The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 145: Loyalty, or Blind Faith?

Onarousa City | Population 5.6 million demons | Royal Dungeon

A magic binding collar was snapped around Nia, Elexis, and Zerynthia’s neck before the three of them were shoved roughly into an empty cell. Not one of them dared to complain, or act out like they had been with Bane. They were in the capital of the entire demon world, and all three knew how the demons here treated demon women like them.

They were the lowest of the low while imprisoned like this, and if they were caught having sex with any male demon, even if forced, they would be tortured and killed in the most gruesome fashion possible. The same thing would happen if they dared to touch themselves, or each other.

The only exception to this rule was if they were pregnant, and even that was only for nine months before they were either given away as slaves, or forced to kill their own child. These three had heard horror stories of demon women that had gone mad because of this practice, and those stories were only passed around to ensure that other weak demon women stayed in line.

Things were not like this for the strong women, but there was always someone stronger. Power and fortune could be taken in a mere moment, and life could return to servitude just as fast. For these three women, there was no escape from the horrors that awaited them if they stepped out of line.

"This is a fine mess we are in," Zerynthia muttered after taking a seat against the far wall. She was fully clothed for once, her red dress loose and baggy with a turtleneck to hide any of her features. Fortunately, the magic collar only prevented her from casting new spells, and it didn't stop her from using her innate abilities.

"We will survive. We just have to be patient," Elexis sighed as she sat down next to Zerynthia.

"What will become of us?" Nia asked, and sat down next to Elexis, pushing her long black hair out of her face and behind her ear.

Zerynthia leaned forward and turned her head to look at Nia. "Dead if he doesn't come get us, but since that monster of a Zerifa has taken the throne, we will likely become her playthings. Tasty servants that she will keep around so she can eat when she likes."

Elexis was about to say something, but bone chilling female laughter made all three of the women freeze in place.

"Not very nice to talk about someone when they are not around, Zerynthia. One would have thought getting cast out for being more trouble than you are worth would have made you grow. Clearly, that is not the case," Empress Zerifa taunted as the cell door opened, and she walked in. "You are just as venomous and useless as the day you were cast out."

The fat queen was dressed in nothing but a golden silk robe that barely covered her rotund form, but all three of the demon women could sense that she was in a very good mood.

"Your majesty, you look absolutely stunning! Have you lost weight?" Elexis asked, and quickly moved to kowtow before Zerifa.

Zerynthia's face went blank, but she said nothing as she slowly got up, and then bowed before the new ruler of the demon world. "I must admit, I never imagined that such a fatass like you could ever become queen, but the moons must all be blue."

Nia quickly followed suit, but before she could say anything, a violent pressure crushed all three into the ground.

"The only reason why I don't throw you to the guards or eat you myself is so that I can wait until I have the human captured. Then I will force him to watch you all be used and ripped apart. Only then when this human is in the pit of despair will I take him and then devour him," Zerifa sneered, and then released her pressure.

All three demons coughed up blood, but Elexis looked up and wiped her mouth with a sadistic smile.

"You keep calling Bane a human, but you don't seem to understand. That creature left his humanity behind in another life it seems. The only thing that you did by taking us was make a godlike existence annoyed. You are nothing more than an ant that can't see that it is about to be squashed," Elexis spat, and Nia raised her head.

"Master froze an entire volcano, and for 100 miles in every direction! There is even another god that lives inside of him! You should hide far far away, and renounce your place as empress. That way, Master might not chase after you," Nia explained, but Zerifa only laughed at her.

"It doesn't matter how strong this human is, or what he can do. You see, I am not alone. Even now, the other 10 demon rulers are joining my cause, and together we will crush him," Zerifa explained, but then turned around with a wave. "Now, enjoy your time together because I will be keeping you alive until I catch your master. The three of you have my gratitude for helping me get rid of this problem."

After the queen left and the door was closed, Zerythia turned to glare at the two other women.

"Do you both really believe he will save us? Is it not more reasonable that he will just kill Zerifa, and then leave this world?" She demanded, but the other two shook their heads.

"He saved me, and he saved Nia, so there is no doubt in my mind that he will come for us. You will see!" Elexis assured the phoenix, and Nia nodded with a smile.

"You just need to have faith," Nia explained, and Zerynthia sighed before standing up.

"You two are both crazy, and this faith will get you killed. He clearly doesn't like any of us, no matter how hard we throw and offer ourselves up to him. However, I will be patient, and wait to see if he shows up. Not like we have many other options at this point," Zerynthia sighed as she took a seat in the corner, and then curled up to try and get some sleep.

She had been captured once before, and while she wasn't exactly happy about her current situation, she was familiar with it. As long as she kept her mouth shut, things wouldn't be too bad, but if Bane didn't show up... Zerynthia shook her head. If he didn't show up, it meant that the world was fucked, and there was nothing she could do.

"Do you really believe he will save us?" Nia asked Elexis quietly, and the five eyed blue demoness flicked her forehead.

"He told us that he would give us a chance to plead our case to the woman that he loves. That means that he is willing if we can get approval. I think that means that a small part of him does actually care about us, or we would have been left for dead long ago. He could have even killed us to silence us after annoying him so much, but we are still alive," Elexis explained, but Nia frowned and scratched her nose.

"I don't know why he cares about what his wife thinks, but I guess I will follow your lead on this one," Nia muttered, but Elexis only smiled.

"This is not the first time I have been in a situation like this, and while I am a little nervous, I am also very confident in our chances to survive." Elexis looked down at Nia, and then hugged her against her breasts. "I believe that if we survive this, our lives will take a dramatic turn for the better. Even more if we can convince his first wife, which shouldn't really be a problem if we work together."

Nia blushed a little, and then pushed her face into Elexis' chest.

"Why do I feel so safe when you hug me like this?" Nia muttered, but Elexis only shrugged.

"You were a lonely little girl that was rejected by everyone, and now you have found another lonely person with the same goal," Elexis explained, but Nia didn't seem to fully accept it, even as she drifted off to sleep.

Zerynthia could hear everything they said, but she didn't say anything. Demons were no different from monsters most of the time, and all of them had experienced hardships in the past. Even after Zerynthia had fought and gained the strength to stand next to Ragnath, she had let her pride get the best of her, and this was where it got her.

"Faith, huh? If it can save us, I guess I will give it a try," Zerynthia muttered to herself before she closed her eyes to get some rest.

She couldn't afford to act out like she normally would have. Not when her life was at stake.

On the other side of Onarousa City, a man dressed in black clothes and wearing a mask that resembled a crow sat atop of a roof. He had watched the three Raven's enter the city with the women, and knew it heralded something, but what it was, Gilbrax was not sure.

Standing, the demon started to laugh as he looked up into the night sky, putting one hand on his face to cover one eye as he did.

"Yes! I think there is something interesting coming! A human in the demon world! Just how long have I been alive in this godforsaken world? Is it finally time to leave this place and return to vengeance, Ceres?" Gilbrax asked no one, but then turned to look at the royal palace.

"It doesn't matter who is in charge. None of you deserve to rule the demon world, or even live here. The only reason I haven't killed you all yet is because it is far too easy, but now the Prison Breaker has arrived. I just have to be noticed, and make a good impression on this human."

Gilbrax reached down and rubbed the top of his left thigh, where his flesh had been replaced by cold metal.

"This body that you made me into is the perfect thing to destroy, locking me in every life, but I will find you in my next life when I get out of this prison," Gilbrax whispered before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

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