The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 148: 65 Women Worth of Crazy

"So? How do you think I do this? Should I just pull crazy town and go in guns blazing? Maybe just a confident walk while I make all the demons that try to stop me explode in a cinematic fashion?"

'This is your finale to your time in the demon world, and then last time you are going to use magic for a while. You might as well enjoy yourself since once you go back, you aren't going to be as strong as you are now. No more drinking in power with every breath,' Onyx advised, and Bane chuckled.

"True enough. Man, this world has really been a wild ride since I arrived. Even getting to fight and finally meet you was pretty awesome," Bane laughed, and Onyx spit from his body, this time in the image of his old body, sitting beside Bane.

"You have grown. You surprised me on numerous occasions this trip, but your attitude hasn't really changed. A pity, but it is what makes you," Onyx sighed looking down at his deep red robes.

Bane snorted. "If anything, this dumb world is making me soft, and got me in a whole shit storm of trouble! You think what those two monsters are doing back home is bad? Just wait till I bring these three demons! God, can you just imagine? And I agreed to this!"

Onyx nodded. "Very true, but you make it really hard to feel bad for yourself. You're really sticking your head in the tiger's mouth."

"Hey! You are not helping! And what about Nina?! I mean, she is a bombshell, but this whole situation is a bombshell! I just want to be trained! I have a wife! She is crazy enough for five women!" Bane exclaimed as he rolled from one edge of the cloud to the other. "I don't even want to go back at this point! Gah!"

"By my tally, you are up to about 65 women worth of crazy with the five you have now," Onyx said, looking up at the sky as it grew darker.

"Bah! Maybe I should just just go explore the rest of the demon world? Go see if Ranga wants to go for a drink?" Bane asked, making Onyx give him a look, but then he pointed at the Palace.

"Too late to run away. The Demon Empress has spotted you," Onyx said and then absorbed back into his body, making Bane sit up.

He looked over at the hole in the side of the palace to see a rather fat woman in a golden gown.

"Sheesh, woman, you are a walking stress test for that dress! Just how many demons did you eat today?!" Bane called out, cupping his hands around his mouth.

The woman froze, her face turning purple. She started to yell at a large robed guard to shoot him, but Bane ignored it all as he walked across the black cloud. It had grown so large that he could have fit a house on it, and it was still growing towards the palace.

When the guard shot off a massive spell at Bane, he yawned and just held his hand out. The magic hit his hand and dissipated, leaving him unaffected. Other guards started to cast, but the effect was the same, and Bane just casually slapped them away.

'I must admit, your physical prowess has gone beyond my wildest dreams,' Onyx admitted, and Bane laughed as he jumped high into the air.

Hundreds of golden spell circles formed above Bane, and he reached up with one hand, then brought it down to activate the hundreds of tier 1 Holy Light Arrows.

"My turn!" Bane laughed, and all the spells fired at once.

When they impacted the ground, the entire city shook, and the palace took significant damage. Hundreds of demons were killed, and Bane flew through the massive hole he made in the side of the palace, landing on his black cloud.

"You!" Demon Empress Zerifa snarled as her red skin turned back, and her body shrank down. "Do you think that I became the ruler of this world by pure chance?!"

Before Bane could fire off a witty retort, the now skinny Zerifa that was covered in black flames like his cloud took off into the palace.

Bane didn't chase her, and instead just started to walk through the massive hall. Everything was made of gold, and most of it had been destroyed, leaving piles of rubble.

"This is pretty nice," Bane said, looking at a painting of a past Empress that had survived. "Not really my thing, but it is nice to look at. Maybe I should get a painting or two when I am done?"

'You should just deal with her before she tries to use the girls against you. That Demon Empress isn't going to die easily.'

"Meh, that is classic villain shit, but from what Ragna told me on our way here, she likes to be theatrical. I am guessing she is going to wait until I get there so she can trap me and then do bad things to the women. More villainy, so I get the whole shtick, but I don't think I am in a rush. She will wait until I arrive, and then the real show begins," Bane explained, stopping at a picture of a massive demon scooping up and eating small demons. "If I am being honest, I am a bit excited to see what she cooks up. Things have been getting pretty boring, so I hope that she provides me with a bit of a challenge."

'You really have a problem, don't you?'

"What? Don't give me shit cause every fight has been boring and I want some entertainment!" Bane growled, and Onyx sighed.

'So then what do you plan to do while you take a leisurely stroll?'

"Me? I am storming a castle! And I have all these wonderful empty storage rings paired with a serious lack of guards. Clearly, I am going to rob this place blind. After all, they took things important to me, and I am a man that always collects debts," Bane laughed in a sinister tone as the painting and the table that was below it was sucked into one of his many storage rings.

After nearly 2 hours of looting everything in sight, Bane was about to make an effort to find the throne room when he spotted a black egg on a gold pedestal.

"No way, you gotta be fucking kidding me! I have always wanted one of these!" Bane exclaimed in shock as he walked towards the egg, reaching out for it.

'Don't touch that! You don't even know what it is!' Onyx suddenly yelled in Bane's head, causing him to jerk back.

"I know it is mine now, and that is all that matters! This thing is the size of a football! What the hell could it be?!" Bane exclaimed with glittering eyes.

'No! Bad Bane! That is a Death Dragon's egg! They have a corrosive breath that can destroy anything organic in almost an instant, and their claws have a natural poison that melts the body from the inside out! Hey! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!'

"Oye, shut up! You are literally in my head, so it is nearly impossible to ignore you," Bane groaned, and sucked the egg into a ring.

"You clearly are doing your best to try! You cannot bring that back with you, dammit! Don't you understand how dangerous something like this could be?!' Onyx raged, but Bane only shrugged.

"I already have a red and a white one. What is wrong with a black one? Am I sensing a bit of dragonic racism?"

"I take back when I said you have grown! You're even dumber than you were before! Just go get this over with so you can get back and I can watch your wife beat you!'

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