Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 57: So… like a Build-A-Bear?

After the defeat of Gaius and with the dungeon cleared, Sanae and I exited the Underground Catacombs... with Bane alongside us~!


At long last, Bane has been freed from the confines of the dungeon as he snuggles up to me while I pat his head.

"Bane really likes you, huh? I'm kind of jealous." Sanae remarked, looking envious at me.

"Then you want to snuggle as well?" I asked her, opening my left arm out, inviting her, while my right arm was patting Bane.

"Hmm... Maybe after we log out." She replied. "For now, let's get back to the city."

"Ok. Then let's ride on Bane back to the city."

"We can do that?"

"We can. Right, buddy?"


With permission from Bane, we sat on his back and rode all the way back to Arialight. But just as we were about to enter the city this way, we were stopped by a gate guard NPC who politely asked us to descend from Bane's back. During which, other players by the gate were murmuring something about us but we were too far from them to pick up what they were saying.

"My apologies, Miss Yoru. But we cannot allow monsters to enter the city as it might scare some people and cause a commotion if we do." The gate guard NPC explained, who was also seemingly afraid of Bane right next to him.

"Oh, alright. I understand." I then turned to Sanae, who nodded in response as she un-summoned Bane into his orb and tucked him away.

After that, we were permitted entry into the city.

"So what shall we do now?" Sanae asked me. However, I have no idea as well and needed to think for a bit before I could answer.


A new region has been unlocked after the patch update. So maybe we can explore there next?

Let's umm... Oh! Why don't we get you some new skills?" I suggested that instead. "There's a skill shop right next to the auction house where we were earlier. So let's buy you some new skills. Afterwards, we can go and explore the new region together."

"Sounds like a plan." Sanae agreed to it and slapped me on the back. "Lead the way then, Yoru!"


We headed straight for the skill shop and were greeted by the NPC staff there upon entering the premises.

"Welcome, Miss Yoru and her companion. How may we help you today?" She asked.

"My girlfriend is here to buy some skills." I answered the staff's question. "Could you take us to the VIP room so that we can view the catalogue?"

"Of course. Please follow me."

Sanae and I were escorted to the VIP room and sat on the comfy couch. The staff then handed us the catalogue book, a handbell and served us tea and snacks before leaving us to our own accord.

"Oh wow... Is this how the shop treats their customers?" Sanae questioned, amazed by the exclusive treatment we're receiving.

"No. It's apparently because of a skill that only I have that made this sort of service possible."

"I see. Well then, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see what skills they have available." Sanae said, as she began looking through the catalogue in silence. Focusing her attention into the book like an avid reader.

It should take a while before she decides which skills she wants to buy. Which is why in the meantime, I decided to check out the cash shop I'd heard about from Hikari, a week ago on the day of the game's first event.

I can't believe I put that off for so long. Now let's see...

I explored through the menu for a bit, trying to locate the cash shop. It did not take long for me to find and access it immediately, resulting in a large fancy window screen to pop out in front of my face, showing me the front page of the cash shop.

Oh wow. There's a lot of things here.

Character appearance... Equipment aesthetics... Ah! Lamp Bug overhauls. This is the one that should allow me to change Lampy's appearance, right?

I clicked on the category and began scrolling all of the available appearance changes that I can apply onto Lampy. However, as it was sorted by popularity by default, most of these "changes" would just straight up alter Lampy's race altogether.

What the hell!?

The top three most popular Lamp Bug overhauls are the pixies, fairies and a single ball of light. A freaking ball of light!

I understand that some players may not like to have a giant firefly, the size of a person's head, as their light. But still, the game calls them "Lamp Bug" for a reason. So let them remain as bugs, dammit!

No... I suppose in this case, I should blame the devs for giving players the option to change their Lamp Bug's race. In which case... Curse you, devs! The disrespect towards Lampy shall not be forgotten!

But anyways, I went back to checking the Lamp Bug overhauls out, scrolling through page by page in the category until I stumbled across one that caught my attention.

Oh... my goodness! I can give Lampy a top hat and a monocle? That's amazing!

I added the overhaul into my wishlist and scrolled onto the next page. That's when I found something even better than the top hat and monocle overhaul.

Maid Lampy!? I can dress Lampy in a maid outfit? This is crazy!

