The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 149: The Hall of Despair

"What is taking him so long?!" Zerifa demanded as she paced in front of her four captives, but then stopped in front of the beaten and bloodied Ragnath. "And you! Colluding with the human to rescue these women? Did you really think I would let you get away with it?"

Before the previous Demon Emperor could reply, Zerifa shot forward, and her mouth full of razor sharp teeth opened unnaturally wide. In the next instant, Ragnath's arm had been bitten off at the shoulder, only leaving a severed hand on the ground beside him.

She chewed on his arm, and then licked her lips after swallowing. "How is it that you have such a delicious taste? You are a monster that is stronger than almost every other demon, yet you taste like a child!"

"Fuck you!" Ragnath screamed, his face contorted with pain.

"Oh, did that hurt? I know exactly how to make you feel better," Zerifa purred, and then started to suck on the bloody stump of his arm.

Ragnath started to scream, but she just continued to drink the blood from his severed arm. After ten minutes, Ragnath's screams had grown quieter, and Zerifa finally stopped drinking his blood.

"Much better. You should feel honored that I drank your blood, and that I still let you live to watch the grand performance!" Zerifa exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, but then frowned. "That was fun, but I have grown bored now. Why isn't he here yet? I thought you said that human was going to be here by now."

The three demons had all been looking away for the ordeal, not wanting to attract attention. Each had their own reasons, but when Zerifa spoke to them, they each looked up.

"He will be here soon," Nia said in a nervous voice, glancing at the man that had been beaten within an inch of his life.

"Good, I am bored. If he doesn't get here soon, then I am going to kill one of you. And no matter how much I like to drink the blood of the powerful, you are still weak and pathetic demons. Even if you try to fight back," Zerifa snarled, and then shot forward, grabbing Nia by the neck, lifting her off the ground. "You know that it will be useless. The demons will all ravage you while the human watches, and then I will eat you all one by one."

Nia started to struggle, but then Zerifa let her go, dropping her roughly on the ground.

"And as for you two, don't think I am just going to forget that you are both traitors! When the human gets here, I am going to make you both watch while I have each demon lord fuck you two senseless!" Zerifa spat, but then turned around when a massive blast was heard from the end of the hall.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" A voice called from the dust cloud that surrounded the door where it used to be.

From the dust, and being in a tattered robe that was nearly cut to ribbons walked out, waving his hand casually to non effectually ward off the dust surrounding himself. 

This being was Bane.

"So, you are the pest that has been stirring up trouble all over the demon world?" Zerifa asked as she remained standing before the three demon women and Ragnath.

Bane shrugged casually. "More than likely, but I am sorry for making you wait so long. Robbing this place took a bit longer than I imagined. Though, I could have never imagined that you would have something like a dragon's egg hiding up there!"

Zerifa snorted in disgust. "Is that what that worthless thing was? It has been around since I took power as Ragnath's main whore, but no one has ever wanted it."

Bane laughed, but then started to walk towards the throne room, but suddenly stopped, sniffing the air. "What is this smell? Victory? Fear of losing everything? The odor of knowing you will be dead very soon?"

Zerifa laughed, her red eyes glowing brighter. "Is that what you think? I am going to enjoy turning you into my personal toy after I break you."

"Oh? How exciting! Do you have a plan then?" Bane asked, and Zerifa's smile grew wider.

"I do indeed. Now, let me introduce you to your future," Zerifa said, and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared under Bane, and purple chains shot up to attach to all parts of his body. Bane looked down at the chains, and tried to break them, but it was like they had become part of his body.

"Ha! Stupid human! This is a tier 8 Dark Binding Ritual Trap! There is no way that even Ragnath could even dream of breaking free from this! I sacrificed over 1000 demons to create this trap, so there is no way that you will ever get free from this! Keyahaha!" Zerifa exclaimed, walking closer.

"You really aren't smart enough to be the Empress, are you?" Bane asked with a bored tone.

