The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 143: The Price of Curiosity

Bane felt slightly frustrated as he watched the demons leave with his women... Or that is what he tried to tell himself, but it was very far from the truth.

A truth that Bane had trouble admitting even in the depths of his own mind.

'You did say that you would give them a chance to plead their case to Lysia, so it makes sense that you care about them,' Onyx said in his head after almost two hours had passed.

Bane narrowed his eyes, but couldn't deny it. He didn't feel particularly close to any of them, but he had enjoyed their company. 'I guess I will have to wait for a little while longer, then. How long will this take?'

'How long is a piece of string?' Onyx asked back, and Bane frowned.

'What the fuck does that mean?' Bane replied, and Onyx sighed.

'It means that I don't know! I have never seen anything like this before, and I have been around for a long time. It isn't something that normal beings try!'

Bane nodded, since that was all that he could do, but then shifted his focus to the crater in the ground ahead of him. "Are you still alive over there?"

A slight groan came from the pit. "I have been better."

Bane smiled, since this was the only good news he had heard in the last ten minutes. "Can you move?"

There was a pause.

"I am still alive, but there are too many shards piercing my body for me to heal properly," Angar replied, and Bane nodded to himself.

"Good. I am going to rip you apart and then put you back together... Are you okay with that?" Bane asked as he focused on the energy coming from the pit.

"I will trust that you would have killed me before if you really wanted," Angar groaned as Bane started to pull the demonic energy apart that his body was composed of.

Within a few short moments, Bane used the demonic energy to lift a pure white crystal demon heart into the air and out of the pit before he reformed Angar's body around it. The bullish demon looked at his body in shock, but soon looked back at Bane with a grin.

"You're really something else. Why did you just let them run off with the women? Not that it really matters, but you are a human, and I would think that you would sooner rip them apart, and keep the women, or am I missing something?" Angar asked, but Bane just rolled his eyes.

"I am not a fucking psychopath," Bane snapped, and then growled. "I only just now was able to get control of your energy. If I could have killed them before, I would have. Now, you go visit Cleaverland and tell the Queen, Misery, that I sent you to collect my reward of storage rings. I got shit out here, thinking it was a way home, and forgot to collect my reward."

Angar nodded, but then looked over to the shard of pink crystal on the ground. "Are you really concerned about the shards? Wouldn't it make more sense for me to take you to Onarousa, and then come back after?"

Bane shook his head. "Since you left your throne, according to those idiots, your estranged wife has taken your place. Since she stole the girls, and she is the demon empress, there is a good chance I could get to leave this shit hole when I get rid of her. If that happens, I might not get a chance to come back here, and this is too precious of a resource to just leave behind. Even after a bump of that pink demon dust, I felt an enormous surge in my control and unity with demonic energy."

Angar nodded, and then vanished into a black blur of motion that headed directly toward Cleaverland. Bane smiled, but then sighed, letting the smile slip off his face.

'So? Are you planning on just waiting here until he gets back?'

Bane snorted, but then coughed while making crazy eyes as a burning sweetness started to roll down the back of his throat. Even more energy flooded his body, but in a matter of seconds, Bane was able to completely move his body again, but he was vibrating so badly that it gave off the appearance that he was floating.

'What the hell is this shit?!' Bane exclaimed as he felt his entire body burning, but Onyx just shrugged.

'I told you that nothing good would happen, so this is all on you.'

Bane frowned, but then closed his eyes and started to slowly push the demonic energy out of his body. This didn't seem to work, but the burning feeling only grew as Bane's heart started to beat faster, causing the demonic energy inside him to react to it.

Falling to the ground, Bane felt himself losing consciousness as the demonic energy flooded through his body, and a voice suddenly filled his mind.

'Well, I am surprised that you survived,' Onyx chuckled, and Bane let out a growl as he rolled over, rubbing his eyes.

"That demon dust really did a number on me," Bane groaned as he got to his feet.

'What now?'

"I need to get to work. This valley isn't going to crush itself up," Bane said as he used demonic energy to lift himself into the air.

In the next instant, the entire valley started to shake and tremble as the pink crystals started to shatter into tiny shards before being drawn into the air. Once they were all collected, Bane focused his attention on the largest piece of crystal, which was easily several thousand feet wide and tall.

This caused Bane's progress to slow down considerably, since the crystal was almost a mile deep into the ground. As Bane focused on the energy within the crystal, it started to break apart, but the process was slow and tedious. With it being buried so deep in the ground, Bane couldn't get a grip on it, forcing him to strip it apart, layer by six inch layer.

An hour passed with this effort, but eventually the crystal started to collapse in on itself as Bane finally managed to get a hold of it, and began to shred it. Once the entire crystal was gone, Bane was able to continue his work with the rest of the valley.

Another hour passed before the last of the crystals were finally shredded into tiny shards. During this time, the amount of energy that had been released was more than enough for Bane to refine the demonic energy into a staggering amount of mana. The vast pool of energy contained within his body pressed out against his veins, making Bane feel like he was being pushed from the inside.

'Are you sure about this?' Onyx asked, but Bane didn't reply. 'At least wait until Angar gets back.'

Bane shook his head. 'No. I have enough mana to at least try, and this is a very unique situation. Considering that I have to get rid of the energy somehow, and my plans for this demon dust, doing this now will save me time, which I am sure I don't have a lot of."

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