Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 168: Half Pint Neko Kneecap Bitters Pt 1

I opened my map back up and looked at the three names of the shops I needed to visit, but my mind was still processing what had just happened. The talk with Eon had been unexpected, to say the least. For the most part, it had been cryptic wording layered with things I already knew. The only thing that really stood out from the conversation was the part about getting involved with other divine beings' problems.

That meant that going forward, I would have to be careful who I align myself with, but that also posed a problem. Currently, there were 6 beings that I could gain approval from. One of them, Hades, had already given me his approval, so that ship had sailed. There was a chance that I could get drawn into his conflicts if he had any. That was one thing that I didn't really talk to Hades about; his world and the place that he was a god to. Going forward, I would have to put in more effort because something told me that one of these beings was not like the others.

I took both my hands and scrubbed them over my face, and then let out an exasperated sigh. This made things more complicated, but standing here and thinking my problem to death was getting me nowhere.

Focusing back on the map, I picked the first one on the list, and I was transported to the front of what looked to be a blacksmith of some sort. The place looked old and out of place compared to the other stores in IHSR, but a place like this might suit the owner's personality better than something fancy.

"Argrum's Alloys," I said to myself as I read the hanging sign that had a minecart underneath it.

Shrugging, I pushed open the old worn door. I was just going to have to be observant, and ask as much as I could before even trying to get the person's approval. Hades and Eon had pointed out that this was also my choice just as much theirs, and there could be consequences.

The inside of the shop was much bigger than the outside suggested, but it wasn't only that. The entire inside was a cavern filled with glowing crystal just like the Crystal Cavern. The main difference was the multitude of colors compared to the dungeons' singular color down each path.

"Hello. How may I help, yeah?" A gruff Scottish-sounding voice to my right, but when I looked over there was no one there. "I'm down here, you oversized coat stand."

I looked down and found an older-looking man about half my height with a big brown beard and a shaved head that had something like Celtic markings tattooing it. He had big eyes, but his irises were nearly white with a yellow color, and slitted pupils. I wanted to call him a dwarf, but his eyes made me second-guess myself.

"My name is Leon. I am interested in your inventory, and I would like to know a bit about your shop, and how you procure your wares," I said after stepping back, bowing, and going down on one knee.

I had no clue how to handle this, but I figured treating this like a formal meet and greet to go over a project was best. Yet, this was more like a surprise visit to give someone something they didn't know they needed. The standard business model I had developed in my past life wasn't going to cut it here, and I was going to have to improvise as I went.

The small man stared at me with his slitted eyes, and I would be lying if I said it didn't make me slightly uncomfortable. "So you want to know about my shop and goods? Are you a crafting class hero?"

Still kneeling, I nodded. "I could tell you my class, but I don't think that you would understand."

"Try me," The man said, crossing his small arms across his beard that covered most of his body.

"Printer Mage, or I was, No I am a techno or something, just give me a second," I said, and the man's face became a frown.

"You don't even know your own class?!" The man demanded, and I shrugged as I opened my stats. As soon as I did the little man rushed over, eyes peeled back as he scanned my level 342 stats. "What in His name are you?!"

"Hold on mighty mouse. You haven't even introduced yourself yet, and you are already trying to think of a rude name that is going to make me out to be a monster! Don't lie to me, I can see it in those slitted eyes of yours!" I quipped back, and the little man shoved me.

"That's because you are a goddamn monster! What the hell have they been feeding yeah down there?! Yer not right, boy. Yer a creature that is going to make tremendous waves," The little man growled, then turned to face me. "So I will ask you again, what is it exactly that you have come here for to disturb the little bit of peace I have in this life?"

That was rich, so I laughed until I almost fell over, but then snapped back to glare at the little man. "Don't give me any shit about peace! I am here to disturb the shit out of your peace because if I don't get any, then the rest of you schmucks are either!" I growled, and the little man drove his forehead into mine. I didn't flinch as blood poured down between my eyes and then pushed back.

"Yer a little shit, you know that? Come into my shop and thinkin' you can just order me around!" The man growled, and I nodded, still holding her head back with my own.

"I take bigger shits than you! Now, I have come to get your approval for my Hamazon Membership, you cantankerous miniature-aged fart!" I snapped back.

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