"What did you say?!" Zerifa snarled as her face started to turn purple.

"First thing, you waited till I was here, only hurting Ragna, who is now fine, so a complete waste of time. A truly evil being would have abused the girls to have only their battered and broken bodies for me to witness. Real dumb, but I am not complaining. Next, you were so sure of your victory that you didn't even bother to bind me with something a bit more physical. I mean, I guess the chains are nice and all, but why not just kill me or something? I mean, your trap is stupid and you just watched me cast 100 of the same spell like child's play," Bane sighed, and then just ripped off the chains, breaking them easily.

"That...that can't be...the ritual..." Zerifa gasped.

Bane walked up to her, gently grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her into the air, but a streak of black forced him to drop her and step back.

"I told you that the ritual was a waste of time. Let us make this fool submit, and then we can have our way with his whore's!" A demon in a suit with white hair, sharp features, and a monocle sighed as he appeared between Bane and Zerifa holding a cane.

"Fine, If you, Abzadan, or any of the other 9 Demon Lords can bring him down, I will consider making the survivors my husbands. That is, if they can survive the battle that is coming. I am sure that the other demon lords will be coming to help out, after all," Zerifa purred, stroking his arm.

"Of course, my dear. Just watch me," Abzadan purred, but then shot forward at Bane pulling the handle of his cane up to reveal a blade surrounded by black flames.

Bane just stood there, and then moved to the side. He caught Abzadan's hand, and then broke it in a single motion. With a quick jerk, Bane ripped the demon closer, only to use him as a springboard to launch himself away. In the next instant, a red haired demon with no shirt and only torn gray shorts along with purple demon with white head band, and a red and white tracksuit slammed into the ground Bane had just been.

"This guy is fast! And he is strong!" The red haired demon exclaimed as he got to his feet.

"He also has that black cloud above him. I have no idea what it does, but I don't think I want to touch it," The purple demon commented, and then glanced back at the shackled women. "But I am very interested in those women. They smell delicious!"

"Massidon and Blitz! You idiots! That black cloud is some kind of demonic energy that can most likely be weaponized!" Abzadan exclaimed, and then his bones snapped back into place as a black aura appeared around him.

Bane didn't have time to think as he was forced to start running as multiple bolts of black energy started to shoot from different shadows. It was like the very darkness itself was attacking him, and Bane was forced to keep moving just to avoid getting hit by the shadow bolts.

"You may be stronger than us, but you will never escape my Dark Domain! Once we are inside, we are free to move anywhere, and our attacks can hit you no matter where you are! There is no escape from here!" A voice from the shadows laughed maniacally, and Bane suddenly stopped, letting the energy pummel him. "Huh?"

Rather than damage him, the energy absorbed into his body, and Bane sighed.

'I am surprised you didn't do this from the start," Onyx mused, and Bane shrugged inwardly.

'There is a chance that they might have some kind of item that uses normal attacks, not reliant on demonic energy. If what I have read is correct, a type of energy period is needed to power the items, but they will always produce the same abilities, right?'

Onyx paused, and then sighed. 'Very good to see you using your brain. I am also sure you have noticed there are lines of power all over this room.'

'Yeah. Very likely a much better trap that I won't be able to just bust out of, but I am already working on something of a solution. Not the best plan, but this bunch is too strong for me just to rip apart, so I will just have to multi-task,' Bane explained, and then blocked a flurry of punches from Massidon, the red haired demon.

Bane grabbed his wrist, and then pulled the demon in closer. The demon's eyes widened in shock as the black aura from his cloud engulfed him, and his flesh began to bubble, melting away. He screamed in agony, but Bane ignored him as he moved on to the next demon.

'I have an idea, but you need to be ready to leave this place with the girls,' Bane said to Onyx.

'You don't think I know that? I am in your head, so I know your thoughts. Just hurry up, and get this over with.'

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