But now a problem has arisen due to it. Which overhaul should I give Lampy to?


"Hey Yoru, take a look at this skill!" Sanae caught my attention as I was thinking.

"Huh? What skill?" I set my dilemma for later as I checked out the skill Sanae was asking me to look at.

"Chimera Monster Creation...? Is it a skill that lets you create your own monster?"

"Yup. It says here that it's a Summoner exclusive skill that utilizes the body parts of any monsters to create one whole summonable monster for the user. Results vary based on the parts used and number of them added for the creation. Maximum body parts that can be used is 200."

"I see. So it's like a Build-A-Bear, huh?"

"What's a Build-A-Bear?"

"It's an American store that allows their customers to customize their own teddy bear when they buy one. Mion told me about it, being the half-American that she is. Apparently, there used to be one in Japan but they're closed now, so yeah...."

"Uhhh.... huh.... Yeah, I guess you compare it to that. So, should I buy it? It sounds amazing based on the description."

"Why not? It's not like it would hurt to get it, right?"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to get it then!"

Without any time to waste, Sanae rang the handbell to call for the shop's staff. A few seconds later, the same NPC staff who guided us here came, as Sanae proceeded to list out the skills she wanted to buy. Including the Chimera Monster Creation skill we had discussed.

"I'll take this, this, this, and this."


The staff acknowledged Sanae's order. Then, Sanae turns to me.

"Are there any skills you want?" She asked, handing me the catalogue.

"Let me see..." I began flipping through the pages quickly, skimming through each page briefly.

Oh. This one is... quite expensive but.....

"Heh... Hehehe~"

How interesting.

"Get me this one, please."

"Understood, Miss Yoru. I shall bring the skill scrolls shortly." The staff replied and left to go and get them.

"Soooo.... What kind of a skill are you getting?" Sanae questioned me curiously after the staff had left.

"You'll see soon enough." I answered in a gleeful tone. "Let's just say... It's a skill that I am most likely to use a lot in the future. Hehehe~"

"Hmmm, is that so...? I look forward to seeing it in action then."

"I look forward to using it as well. Oh and by the way..." I then changed the subject. "I was checking out the cash shop earlier and I want to consult you about something."

"What is it?" Sanae replied.

"Should I give Lampy a top hat and a monocle or a maid outfit?" I shot my question.

"Top hat and monocle." Sanae immediately shot back with her answer.

"That was a quick answer. Why?"

"Because it's a top hat and a monocle. You can never go wrong with a top hat and a monocle."

"Hmm. Fair point. Top hat and monocle, it is."

And so, after a quick consultation with Sanae, I keyed in my credit card info to make the one and only purchase I will ever make, using real money in the game.

Voila! Lampy is now dapper with a top hat and a monocle.

"Looking cool, Lampy."

It flew in a circle happily in response to its new look. Then it landed in between my cleavage, resting in that spot comfortably.

Afterwards, Sanae and I finalized the transaction for our skill scrolls, as we exited the skill shop ready to venture into the new region of the game.

But first...!

"Let's logout and get lunch first, shall we? It's 1pm already." I pointed the time out.

"Oh yeah. You're right. So what will you be making?" Sanae asked.

"I'm thinking of making pizza. You want to help?"

"Are you sure about that? I'm a bad cook, remember?"

I then laughed in response to Sanae's remark about herself. "Girl... Your mom is the bad cook. You just can't make a simple omelette."

"And I take that as a compliment." Sanae said proudly.

"So will you be helping or nah?"

"If you don't mind your kitchen being messy afterwards, then sure. I'm in."

I laughed again. "I don't mind. Kitchens tend to end up messy after they are used. Plus, if you're worried about yourself, you could just take a bath."

"Aah. That is true. In that case..." Sanae then moved closer to me and whispered into my ear, "If we both end up in a mess, we could take a bath together~"

Those words she'd whispered caught me off guard and stunned for a second, as my face turned red. However, as if she was done teasing me for the time being, Sanae swiftly hit the logout button on her menu and was transported out of the game. Giving me a smug look of victory before she was gone.

Good grief, that woman...

"I love her so much."

I then logged out of the game too.

I'm going to take a break for a week. Need to work on a group project.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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