The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 144: Papa Takeshi

Onyx remained quiet, and observed the now millions of pink crystal shards that had once covered the now scar-like and empty valley with a massive pit in the center. Bane stood next to the pit, and closed his eyes while taking a deep breath.

'Are you going to do it?' Onyx asked, and Bane nodded before reaching out with his senses.

A smile slipped onto Bane's lips as he felt the energy start to stir within him. "I am really excited about this."

'You know that this amount of energy is enough to atomize your body and send your essence to scatter in every direction, right? This isn't something I can just reverse if you screw up! You better not fuck this up!' Onyx warned, but Bane just scoffed.

"This should be pretty easy. I already used the spell once when I chopped up the first bag of demon dust," Bane shrugged as two massive spell circles formed with one on top of the other, making it hard to tell that there was more than one.

'Pffft! Just because you make it sound simple does not mean that it will! You can't just layer a spell to make it bigger after you have already created it! No one ever tries to use basic spells to create complicated ones in the first place because increasing their size after is too complicated!' Onyx snapped, but Bane just twirled his finger.

"Give it a rest. I understand what you are saying, but I don't need to layer more spells or anything crazy like what you are thinking..." Bane complained, but then a sideways look intended for Onyx appeared on his face. "You know, you have a pretty narrow viewpoint for someone that is supposed to be a higher being. What is that about?"

'My view is not narrow, but you seem to think that you can make magic do whatever you want when I know there are clear limitations, and what they are. While you have the advantage of me in your mind to help speed up your spell casting, you are still limited in your knowledge, but you keep trying to get around those limitations, and it is pissing me off!' Onyx growled, and Bane frowned.

"That's fair, but I don't see the problem. Isn't it just like a puzzle? You get all the pieces out, and then arrange them until they fit together?" Bane asked, but Onyx shook his head.

'It isn't a puzzle. Magic is like building a wall, or a bridge. The pieces do not change shape. They have to be arranged in a particular way, and while some things can be adapted, you must still follow the natural laws without skipping steps!'

Finally, Bane put up a hand. "Fine, dumbass. It is time for Papa Takeshi to teach YOU a lesson."

"A lesson? Did that demon dust rot your brain, or are you really dense enough to think that you could school me in anything?' Onyx demanded in a condescending voice, but Bane only shrugged with a smile.

"Just fucking pay attention, old man," Bane sighed with annoyance, but choose not to send a retort back. Nothing was going to spoil his entertainment.

Focusing on the two spell circles, Bane turned one on its axis to make it face vertically at himself, while the other remained laying flat. With a clap of his hands, the horizontal spell circle separated to rise above and below, displaying each individual spell used to create the original.

"Now, as you can see, this spell is made up of all the spells that I combined, which changes the original stacked spell into something completely different. Still, at the end of the day, each one is just a combination of runes that all have purposes," Bane explained, but as he did, a copy of himself split off.

"While this is interesting, I don't understand what any of this has to do with making your point," Onyx explained after a few moments of staring at the separated spell.

Bane nodded. "I can see how you wouldn't, but here is a question. If I can combine spells to create new magic, and peel apart my current spells, what is stopping me from taking or adding to them?"

Onyx turned to Bane to stare at him with a mirror of his own image before shaking his head.

"What you are talking about is something that needs surgical precision. Something that no normal being could ever hope to achieve, and there had been nothing but examples of failure in the past. While you might think you have stumbled onto a new piece of knowledge, it has been known for longer than I have been alive, but it never works. Every person that has ever tried it has either died at best, or had their body broken and all energy channels in their body broken."

Bane smirked, but then pointed at the second circle. "I can see why people fail, and I know that there is a risk, but this spell is pretty simple. As long as I make sure to control the process, I should be able to get the effect that I want."

"And what effect is that?" Onyx asked, and Bane shrugged.

"Increase all the parameters of the spell. I want it bigger and faster. Since that is the case," Bane explained, and then started to draw runes in the air that floated up to join with the lines of runes that floated above and below the spell.

These runes were all basic spells, but they had not been used to create the spell in the first place. In fact, Bane was using them to increase the speed and size of the spell, while at the same time leaving the rest of it alone.

'If you really can pull this off, it would mean a huge leap forward in your ability to cast spells,' Onyx muttered, but Bane nodded without a smile on his face.

"Sure, but this kind of thing is nearly useless in battle. It is more of something that I can piss around with when I have time, or if I am planning for something," Bane explained as he finished the first spell circle. "This also isn't something I wouldn't try without you being in my head. It is much easier to create a basic spell and use you to copy and paste the spell while in a fight, but I can still see how useful this will be to me in the future."

When Bane was finished, he condensed the spell back to normal, and without a word, started to break apart the second spell.

Onyx could do nothing more than stare at the new spell circle the human beside him had created. Internally, Onyx was screaming, 'How can this brainless meathead do something that not even a Supreme One would dare to try?!' Still, no matter how he looked at Bane's new spell, Onyx couldn't find anything wrong with it.

With a clap of his hands, Bane sent both spell circles into the air above the pit, and then stepped back. "Now, I would like to say I was trying to teach you something, but I just wanted to show off."

Onyx shook his head. "You really are a dickhead, but I guess I will keep quiet for now."

A smirk spread over Bane's lips, but then he focused on the shards that had been floating around them. Instantly, a large number of shards rushed to get between the two spells before they slammed together with a sound like a thunderclap.


The moment the sounds cracked, both spells activated, and an intense light like nothing Bane had ever seen before started to flash between the circles. Each light was a razor thin blade of mana, and thousands of them began to chop the pink shards into thousands of tiny pieces that were too small to be seen.

With the speed the shards were being cut apart, Bane was surprised that the sound didn't reach him. Even more so, the amount of power radiating from the spell was almost enough to force him to close his eyes.

It was strange, but the more shards that were destroyed, the faster and more powerful the blades of mana became. Before long, Bane couldn't even see the individual blades anymore, but there was no doubt that what was left of the shards was far less than, but this was just the beginning.

After a few minutes, the mana blades stopped, but then Bane sent a second wave of shards into the spell. This time, however, it only took thirty seconds for them to be completely destroyed, and it was clear that the power behind the spell had not diminished.

Sending in a third wave, Bane nodded to himself as the spell continued to devour the shards at a blinding pace.

'This spell is more than enough to finish the job, but I am worried that you are going to run out of shards before this spell runs out of mana,' Onyx said, and Bane agreed with him, but there was little he could do.

"Meh, I will just leave it. Not like it will do anything if nothing goes between the circles, and even if something does, whatever. This location was already considered dangerous, and it will only take a few demons to get chopped to bits to keep the others away," Bane shrugged, but then turned to look at the valley with a smile. "Now, it is time to bag my product."

Without another word, Bane used demonic energy to lift himself into the air, and then started to float across the ground. As he did, Bane waved his hand, creating hundreds of glass mason jars, and the demon dust started to swirl like a tornado, filling each of the jars. While this was happening, Bane casually made lids, and sealed each one of the jars.

After about 30 minutes, the job was complete, and Bane had gained 356 mason jars of demon dust.

"Not too shabby. I almost got enough to snort a jar a day for an entire year!" Bane laughed, but then turned his head to the east. "Looks like I finished just in time."

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