell you about them, but I wouldn’t worry about it. They will find you when you are ready, and there is a surprise waiting for you.”

I nodded, and Hades vanished, leaving me with a strange feeling of wonder. What kind of surprise would be waiting for me?

Shaking my head, I smacked my cheeks. There was no point in overthinking any of this. I needed to focus on completing my new quest, but it felt weird that I did get a quest for this.

[Quest received! Divine Approval: Gain approval of at least five divine beings to reach level 6 Hamazon Membership: Legendary Prime Member. ⅕ approvals gained.]

The message appeared at the same time I wondered about it. Pretty convenient, but this was clearly an afterthought. It was almost like He was watching from the background, tossing out plot armor whenever it seemed I might be at a loss. But, there was no time to dwell on the peculiarities of divine machinations or the whims of an unseen observer. I had a mission, and it was time to get to work.

Though, I was suddenly standing in a white expanse that stretched as far as I could see in every direction. I knew this place, but I didn't understand why He pulled me here.

"I bet you are wondering why I brought you here?" The voice asked, coming from all directions at once.

"Is it because you don't have very many friends?" I asked, and the voice laughed, sending vibrations through my body from every angle.

"Well, you are not wrong, but not the reason I brought you here. Aren't you curious about the IHSR? Why everyone is nice to you? Maybe about the two unknown other gods? Come on! I am throwing you a bone here!"

I narrowed my eyes. Each question made me feel a pit in my stomach, reminding me of how I felt when Garland offered me deals. I didn't have the same trusting feeling I get when talking to Hades. That meant that my gut was trying to tell me something, and that was that this bastard wasn't going to give me anything for free.

"Why are you helping me? And what is your name?" I asked, then added, "I am really getting tired of calling you He all the time, or Him."

As I asked the questions, all the white around me was sucked into a humanoid form in front of me. the world around me that was previously white was now a star-filled void. The figure before me was a stark contrast against the vast, star-filled void that now surrounded us, its form seemingly composed of the very essence of the universe—swirling galaxies, flickering stars, and the deep void of space all contained within a humanoid outline. It had an otherworldly beauty to it, captivating and intimidating in equal measure.

"My name," the figure began, its voice now more defined, as if coming from a single entity rather than the omnipresent echo from before, "is Eon. I am the keeper of time, the observer of the infinite paths that reality can take. And as for why I am helping you, let's just say that your journey, your struggle, and potential outcomes are of great interest to me."

Eon's form seemed to shimmer with each word, galaxies within it moving as if alive. "The IHSR, the International Hamazon Shopping Realm, is a nexus point for beings of power, a neutral ground of sorts. It's designed to be a place where conflicts of the outside world are left at the door, hence the amicable behavior you've encountered. As for the entities you haven't met, their identities are meant to be discovered in due time, as part of your growth and the unfolding of your destiny."

I listened, absorbing his words while trying to piece together the implications of what he was saying. "And what about these 'divine beings'? Why do their approvals matter?"

Eon's form pulsed gently as if laughing. "Their approvals are keys, not just to higher levels of membership within the IHSR but to forming alliances that will be crucial in the times to come. Each being you encounter, each approval you gain, is a step towards building a coalition capable of facing the challenges that lie ahead in your journey."

I rolled my eyes. "Sounds like a bunch of wordy bullshit that really doesn't tell me anything. Besides your name, you haven't told me a damn thing that I didn't already know. What was the point of even bringing me here if you don't have anything useful to tell me?"

Eon's form seemed to expand slightly, the swirling cosmos within him becoming more turbulent, reflecting perhaps a hint of impatience or amusement at my blunt assessment.

"The point, Leon, is not to spoon-feed you every answer but to ensure you're aware of the broader context of your actions. Knowledge of my name and the nature of the IHSR alone enriches your understanding of the universe's fabric and your place within it," Eon explained, his tone more solemn now. "However, since you desire something more concrete, I'll offer you this: pay attention to the desires and domains of the beings you seek approval from. Tailor your approach to reflect an understanding of their essence. This strategy will not only earn you their approval more readily but also forge deeper, more meaningful alliances."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "And remember, while the IHSR is a neutral ground, the entities within it are anything but neutral in the grand scheme of things. Each has their own agenda, and their own battles. By aligning with them, you may inadvertently find yourself drawn into their conflicts. Choose your allies wisely."

With a flicker, Eon's form seemed to ripple, and for a moment, I thought I saw a crack in the otherwise flawless representation of the cosmos, a hint of something beyond.

"As for the two entities you've yet to meet, let's just say they are closer than you think, and their approval will come at a time when you least expect it but most need it. Your path is your own, Leon, but it is intertwined with the destinies of many. You are a nexus point, much like the IHSR itself."

I crossed my arms, considering his advice. It was vague, but there was a sense of truth to it. "Fine, Eon. I'll play along with your cryptic guidance. But I'm doing this my way."

"That," Eon's voice echoed with a resonance that felt like it was both everywhere and nowhere, "is precisely what I'm counting on."

In an instant, the cosmos that made up Eon's form dispersed, and the vast void that had surrounded us snapped back to the white expanse. Then, just as quickly, I found myself standing back in the IHSR, alone with my thoughts and a newfound sense of clarity about my mission. Eon's words, cryptic as they were, had given me a nudge in the right direction. It was clear now that each interaction with these divine beings was not just a step toward a higher membership level but a strategic move in a much larger game.

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