The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 150: Ass-Tral Soul Seat

Zerifa watched with annoyance as the battle raged on in front of her. Even though she knew that she had more of the Demon Lords, it wasn't enough to completely destroy the human, who was clearly stronger than even her. She had never expected that it would go so bad so quickly, and she was starting to become nervous.

"Zerifa, why aren't you using any of your powers?" Ragnath asked as he watched the battle from the floor, looking like he had been hit by a truck, but his arm had been healed.

"Shut it, useless! Everything is going to plan!" She snapped and tried to kick Ragnath, but a golden spell ring with a black one on the inside burst to life.

In the next instant, a golden barrier shot up to the ceiling to surround Ragnath and each of the captured women. Zerifa let out a scream as the part of her foot that was crossing the barrier was burnt clean off. With a shriek, Zerifa jumped back, and the bodies of each of the prisoners turned into swirling demonic energy with the golden barriers.

Across the room, Bane used a sliver of wood infused with demonic energy to fence with Abzadan, who was wielding a cane style sword that was burning with demonic energy. The moment Bane felt his traps activate, he flicked the sliver at Abzadan's head at impossible speeds, blowing his head clean off his shoulders before he could react.

Raising his hand, Ban snapped his fingers, and the four golden barriers vanished, and three white demon hearts and a cherry red one along with a large amount of demonic energy rushed to a ring on his hand. At the same time, Onyx emerged from his body, and Bane took the ring off to toss to him.

"Go wait out of the city, and come back when it is done," Bane said, and a sparkling teal spell circle appeared below Onyx.

"You think I will let him leave with them?" Zerifa screamed, but then froze in place as Onyx locked eyes with her.

A monstrous presence burst from Onyx that looked like a dragon made of red and black flames. It stared at Zerifa, and then roared as it started to grow in size. Soon, Zerifa felt like she was an ant before a behemoth, and she knew that if this thing attacked her, there was nothing that she could do to stop it.

"Pathetic," Onyx said simply, and the giant dragon disappeared, followed by Onyx as the tier 7 Teleportation spell activated.

Seeing this, Bane started to laugh uncontrollably. "Shit. You looked like you were about to do a one-two-combo in your little burning black panties!"

Zerifa turned red as she glared at Bane, but before she could retort, the body of Abzadan exploded into a blood mist.

"You bastard!" Blitz, the purple haired demon exclaimed, and charged at Bane.

Bane moved to meet him, and the two exchanged a flurry of blows, but it was clear that Bane was faster, hitting Blitz multiple times before the demon even knew what was happening. Suddenly, the demon's body started to turn black, and he collapsed to his knees. Before the demon looked up, Bane reached out, placing his hand on the tennis demon's head, and he burst into black flames.

"Wow, your Demon Lords are really impressive. Kind of like that fist sized shit I took the other day. Absolutely useless, but impressive nonetheless," Bane chuckled, but then froze in place as the lines of power all over the room activated.

"Stupid cocky male! Demon, human! What does it matter?! All you males are stupid and useless!" Zerifa snapped, and then stabbed a finger at Bane. "And you are the worst! You even have that monster inside of you that could probably destroy this entire world, but you, being a cocky male, sent your only hope of survival away! Even if that monster comes back to kill me, at least I will enjoy devouring you!"

Bane made a few attempts to break free, but the multi-colored lines of power seemed to be infused with binding magics from almost all the elements. After a few tries, Bane gave up and waited.

"Giving up already? There is no chance you will break free of this until I deactivate the magical tool, so I can understand why you would give up so easily. Of course, once I take care of those little bitches, I will devour you, but I think I want to taste that monster inside you first!" Zerifa purred, walking closer.

"No, not giving up, but I am very happy to see that you are even dumber than you look. Though, I guess I should be happy that you are this stupid. I mean, how long did it take you to come up with the perfect trap that would bind me? Is this the part where you power up and get dramatically stronger? I mean, at least stronger than my big toe? Or am I asking for too much?" Bane asked with a mocking smile, and Zerifa's face twisted in rage.

"I will kill you! You will never look down on me again!" Zerifa roared, and her skin began to crack, releasing an enormous amount of demonic energy.

Zerifa's body blurred, and vanished. In the next instant, a scream came from the shadows, and then another before Zerifa shot out into the light to devour the remains of the dead Demon Lords.

"Eww. No matter how many times I see this, it never gets any less disgusting to watch, but damn girl. Are you like a shop vac with teeth?" Bane asked in amusement, but then felt his body tense up as Zerifa turned her attention to him.

"You’re not much of a demon, are you?" Bane mused, and Zerifa glared at him. “Oh, you know, I see you love the whole eating stuff, but your short sightedness and refusal to recognize overwhelming power puts you at a serious disadvantage.”

