The Married Life Of Immortals

Book 2: Chapter 1: The Demon God

Bane sighed after the light dissipated, and all that remained was a large crater and a piss yellow demon heart. He had honestly expected that it would have been green, or at least not as yellow as the piss of a three year old eating nothing but cheese.

"It even smells bad!" Bane complained as I reached down to pick up Zerifa's demon heart. "How can this thing be so gross? It looks like a giant lump of rotten cheese."

With a sigh, Bane sucked the demon heart into one of his storage rings, but then frowned as five powerful demons appeared in front of him. Not that Bane was worried, since none of them were even close to Zerifa's strength, but he did recognize one of them.

Pointing a finger at the Demon Lord Gustave, Bane narrowed his eyes. "What do you want? Come to try to tempt me with your wives again?"

The demon lord known as Gustave let out a casual laugh, tipping his head back, and then gave Bane a sidelong look.

"From what I have heard, this great human has not just found one, but there maidens! Quite impressive considering your maidenless status coming to this world!" Gustave laughed, making Bane glare at him.

"I was never maidenless, but that is beside the point. What are you doing here, and where did you hear such ridiculous rumors?" Bane snapped, and then noticed that a number of people were gathering at the edge of the crater.

"Oh, I had to come to make sure that my benefactor was still alive! I also convinced these other four to stay out of the fight, and they have agreed to serve under me... Unless you have decided to take the place of the Demon Emperor?" Gustave mused as the other four demon lords remained silent.

Before Bane could answer, a sparkling teal magic circle appeared beside Bane, and then Onyx appeared in his red robe.

Instantly, Gustave and the other demon lords dropped into kowtow position, each of them slamming their heads into the ground so hard that cracks appeared.

"ALL HAIL, DEMON GOD AETHERION!" The five shouted, and Onyx sighed.

"Now that is a name that I have not heard in awhile," Onyx muttered, but then glanced over at Bane. "So, I will assume that you have defeated her? That last spell seemed a bit overkill, don't you think?"

Bane looked at the still bowing demon lords, and then back at Onyx, snorting out a short laugh.

"And these five smashing their heads into the ground to bow to the great Demon God Aetherion? Is that not a bit much? A god?" Bane asked, and Onyx narrowed his eyes at him.

"I was sent here at one point and became the Demon Emperor. They call me a god because I am the only person ever to be able to escape this place unless openly invited," Onyx explained, and Bane shrugged.

"Makes sense, but like you said, that battle was like my finally in this world, sadly. Now I have to go back and deal with what is sure to get me killed a few times. Nina? Really? The more I think about it, the more the idea grows on me... I mean, I feel like a piece of shit for entertaining the idea of more wives, but forever is a long ass time. Still, if my words, nor the demon women's words reach her, I will still be happy just to have Lysia for eternity," Bane sighed, and then noticed Onyx was giving him a strange look. "What?"

Onyx frowned as he glanced up at the sky. "I am glad that you are starting to understand the gravity of the situation of your immorality, but these women might be even more important than that. Killing Guardian is only the beginning, but it is also something that has never been done before. Never in the revealed history has there ever been a lower existence that has defeated a Supreme one during the Dominion Phase, nor at anytime."

Narrowing his eyes, Bane focused on Onyx. "What do you mean the women will be important?"

Without looking from the sky, Onyx said, "Trust me. You need them more than you realize. As I need you to trust me, you will need people that you can absolutely trust to help you in the future. Even if they all are a burden at the start, your path will help them all grow to be able to stand by your side. You can't do everything on your own."

"I would prefer it if you were a bit more detailed," Bane grunted, but Onyx ignored him.

"Now that you have sealed Zerifa, we should be ready to leave," Onyx said, but a puff of smoke appeared beside Bane, and then Gilbrax appeared.

"Not without me," The metal-faced man in tattered black cloth chuckled, putting an arm around Bane's shoulder. "I am coming with this-"

Before Gilbrax could finish, Bane grabbed him, and threw him into the air, but before he could get more than a meter away, every part of his mechanical body blew apart to hover around Bane.

"Hmm," Bane hummed, and then grabbed what looked to be a black demon heart, but unlike the ones Bane had collected from demons, this one had a strange pearlescent sheen to it, and it radiated a raw power Bane had never experienced before. "What is this?"

"What you call a demon heart, but more precisely, a Spark Prison. The only thing is that there is something dramatically different about it compared to the ones you have collected. What it is, I am not sure. While I can see it has a number of effects, none of them seem all that powerful compared to those you have already," Onyx explained, and then let out a sigh. "That being said, I still have no idea why you have taken to collecting them."

Bane glanced at Onyx, and then put the Spark Prison in one of his rings and the parts to Gilbrax's body fell to the ground lifelessly.

"At first it was for more power, but now that I know they had a soul or a spark in them, I have a bunch more ideas on how to use them. There is item imbuing, golem enchanting, just letting the Sparks go," Bane shrugged, and then turned around to face the bowing demon lords. "Since I am taking the prison to my world, I should be able to summon them back by breaking them there. It is also the reason why I haven't restored the girls or Ragna."

"I didn't think you cared enough to go to such lengths to bring them back," Onyx chuckled, and then looked up into the sky. "How do you plan on showing your wife these three demons?"

"Not as demons!" Bane declared, stabbing a finger at Onyx. "You are going to change their bodies when I reform them into a race of my world. Like hell am I going to bring a bunch of demons back! Jeez. As for telling Lysia? Shit, that isn't my problem. Those women begged me for the chance, so they can figure that shit out. When I get back, I plan on getting married, and having at least one day to honeymoon with my new wife, dammit!"

Onyx chuckled and then pointed to the sky. "Are you ready to leave?"

Bane frowned as he looked up at the sky. "I have been waiting for this day, but now that it is here, I am worried."

"Meh, maybe you will be the voice of reason?" Onyx asked with a sardonic smile, making Bane roll his eyes.

"And maybe the moon will turn blue? Pigs fly? Cats turn into dragons?" Bane snorted, making Onyx laugh.

"Good luck," Onyx said as he stepped through a portal. "Oh, I almost forgot. Try to not let things escalate too quickly."

With that last warning, Onyx left Bane alone with the five demon lords. The five, noticing Bane's attention on them, all stood up and began to speak, but Bane held up a hand, silencing them all.

"Shut up, I already have an idea on what you want, but I am leaving this world. One day I will be back, and I will expect your help. That day might be thousands of years in the future, but I expect you all to make sure you are ready to aid me without hesitation," Bane declared, and all five bowed their heads.

"We will make sure that every demon remembers the Demon God Bane," Gustave said, looking up at Bane with a smile. "Would you like to take one of my wives as a souvenir? I can let you take a pick from any of them! It would be an honor for you to take one!"

Bane looked at the man with a deadpan expression. "No."

Without another word, Bane began to glow, and then a white light consumed him. With a smile, Bane entered the portal.

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