"What would you know about being a demon?! We are born of chaos and destruction, and you dare tell me what I can or cannot do?!" Zerifa snapped, and rushed Bane.

Bane smiled, but let Zerifa smash into him and start trying to tear his body apart, but any inflicted damage was instantly healed. Zerifa jumped back, and Bane let out a sigh.

"I will admit, I feel like you might have a chance now if I cut off both my arms, and put my head on backwards. Very impressive," Bane mocked, and then the multi-colored lines of power started to snap, one by one. "We might be able to have a bit of fun after all!"

Zerifa let out a bestial roar, and her body started to swell up, but before she could reach twice her size, Bane appeared in front of her like a ghost. In the next instant, Bane drove his fist into the enlarged Zerifa's body. Her eyes bulged out, and Zerifa was launched up through multiple stone floors before being launched out of the palace to soar high above Onarousa.

"I really was expecting more from you. I mean, your traps were pathetic, but at least they looked impressive. I mean, the lines of power were very pretty, but they didn't do anything," Bane sighed, and then shot after the flying demon.

Just as he was about to reach her, Zerifa's body started to swell up even more, and Bane had to use a spell ring to create a barrier between them. When the explosion came, Bane was pushed back, but not hurt as the barrier did its job.

"Ooo, is it magic time?" Bane asked as he landed on a black cloud at the same time as massive black wings burst from Zerifa's back.

"I will kill you!" Zerifa screamed, and the sky turned pitch black as spells of all shapes and colors began to appear in the sky.

"No, I don't think you will," Bane sighed, and a counter to every spell Zerifa cast appeared behind Bane. "You see, I am just better than you!"

Zerifa screamed, and activated all her spells, but so did Bane as magics of every variety exploded out to destroy everything in sight. Buildings collapsed, fires spread, and even the land cracked under the pressure. When it was all done, A massive multi-layered red spell formed behind Zerifa, but an almost identical blue one appeared behind Bane.

"You see? No matter what you do, I will just counter it, but you're a numbskull," Bane laughed as the spells crashed together, raining fire and ice on the city below.

Zerifa shot forward, only to be stopped by a large red hand that came out of the sky.

"Now, I was just going to counterattack, but since you are being so rude, I will have to take away your toys," Bane sighed, and another red hand reached for Zerifa's back, grabbing each of her wings before ripping them off then threw her at the ground.

With a scream of pain, Zerifa was launched towards the ground, but before she could hit, she was stopped by Bane, who caught her in mid-air with a fist to her stomach. She vomited up an unbelievable amount of blood as a black chain appeared from Bane's body, and wrapped around her waist. In the next instant, the chain pulled her into Bane, and Zerifa felt a crushing pressure on her body as Bane punched her again and again.

"Damn! That feels good! I haven't been able to cut loose in a long time!" Bane laughed as the chains started to crush Zerifa.

The Demon Queen let out a roar, and her body grew in size until it was twice Bane's size. With a single motion, Zerifa slapped Bane with enough force to make his body bend in the wrong direction, but before he could even bounce back, she grabbed him, and threw him into the ground. Zerifa then jumped down, and stomped on Bane with enough force to crack the ground for miles.

"This is fun, isn't it, bitch?" Zerifa snapped as she stomped Bane, but then noticed she was doing no damage to him as he lay there with a smile and his arms crossed.

"Oh, so much fun!" Bane laughed, but then snapped his fingers.

Above them both, hundreds of tier 3 Holy Divine Judgement spells were stacked on top of each other to reach impossible heights far above the city. Zerifa could only look up with a dumbfounded expression as the spells began to descend on her.

"While this has been fun, I can only put off going home for so long," Bane sighed, and Zerifa turned on him, grabbing his body.

"Fine! If I die, you are coming with me! Even if you have an affinity for demonic energy, Holy Magic counters your very existence just as it does mine! We can burn in the holy light together, but when my body reforms, I will find you and make you my bitch!" Zerifa snarled with a vicious smile, but Bane only laughed.

"Sure, but just so we are clear, I also have a divine affinity, so I can just absorb the holy damage like it is demonic energy. Also, you won't be reviving unless I say you can since I will be taking your demon heart with me. Something tells me that Nina should be able to teach me how to put sparks in weapons or items, so I will make sure to enchant you into a toilet seat!" Bane laughed as all traces of the smile on Zerifa's face disappeared as the light above them grew more intense. "Oh, come on! Don't give me that look! I am sure you are used to taking people's shit, and the worst abuse you will get is just Taco Tuesday, right?"

"Damn you! Damn you! Damn yoooouuuuu!" Zerifa screamed, but before she could finish, the spells struck the two of them, and a massive explosion of white light erupted that could be seen for hundreds of miles.

The End of Book 1

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